I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 209 Raging Soul

"Hmph, I'm also afraid that the Phoenix Che Youhui will not come."

At the top of Mount Haruna, a row of modified four-wheeled sports cars of various shapes are neatly parked on the viewing platform.

Dozens of men in racing suits and black suits stood in front of the team, looking at the motorcycle headlights that appeared down the mountain, and showed grim smiles.

"It seems that your group of'drivers' still care about you as the leader."

Surrounded by the men are a few men lying on the ground wearing special attack uniforms from the mobsters.

Among them is the city's main palace with a swollen nose and confused consciousness.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Wait, this amount..."

Listening to the increasingly dense locomotive exhaust, looking at the winding track at the foot of the mountain, the headlights of the locomotive that stretched like sparks of fire gradually lit up, and the face of the leading man changed slightly.

It was Jin Shan Zhang who had only interviewed Araki Sosuke during the day.

In the underground car race of Harunayama, he has always taken care of the betting market behind him, so he will come to check if there is any trouble.

"Contact headquarters immediately..."

Before he could finish, the most powerful cars in the locomotive team had already appeared in his sight.

Leading the team at the forefront is a black and white Yamaha XJR4000 locomotive.

Riding on the car was a man with a small golden oil head and a six-pointed star carved on his sideburns.

The white violent clan special offensive suit on his body is constantly flying against the gust of wind, and words such as "phoenix", "Namo Amitabha" and "I am the only one in the sky" are faintly visible.

The locomotive got closer, but it didn't mean to slow down at all. Instead, it ejected from the traffic and rushed towards the crowd at the top of the mountain.

"Hey, this kid...do you want to die?"

Seeing the locomotive that was crushed like a razor with a destructive aura, Jin Shanzhang subconsciously reached out and touched the short knife on his waist.

A blond man walked out from behind, reaching out and holding down the hilt of his knife.

"Jin Shan Sang, keep your breath."

Facing the galloping locomotive, the blond man did not retreat but moved in, with his hands in his pockets, and calmly stepped out of the crowd.

The black and white locomotive rushed to the front at a wild speed, and a tail-raising lifted the rear wheel high. After some of the kinetic energy was consumed, the tires slammed on the ground, and then rotated at a 90-degree angle, and steadily braked horizontally. It was less than half a meter in front of everyone.

This operation caused the men in the front row to soften their feet and fell to the ground.

Obviously, he was just riding the dust, and it seemed that there was a force of thousands of horses, leaving dozens of people in the three-member group silent for a time.

Steaming smoke and dust immediately rose up from the asphalt, emitting a strong smell of burnt tires, as if this locomotive had come from a scorching hell.

The man on the bike stepped off the car with a big pinch, bowed his head and lit a cigarette.

Then, his nostrils were raised, his brows furrowed, his eyes looked sharply at the dozens of people in front of him, and he said lightly: "Under the'Pheonix Runaway Group' Araki Sosuke, I heard that someone here wants to compete?"

This man who took the lead up the mountain took the time to take a bath, change his clothes, and change for the "Warring States Samurai" Araki Sosuke who came here.

"Araki Sosuke...is it you?"

Jin Shanzhang frowned when he saw the visitor clearly.

Isn't this just the guy who didn't know how to promote him during the interview during the day, and he almost didn't recognize him when he wore the clothes.

"Oh, isn't this an interviewer of the three-member group? So you are also a racing fan?"

Seeing the "acquaintance" opposite, Sosuke Araki greeted him indifferently.

"Araki Zongsuke? Boy who has never heard of it, what is it arrogant!"

"Asshole, you dare to run over by yourself, do you want to follow your friend's footsteps?"

The few men who had just gotten up from the ground took out things such as baseball bats and butterfly knives in embarrassment, and yelled at Sosuke Araki with the people behind them.

"Hey, let's come to the game, do you still have to do it in the end..."

Seeing the people in front of him who were about to make a difference, Araki Sosuke lightly unbuttoned the special attack uniform without fear, grabbed one side of the collar, and lifted off the special attack uniform...


"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time, with the sound of exhaust, the caravan behind was approaching at high speed.

The violent roar of locomotives drowned everything, and the torrent of headlights was as dazzling as the Milky Way in the night sky.

Hundreds of men riding motorcycles, wearing white special attack uniforms, and holding baseball bats surrounded the top of the mountain.

"If you want to do it, we will accompany you... I never said... I came alone..."

Put the special attack suit in your hands on the back seat of the locomotive in a precious and important place...

The naked Araki Sosuke turned his head, put his hands in his pockets, leaned back slightly, and looked at the blond man in front of him without fear.

With this turn, he seemed to be in a river of light, making it impossible to look directly at his face.

The engines of hundreds of locomotives played a comfortable rhythm, flowing under the night of Jinming Mountain, just like the soul of running away in the quiet night that never stops.

Under the reflection of the locomotive's headlights, his sturdy upper body, unknown runes, and the glaring Bodhisattva on his back are all visible, looking as terrible as a peerless god.


At this moment, Jin Shanzhang seemed to understand why Minister Tianteng was so optimistic about this person.

If everyone has their own talents, this guy was born to walk the extreme way.

Dozens of men were surrounded by hundreds of locomotives on the top of the mountain. Some of them could not stabilize their weapons, and some began to call for help.

"Let’s get acquainted with Taiyi on Xiaqiu Island. He is the organizer of the three-group Hazel Mountain Bike Race and also a rider. In this battle of the Phoenix Race, do you want to start a full-scale battle with the three-group?"

The blond man standing in front of Araki Sosuke looked at him without fear, and stretched out his hand unhurriedly.

Cooperating with Jin Shan Zhang, who is in charge of the handicap, to actually manage the Jinshan Underground Race, it is Taiichi Taichi, who is the strongest driver in the three-handed race.

In their opinion, the Phoenix Runaway Group is nothing more than a motorcycle club organized by a group of unscrupulous teenagers.

Compared with the "Sankou Group", Japan's second largest Jidao organization, which aims to make profit, is strictly disciplined, and has strong funds, it is just a group of stragglers.

Driving them away is like a professional player driving away a group of high school students on the basketball court.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Araki Zongsuke directly ignored Taichi's hand extended.

"Sorry, I borrowed it..."

He squeezed the trio away carelessly, and walked straight to the city's main palace surrounded by a few people.

Seeing his armor-like tattoos all over his body, and his eyes like hell evil spirits, the men in the three-group group retreated with his footsteps as if they encountered a torrent of reefs.

"Brother Araki...sorry...but, I...I didn't move my gun..."

In the middle of the crowd, Shihongu Xing opened slightly swollen eyes like eggs, saw the man in front of him clearly, and then said with some guilt.

"Very well, next, let the seniors handle it."

In the smoky smoke, Araki Sosuke's expression was a bit indistinguishable.

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