"I'm really impatient. Since I know your strength, I naturally dare not want to use firearms to suppress..."

Facing Siena's sudden attack, Kazuo Amato seemed indifferent and didn't even take a step back.

"...However, the'Holy Light Arsenal' that does not carry any firearms is no different from a toothless tiger."

It can be seen clearly in the moonlight that the one standing in front of Kazuo Amato is a middle-aged man with double knives, clogs, wearing a kimono, and long hair tied behind his head.

"Yes, I can use my physical body to fight my double swords...Hey, Kazuo, when I came, I only said that the'last wish' is to protect you until the end of this transaction, but there is no mention of dealing with such inhuman guys... "

The middle-aged man dressed as a samurai had two swords in front of him, and turned his head to dissatisfied with Kazuo Tento.

But looking at his calm complexion, it seemed that he didn't care too much about Siena's extraordinary strength.

If Abe Temple were here, you would be able to recognize that this person was Ginji Matsumoto, the first-class teacher who visited Tokyo not long ago.

"Well, if you can ask you, ten thousand people, to come out of the mountain to fulfill the promise that year, the opponent naturally can't be too boring, isn't it..."

Kazuo Amato kindly adjusted his tie and looked up at the time: "Although there is a holy light body, but after swimming for so long, Father Siena should be a little hungry..."

A faint sense of hunger hung over Siena at some point, making him look surprised.

The power of hunger.

"How is it possible...I have always maintained the Holy Light possession..."

"I'm sorry, because the intelligence in your head and this precious item are all named by the top to bring back... So I had to contaminate the food and water in the plane with blood... I heard that the priest is also privately named. Gourmet."

The old God Kazuo Amato looked at Siena, who was gradually turning pale.

Siena stopped talking, and rushed at him again with a whip leg with the afterimage.

The only way to break the game at this time is to defeat the spellcaster in front of him and cut off the source of the spell.

However, Matsumoto Ginji's Izumi Mori Fujiwara Kanazawa Kazuhiro Kokuyasu, as airtight as a gust of wind, continuously stopped his fist with holy light.

"What a heavy smell of blood, just talking about sword skills, your Excellency is the strongest person I have ever seen... don't you plan to fight back?"

Feeling the strong force of the sword's back shock, Siena gasped slightly.

He could naturally see that there was no obvious resentment or spiritual power in this warrior.

Could it be that this person, with the body of a mortal, tempered a strength that was only slightly inferior to the self strengthened by the Holy Light.

What Siena cares most about is the strong bloody smell that the other party emits unintentionally.

You know, I have been in the Middle East for ten years, but I have been beaten up in the bloody sea of ​​corpses in the pagan war.

Where did this samurai who appeared in a peaceful country Japan accumulate so much blood debt?

"With each other, I'm just wasting a few years more than ordinary people... Your Excellency is weak at the moment, I don't have the habit of taking advantage of duels."

Ginji Matsumoto's sword looks mellow and watery, but in fact it is full of killing intent, but he has no intention to counterattack, but stands in front of Amato Kazuo to block Siena's attack.

As the two continued to fight each other, Ginji Matsumoto guarded Kazuo Amato with his powerful sword skills and a pair of swords that did not resemble ordinary iron, making Siena ridden with the "power of the god of hunger" and intensive spiritual consumption. Unable to break through.

"Hey...Is this forbidden land in Japan really not under the protection of the Lord?"

With the continuous depletion of spiritual and physical strength, Siena's faint sense of hunger became stronger and stronger, and his vision began to blur...


Akihabara, Takashimaya Main Store.


Mai Hanyu walks in a shopping mall with a lot of people, and from time to time she takes out the miniature SLR in her pocket, and takes pictures of the street scenes on both sides at a speed comparable to that of a professional paparazzi.

Today, she didn't wear the white coat that she used to be, but a smart little suit and skirt. The slender legs and the proud upper circumference were wrapped in bright black silk, which directly increased the rate of return by 1000%.

Many men passing by, unfortunately ran into street lights, trash cans, guardrails, glass doors, fire hydrants, bayonets, fencing and other strange things.

"Hey, Sister Hanyu, we are suspicious of you doing this. The security guards over there are all looking over."

Araki Sosuke, whose right hand was obviously thicker than the left hand, followed behind her and reminded in a low voice.

In Japan, there are very strict regulations for taking pictures in public places. Strictly speaking, it is strictly forbidden to take pictures of other people's faces or the inside of shops without permission.

"Is it still not possible? Is it because the neighborhood is so popular that the hidden energy field life forms automatically avoid it? Or is it that the'slobber' version of the experimental model can't reach the'same frequency state'?"

Ignoring his warning at all, Mai Hanyu looked at the unremarkable photos in the camera for herself, and then took out another lens with the label "Blood (large amount)" from the bag on the back of Sosuke Araki. Replaced.

"Ahhh... I knew that when I suddenly asked the wounded person out on weekends, how could it be ordinary shopping, just working overtime..."

Seeing Mai Hanyu who was "indulged in research", Sosuke Araki, who was a "research assistant", covered her head and sighed.

After escaping from Mount Fuji that day, the two were taken to the hospital.

Thanks to Sosuke Araki's timely "human flesh rewarming", Mai Hanyu only suffered from mild frostbite and recovered quickly.

On the contrary, he checked out some slight bone cracks in his right arm.

However, since the injury was not on the joint and the injury was not serious, it only needed to be fixed with a light plaster bandage for two weeks.

This doesn't affect his arm movements, it's just that it's a bit more troublesome to take a bath, and the already sturdy right arm looks even stronger.

Well, many people's right arms are thicker than their left arms, which is not surprising.

Mai Hanyu didn't seem to have much memory of the "human flesh rewarming" that night in the snowy mountains, and Araki Sosuke naturally chose not to talk about it, and a considerable understanding was reached between the two.

The only difference is that since then, Araki Sosuke will call the other "Sister Hanyu" again, and he won't be corrected.

"Well, wait for a slightly empty street and try again... Come today, there are still things you can do by the way..."

Seeing the vigilant gaze cast by the mall security uncle, his face was as thick as Mai Hanyu, and he could only put away the camera.

The "rich woman" Mai Hanyu, who survived the catastrophe and made breakthroughs in research, simply pulled Araki Sosuke "by the way" into the street in a good mood.

With a white coat and professional suit for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, she doesn't seem to have any special requirements or interest in clothing on weekdays.

Anyway, in Araki Sosuke's opinion, no matter what clothes he wears, the strong (38F) is always strong.

"Hey, Mayumi-chan, look over there, isn't it the boss who sold Taiyaki at the shrine at the last festival?"

As Sosuke Araki was walking around the shops behind Mai Hanyu, the two girls on the first floor of the shopping mall focused their eyes on him through the hollow atrium.

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