I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 299: Original Sin

"As for what happened at the last moment that caused that thing to take your body and fail, I don't know much... Anyway, I have told you everything I know."

Looking at the pendant on Higashino's chest, Siena frowned.

He had already secretly checked on the bed before, and it was just an ordinary diamond ring of less than one carat.

If the ancient blood races whose strength is comparable to that of the ancient gods, at least the weird level [3] and above, descend and create a large number of blood, I am afraid that not only Japan, but the entire world will suffer a natural disaster.

Just a little light can destroy the terrifying original blood race, and bring down the existence of that light, it can only be...

God loves the world. Could it be that the Lord responded to his prayers for many days and performed miracles?

"Hey, since God won't let me die there, he just wants me to fulfill my unfinished mission..."

After tidying up his thoughts, Higashino Kohei showed a cruel smile on his face.

He didn't have any inquiries.

If he is not dead, then continue to embark on the road of revenge, nothing more.

As for the shit gods, ghosts, and extraordinary creatures, they have nothing to do with him.

"...No, Xingping BOY, what I want to talk to you next is the topic..."

After eating the last hamburger in his hand, Siena's body is no longer as thin as a bamboo pole as it was last night.

Although he has not fully recovered, he is already much stronger than ordinary men.

His eyes drenched, and suddenly he got up and hit Higashino Kohei across the table with a claw.

In the face of this sudden attack, Higashino's body leaned back like a conditioned reflex, leaping sensitively on the spot, and a backflip lightly stepped on the wardrobe behind.

A trace of blood bloomed on his face.

It was blown by Siena's finger wind.

Kohei Higashino's hand slowly touched his face.

There, except for a few drops of blood, it has recovered as before, without any scars.

"I should feel it more or less... Your body is no longer a human being..."

When Kohei Higashino was in a coma, Siena had already used holy light to examine his body.

Perhaps it was the reason that the "Original Assamite" failed to come, and the transformation was not completed. Kohei Higashino's body did not react to the holy light like an ordinary kin.

It's more like a peculiar state between humans and blood.

For further conditions, you must return to the Holy See for a detailed inspection before there is a result.

But his physical abilities no longer belong to the category of ordinary humans.

Gently licking the blood from his fingertips, Kohei Higashino showed a frantic smile.

"Whether this body is considered a human being, what is it to do with me? As long as you can hold a gun, the stronger the better..."

That mask indirectly destroyed his world, and the existence in it has also turned him into a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

For these weird existences, he has nothing but disgust.

With that said, he jumped from the closet, turned and walked towards the door.

His heart, as early as the rainy night Lizi left, had already died with it.

The only belief that has supported him until now is to take revenge on Kazuo Amifuji.

It doesn't matter whether you are a human or a monster.

For him, this world is only divided into two types.

Where Lizi exists, and... where Lizi is not.

Colored...and off-white.

"...No matter which country's authority is able to tolerate inhuman creatures walking under the sun, there will be a professional department responsible for handling..."

Siena pressed his shoulder.

"The Japanese government and the imperial family have more stringent attitudes towards this kind of existence..."

"I don't care about those. After I get revenge, it doesn't matter how I'handle' it! Let go of me..."

Kohei Higashino shrugged slightly, and slammed Siena's chin with a reversal punch.

Even with the protection of the Holy Light, Siena still flew upside down, smashing the wooden table behind him.

"Originally, there was something I shouldn't tell you... But, because you are the child brought up by Moon Shadow-kun, you saved my life..."

Siena, who fell among the sawdust, frowned, and a carp stood up, his hands locked Higashino Kohei with knuckles from behind.

"...You should remember that FleursDuMal, which I mentioned last time, is the name "Evil Flower". "

Regardless of the violent struggle of Yuping Hei, Siena said in his ear: "It was a secret organization that suddenly appeared decades ago, with members all over the world, and it is said that there is no leader..."

As if thinking of a certain painful past, Siena's eyes revealed a substantive killing intent.

"They have a keen interest in collecting all grievances, and their methods are also very brutal... The dispute with them within our Holy See has never stopped since the beginning of its birth."

Before in Europe, he also incurred many attacks because he escorted this thing. Among them, there is a shadow of "Evil Flower".


Unable to lose the opponent's powerful joint skills, Higashino Yukihei simply twisted his arms to dislocate, and got out directly.

Accompanied by two crisp "clicks, clicks", his removed shoulder settled back on its own.

"...And the reason why I didn't tell the Japanese official agency about the purpose of this visit is precisely because we, the Holy See, suspected many years ago that there are members of the "Evil Flower" within the Japanese authority..."

Having said that, Siena smiled bitterly.

"The information exposure of this thing and the instigation of Kazuo Tento's secret sniper are all "Evil Flower" behind the scenes..."

In the end, the gang of pervasive guys smelled the smell of blood, which caused the subsequent hijacking and crash.

"So, be it the organization behind you or the "Evil Flower", these things are all because of you fighting for the broken mask, right..."

After sorting out the cause and effect, the furious Higashino Kopei stepped away, grabbed Siena's neck with his arm, and violently pressed the tall priest against the wall.

"The crows in the world are as dark..."

If it hadn't taken over the troublesome "goods" from the partners in the Middle East, the Sankou Team and Nuluo Quan would not go to full-scale war, and Lizi would be involved.

"Yes, what happened to you was more or less caused by me. I naturally can't just watch you fall into the hands of those guys... It's better, you come to the Holy See with me first..."

Siena, who was pinched by his neck, did not resist, but stared at him with sincere and loving eyes.

"What happened to you is an'extraordinary accident.' The Holy See also secretly shelters many mutants like you, leading a fairly stable life..."

"Extraordinary accident? A stable life?! Hahahahahaha..."

Kopei Higashino lifted the opponent forcefully, slammed into the wooden wall in front of him, and laughed at himself.

"Do you think I'm as naive as before? From the moment I stepped into the extreme realm, where there is any stable life... it's all wishful thinking!!!"

Tears and sawdust fell with his wild laugh.

Because he can't deceive himself and blame others for his fault.

Even if there is no "flower of evil", no Holy See, no mask...

Lizi, who married herself and had children, and even children who might be born in the future, will have a high probability of being involved in extreme disputes in the future, and thus encounter danger or become lonely due to her death.

The original sin of all this is always on oneself.

Choosing to embark on this road without turning back, I actually naively tried to have extravagant love and bring happiness to others.

No more words, Higashino Kohei picked up his clothes, turned and walked downstairs.

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