I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 274 The First Experience of the Eighth Point

Two hours later.

There are heavy snowflakes falling in the sky, and they are constantly rotating in the night sky with the squalls of the night.

The trail that was originally composed of dark gray volcanic rocks is now covered with a thick layer of snow, and even the maple trees on the side are bent a little because they can't bear the heavy snow.

Since the snow cover starts in September and will not melt until the end of June of the following year, Mount Fuji is usually open for climbing between July and September.

Therefore, there will be no climbers on the mountain trails at night in June.

Wearing a mountaineering jacket from "Qiang", Sosuke Araki lowered his body like a beast, spewing white mist, and ran like a flat on the snowy night, leaving deep footprints.

In the howling wind and snow, Araki Sosuke maintained the mysterious realm of "swordsmanship", keenly observing the faint traces on the ground that had not been covered by the wind and snow, and sprinted up the mountain path without hesitation.

From time to time, the tip of his nose can still faintly smell the orange perfume remaining on the mountain road.

Intuition told him that Mai Hanyu was somewhere in front of this mountain road.

I just need to be faster...faster...

"This... is this guy a pervert? When did his physical strength get so good..."

Erqian Ryoma, who was left behind by him and ran desperately for his life, was out of breath at this moment, sticking out his tongue like a dog.

"I f*ck... for the first time in my life... slap Mount Fuji, it was actually in this situation..."

Even though he likes to hang around Fengyue from get off work on weekdays, in order to pursue better endurance and skills, he has never slackened his physical training every morning and actual combat exercises at night, forging a very capable body.

It is precisely because of his excellent marksmanship and physical fitness, who often wins prizes in various competitions within the police station, that he will be selected and transferred to the search class.

However, as the altitude increases and oxygen becomes thinner, it is impossible to trot up the mountain in the wind and snow like Sosuke Araki did from the fifth station.

Before the second, Ryoma raised his hand and glanced at the time.

Skilled climbers want to go from the fifth station to the eighth station where they are currently, and it takes less than two hours on average.

But for the two of them, it only took less than an hour so far.

Although the record for the fastest race walk of Mount Fuji to the summit, starting from the Yoshida City Hall and passing the Yoshida Trail from the first station to the summit, the entire journey took only 2 hours, 32 minutes and 40 seconds.

But that is also a terrible record that could only be born in the summer when the snow melted away.


Wearing down jackets, holding trekking poles, and walking on hiking boots, Teak Saye and Hanyu Mai are now under the escort of Matsudaira and another man, stepping deep in the snow and struggling toward the mountain. NS.

The Yoshida Route, located on the north side of Mt. Fuji, has a large number of "mountain huts" for tourists to relax and the route is relatively flat. It is the preferred route for those who have no mountaineering experience and challenge Mt. Fuji for the first time.

After abandoning the vehicle from the fifth station platform and climbing all the way up for more than two hours, no one was encountered except for the staff responsible for blocking the climbers on the road.

By the way, the climbing equipment on several people was provided "for free" by the "kind" staff who were knocked out in the mountain hut.

Teak Saya looked around like endless and desperate snow, lowered his head and put his fingers on his mouth, breathing.

The red nails on the fingertips have been frozen to a little purple.

The appearance of her nails changed after taking "Tamazao nails before".

In addition, I don't know whether it was due to the sudden gain of extraordinary power or the influence of the "miracle thing". Her character was not as cunning and cautious as before, but instead became more and more wicked and bold.

Looking at the surrounding environment, there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

I never thought that since I was a child, I had been looking forward to climbing Mount Fuji under such a sinister and embarrassing situation.

Is this situation really what I wanted in the first place?

Really, did you make the right choice?

"Master Teak, are you okay?"

Matsudaira, who was walking in the front, interrupted her thoughts by looking back at the situation of Saya Teak with concern.

"It's okay, how long will it be?"

The temperature at night was already below zero, and Teak Saya's face was frozen pink, adding a touch of love and affection to her.

Fortunately, the "miracle things" will more or less strengthen the physical fitness of some users, so she has plenty of physical strength at the moment.

At this moment, the place where several people are currently located is the 9th station of Mount Fuji, which is covered by snow.

From the 8th station upward, the white peak of Mt. Fuji that is often seen by the world is like milk chocolate.

"...Please hold on for a little longer. If you go up for less than an hour, it is the tenth station. From there, we can switch to the Gotemba line and go down the mountain to find a car and leave..."

Perhaps finally seeing hope, the expression on Matsudaira’s face relaxed slightly, and she turned and urged Mai Hanyu who was walking behind: “Hurry up, if you want to delay the time and wait for those two boys to catch up, just We miscalculated...not to mention that we set off for more than half an hour ahead of schedule. In such heavy snow, fools would risk getting lost and freezing to death to follow up."

Mount Fuji occupies a vast area and is under the jurisdiction of different police stations. Even if the two boys called the police overnight, the police did not have time to completely close the four routes at the foot of the mountain.

As long as those weird resentful spirits did not catch up, switch to another route and seize a car, they would be able to leave unharmed.

"Huh, Claw's... hello... I won't... give in..."

Mai Hanyu, who was fascinated and kidnapped by drugs yesterday, was in a very weak state at this time.

Due to the altitude, the oxygen content at the top of Mount Fuji is only one-third of that of the flat land, and the three of them can only untie the cloth strips in her mouth, allowing her to recover more physical strength.

Even so, she was almost dragged up all the way.

But in her eyes, there was a burning intent for war for some reason, as if she was fighting against the enemy that had been waiting for a long time.

"Why, do you still expect Araki-kun to save you? Araki-kun will find you only after I get rid of him... The so-called'love' between men and women is a comparison in the face of material and personal safety Not as good as white paper."

Saya Teak looked at Mai Hanyu and smiled indifferently.

"Hey... when you tried to restore your feelings to the Sleeper under the Skytree that day, you were not so arrogant..."

Mai Hanyu panted weakly, but his expression was still cold and arrogant.

"Giving up... such a unique man... it's your loss."

"It turns out that that day, you eavesdropped on the side early in the morning. It seems that you care about him quite a bit..."

Seemingly being said to have hit the pain, Saya Teak frowned and pushed against Mai Hanyu fiercely.

"Wake up, how could he catch up in a place like this? I'm afraid he would have given up long ago and went down the mountain to call the police... Man, it's not credible!!"

She smiled coldly and looked at Mai Hanyu sitting in the snow.

Mai Hanyu sat on the ground without making a single glance, and stared at her without shyness.

"Master Teak, you shouldn't stay here for a long time. The top of the mountain is right in front of you, so please take care of this woman when you get down."

Matsudaira Takatoo softly discouraged.

The wind and snow on the mountain became more and more violent, slowly eroding everyone's physical strength, and the wound on his wrist also needed to be dealt with quickly to avoid leaving behind troubles.

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