"Uhh...I have worked hard for so long, but still can't read all the data..."

The eyes suffered from the opponent's excessively "bulging" visual impact, and at the same time stimulated the acceleration of heartbeat and the increase in blood pressure. Two lines of nosebleeds spewed out instantly, and splashed around as Araki Sosuke fell down.

A few of them happened to be splashed on the heads of the two stone people, and slowly poured into them.


Putting the portrait aside in a hurry, Araki Sosuke found a tissue to block his nose, and randomly wiped the "True Eye Prototype No. 1" which was soiled by his nosebleed not far away.

Too underestimate the enemy, the opponent is such a strong person, it seems that his Void Eye still needs more training...

The defeated Araki Sosuke had to focus his attention on the DVD player in front of him again, and calm himself down by the black and white boring picture.

Just when Sosuke Araki was suffering in the silent late night...

In the ninth lesson command room, a group of people are also suffering.

There was an open space in the center of the originally large command room, with dozens of beds densely arranged.

The tall Yamada Kengo, the Mediterranean's Hiroshi Tsukimoto, and the energetic Tokimoto Ichiro are lying on three of the beds with their eyes closed, with earphones on their heads.

On the rest of the bed, there were also several detectives who were heavily armed, wearing headphones, and sticking talisman paper on their chests.

Mochizuki Ayano and several information team agents are busy in front of the computer on the side.

However, whether it is the eyes of the three spirit exterminators or the agents, from time to time, subconsciously skimming over a bed in the corner, it seems that there is something interesting there.

On that bed, a young man with a split head was lying with his eyes closed and his clothes.

He had a cold complexion, imposing aura, and dressed in a priest's uniform. Even if he was just lying on the bed, he exuded a holy breath, and he was not an ordinary character at first glance.

Awesomely "the favored one who has met once in four thousand years", "the leader of contemporary young spirit eliminators", "the next great priest of Meiji Jingu", "killed the level [3] the resentful spirit alone", the spirit eliminator Takumi Fujiwara, whose registered ID is "Kang John".

At this moment, whether it is an inspired spirit remover or an agent wearing a spirit detective goggles, you can see a magnificent scene.

From time to time, the spiritual power of the "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern", which represents the royal emblem of Japan, is scattered around the bed of Fujiwara Takumi.

"It's no wonder everyone cares, after all, that is the power of the gods from Emperor Meiji..."

Seeing the reassuring golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power, Mochizuki Ayano smiled lightly.

The priests of Meiji Jingu, the god son of Emperor Meiji and Empress Dowager Shoken, the spiritual power with the royal emblem, naturally came from the care of those two.

This is the first time that this genius spirit remover actively asked to participate in their joint action.

It seems that thanks to the sense of threat brought about by the Pingjiang incident, the Fujiwara clan finally stopped obstructing this genius and allowed him to walk in the sun and implement the justice in his heart.

Although this genius is still obsessed with cultivation, never shot easily, and maintains a "high profile" of only shooting once a month, this is also a big step forward.

According to the mission records of the Spirit Slayers Association, the mission of "Resurgence of the Resentful Spirits in the Merciful and Emergency General Hospital" of the weird level [2] last month was easily solved by him.

The four powerful spirit removers were specially invited to the ninth lesson, naturally not for "sleeping" this kind of thing.

This operation is called "Sakko Capture".

In the past half month, there have been dozens of cases of severe bleeding and death due to unexplained missing legs in part of the time and place.

The common feature of the victims is that they listen to Internet music stations before going to bed.

Several of the victims, because they were in the university dormitory or living with others, heard the victim humming a song to the music in the earphones before going to bed.

The only thing I can confirm is one of the lyrics.

According to the information group's collection and comparison of various ballads on the Internet, it finally locked the song hummed by the victim before his death in the urban legend section of the 2CH forum.


According to the description of the post in 2CH, this song is rumored to be created by several male high school students, and the protagonist of the song is a female high school student named Sako.

The isolated and bullied transfer student Sako accidentally got his legs caught on the railroad track on a snowy night, and could only watch his waist run over by a tram.

Because the temperature was too low and the blood vessels were condensed, she was still breathing, even if only half of her body was left, she struggled with her hands to try to climb to the railway crossing, but eventually stopped breathing within a few minutes.

The temperature dropped sharply along the entire railroad track, killing all.

Before she died, she tried to touch her missing lower body with her hands.

It is said that she was not alone when she died.

The two male classmates on the side did not rescue her before the tram passed by because of fear.

After the accident, two male classmates in the same class as Zuozi made this song playfully.

Three days later, the bodies of the two male classmates were found with their legs missing.

Since then, the song began to circulate on major Internet radio stations and suddenly appeared on the playlist in the dead of night.

"My legs are gone, will you give me yours?"

I heard that as long as someone deliberately sang this line of the song, Sako would come and take his legs.

These are all rumors circulating on the Internet.

Whether there is Sako and the relevant facts, the ninth lesson is still in the process of comparing cases across Japan, and the investigation results have not been reached for the time being.

However, if it is divided into weird levels, regardless of whether the body is strong or not, the killing efficiency and the speed of circulation of this song are enough to be rated as [II] or higher.

After all, the level of weirdness is divided by lethality, and sometimes the combat power of high-level weirdness may not be stronger than that of low-level weirdness.

Because it is suspected that this song has the weird power of hypnotizing ordinary people to sing along, Lesson 9 can only ask the free spirit removers to take turns to serve as "bait".

This is already the fifth night of the start of the "Killing Song Capture" operation.

Because the base of netizens listening to music at night is too large, the "bait" set in Lesson 9 has not been selected so far.

Cases where the legs disappeared out of thin air to death are still happening...

The entire command room, including those who were lying on the bed with their eyes closed and listening to the song, were all in awe.

Only Kengo Yamada actually fell asleep, and the snoring sounded throughout the room.

"This song is clearly spread through the Internet, but the locations of the victims are concentrated in Tokyo... Does this weird also have restrictions on the scope of activities."

Mochizuki Ayano was standing in the fictitious void in his mind, quickly analyzing and comparing the weird information he had at present.

The reason why Lesson 9 attaches so much importance to this action is precisely because of the recent weirdness, all of which have a trend of "Internet +", and they are becoming more and more invisible.

This kind of weirdness that hides in the Internet, kills people invisible, spreads incomparably in speed and area, and makes people invisible, is the first time I have encountered this kind of weirdness.

And the weirdness that appeared in the last two years seems to have quite a lot of common features.

"Killing", "Scope of Activities", "2CH Forum"... and "Being a Buddha".

Under the outline of more and more information, the outline of the black hand that may exist in the mist gradually became clear.

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