On Zhenming Mountain Road.

Just as Araki Sosuke's thoughts drifted away, the two cars that rushed out of the starting point one after another had already ushered in the first corner.

Taiichi Taichi immediately slammed on the accelerator, madly turned the steering wheel in his hand, and pressed the brake at the same time.

The front of the RX-10 was close to the inside of the curve and started to enter the curve with a very standard drift.

Brakes drift.

This is the driving skills that Taiichi Tongjima has honed on this mountain road for many years, which is as proficient as breathing.

He grew up in Gunma Prefecture. Since the age of 13, his father would put a glass of beer in the middle of the driver's seat every day, asking him to cross the mountain road in the early morning to deliver sausages to the restaurant.

If the beer spills or the sausage shakes, he will be tortured by "sausage breaking" when he returns home when he is young, so this mountain road is as familiar to him as his own home.

For racing races such as F1, although the line-and-turning is slightly less enjoyable, it is indeed a more efficient and stable cornering method than drifting, but...

On a track like Mount Haruna, where the whole body turns at every turn of 180 degrees, the only benevolent cornering technique can only be drift.

Drift, also known as tail flick, is a side-slip driving method in which the front wheels maintain grip and the rear wheels lose grip.

For two-wheeled locomotives, especially light locomotives such as XJR4000, it is extremely unstable and almost impossible to incorporate into routine operations.

Manipulating a two-wheeled locomotive to drift, whether it is an imbalance of the center of gravity, or one of the front and rear wheels slipping, will lead to extremely terrible results.

He had just seen specifically that the XJR4000 used only cheap tires instead of front and rear wheels with different grips for the purpose of creating a difference in rotational torque.

After the locomotive speeds up, it is difficult to steer the front of the car. If you do not use drift but normal bending, you will inevitably lose a lot of kinetic energy.

Just when Taiichi Kojima thought that his opponent would lose speed due to cornering and be overtaken by his own handsome drift...

The XJR4000 ahead, began to sprint towards the curve at a faster speed.

"So speeding up, is that guy going to hit the guardrail directly?"

Just when he thought about it, Araki Sosuke seemed to have caused a crash due to an operating error, and his whole body fell towards the inner corner...

With this rather abrupt fall, the "Warrior of the Warring States" swept the curve in front of the ground at the extreme distance, and disappeared from the sight of RX-10.

"What?! Can bending bend to this degree?"

Taiyi Kojima looked at the scene in front of him in surprise and almost made a mistake in his operation.

Through the headlights, he clearly saw that at that moment, the distance between Araki Sosuke's knees and elbows was no more than five centimeters from the ground.

Bending is a very basic cornering technique for motorcycles.

But basics do not mean easy to master.

Like Sosuke Araki’s extreme high-speed bending just now, in addition to the correct bending route and precise control of the throttle brake, it also requires strong physical fitness and control ability to maintain the balance of the forces on all sides of the locomotive and maximize the At the same time, it can avoid accidents caused by friction with the ground.

Is this guy hiding the Hulk in his body?


"Brother Araki is okay...After all, after'that incident', he hasn't ran this road for almost three years."

On the top of the mountain, Kenjiro looked nervously at the car's taillights disappearing in the distance.

"Don't worry, Brother Araki, but the only person who has matched the record of Brother Kosaka."

Ichi Honmiya, who was covering his face with an ice bag, looked up at the starry sky above his head, and seemed not at all worried about the result of the game.

"Huh, you want to beat Taiyi's RX-10 with that master Yamaha, you are so naive..."

Jin Shanzhang on the side heard the conversation between the two and chuckled disdainfully.

Taiyi on the island is a god-level driver who has worked so hard to dig out the trio. With his amazing skills, he rules the order of the underground car race and the betting handicap.

"The first corner leading is...XJR4000?! He didn't even slow down at all. With the minimum corners and extreme close-to-ground bending, he maintained a fairly high cornering speed..."

At the same time, a message from the first corner came from the walkie-talkie on the side.

Jin Shanzhang's expression suddenly changed.

If it were normal, the first corner would be enough for Taiyi to get rid of his opponent.

"Your Excellency may not know that a few years ago, there was a popular saying in Mount Haruna..."

The city's main palace line leaned on the railing and looked up at the sky.

Hearing what he said, Kenjiro seemed to think of something, and replied with tears in his eyes: "From the moment he leaned over, the game was over."

Brother Araki, but the only one who inherited "Death Landing" from that person.


"The second and third corners are U-shaped reverse serial curves. I see how you press it..."

On the downhill, Taiyi Shimao bit the XJR4000 in the rear.

He did not overtake the opponent in the first corner because he underestimated the enemy.

But for the victory of the game, he is determined to win.

After all, his RX-10 uses the latest turbocharged three-rotor engine technology, with two electric motors to provide power for the front axle, with a combined total output of up to 1030 horsepower.

No matter how good the technology is, it also needs powerful hardware to play it.

On the straight road, the RX-10 is like a cheetah waiting for its prey in the grass, clinging to the XJR4000 ahead.

As soon as he enters the outside of the corner, he will rely on high speed to run in parallel with the opponent, and use the advantage of the inside to succeed in overtaking when the next reverse corner is reversed and the inside and outside are swapped.

This is a technique called counterattack overtaking.

Facing the continuous curve ahead, the RX-10 swung its head slightly after drifting in a proficient way, and immediately entered the second curve with a reverse drift.

Inertial drift.

However, even though he rushed out of the serial curve relying on perfect operation, he found that the opponent's taillight had disappeared in the next curve.

Because that XJR4000, just now, with its terrifying bending skills close to the ground infinitely, passed the series of reverse turns almost without slowing down.

"How is it possible?!! How could he make consecutive reverse turns faster than me...that guy can actually use the technique of moving the center of gravity so extreme?"

This reminded him of a certain nickname he had heard on Mount Haruna many years ago.

"Invisible taillights."

"In that case, let's decide on a straight line."

Taiyi Kojima gritted his teeth, and with the high speed of the RX-10, he quickly saw the other side's taillight again on the straight ahead.

"It's catching up again... After all, is the performance gap too big?"

Sousuke Araki sighed slightly when he saw the headlights rapidly zooming in in the rearview mirror.

XJR4000, as a four-cylinder sacred car born in the 1990s, is famous for its explosive sound waves and refreshing power.

Although Sosuke Araki’s XJR4000 has undergone several explosive changes over the years, in the face of the latest RX-10, it is only equipped with the so-called "retro sports model". It is at a complete disadvantage in terms of performance. It appears to be weakened.

"Hmph, let me show you that in this fast-paced era, slow-heating classic cars also have their own charm."

Thinking about this, Sosuke Araki looked away from the rearview mirror and looked at the road ahead with all his attention.


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