I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 316 The Holy War of Moon Shadow Thousand Grasses [1] (Don’t Repeat Subscription)

"Hey, decaying workers and gods, look at my ‘S fixed place’ trick!"

In Roppongi in the middle of the night, the moon shadow Qiancao with his sullen face and heavy black eyes hanging in front of the computer was working hard.

On his chest, there is a pure black pendant that looks like a simple rune.

A trace of fatigue flashed across her face, and Moon Shadow Qiancao stretched out, and her whole body suddenly melted into a black shadow under the light.

This shadow is like thick ink, flowing quickly in the shadows of various furniture.

As the shadows regrouped, Moon Shadow Qiancao appeared in the kitchen.

Like a bartender, he skillfully opened the refrigerator, took out espresso, sports energy drinks, raw eggs, frog juice drinks, kidney function drinks and other unknown things into the blender, and turned into a cup of color and shape amidst the roar. The breath is indescribable, and the author forcibly puts on a mosaic liquid.

"Gudong Gudong" raised his head and drank this unexplained juice, and the spirit was rejuvenated on the pale face of Moon Shadow Qiancao.

Secret skills, life is juiced.

"Hey hey hey... Although this "Shadow Power" is not durable enough, just using it for indoor movement has improved life efficiency too much..."

A few days ago, through many troublesome anonymous transactions, he transferred to several lockers and freight companies, and he obtained packages sent from overseas by the "observer"...

With the gambling mentality of "disguising as a family member of the "Hell Revolution"", he activated the "shadow pendant from the "Evil Flower" in the package according to the method indicated by the "observer". ".

After all, compared with the temptation to become "extraordinary", risks such as exposure to whereabouts, unknown side effects and even life-threatening are also tolerable.

In the end, this extraordinary ability to control the shadows made him quite satisfied.

At least for the otaku who has been moving indoors for short distances for a long time, it can save a lot of time.

At the same time, it also proves that the organization "Evil Hua" is more or less real.

Once again incarnate shadows and teleported to the computer, he picked up the pressure-sensitive pen and continued to write and draw on the top pen on the table.

"[Beep...] Village Dairy, you wait for me... I am no longer the me who failed in the past! This time I will let the whole world know my greatness..."

This is the third day of his sleepless night for a certain upcoming "Zhan Zhan".

"...Here is here, the inspiration from'Life Through Juice' is coming up like a tide!!!"

With Moon Shadow Thousand Grasses moving pens like flying, wonderful pens blooming, just a few line drafts, on the digital screen and computer screen, a beautiful woman with a strong figure and an OL skirt that can't be shorter...

She was being turned over by a monster with tentacles all over her soft body, revealing the picture of the triangle under the skirt and the face up fixed.

"Yes, that's it, but also to twist the body more attractive..."

This is a well-known and enthusiastic move in women's nipah wrestling and sumo wrestling. The S is fixed.

"Mr. Tentacle, who had been working hard all day, was squeezed by the villain agency workers... Yes, the two of them had a slightly restrained physical conflict at first... But due to the other's extreme attitude, Mr. Tentacle had to use his lifelong skills... …Use your eight warm and wet tentacles to stick to the opponent’s back..."

As she murmured in her mouth, the expression on Moon Shadow Qiancao's face became more and more enthusiastic, and her movements became faster and faster...

"It can do...Look at the sensuality of the side abdomen, the soft texture of the lower abdomen, the white and delicate back, the 36F that can not be restrained by several tentacles, the clear dividing line of the lower body, the plumpness of the thigh, the contour of the calf, and even each one. The small toes must be reflected..."

"I can do it!!! I can do it!!!"

As if it had burned out his life, Moonkage Chikusa panted heavily, completing this line draft of "Mr. Tentacle S at Fixed".

"Well... Barely qualified, the next is "Shrimp Fixation". "

Gently holding his glasses, Yueying Qiancao took a look at her outline and started to draw the next picture with a blushing face.

Please don't get me wrong, Tsukage Chikusa is not creating any new weirdness, but...

drawing comic.

Strictly speaking, what he drew was not original comics, but some kind of niche fanxiang works.

As the weird maker who made the "Evil Flower" spend a lot of money to win over, the Moon Shadow Qiancao, code-named "Hell Revolution," is still an ordinary young man who needs to eat and drink to pay rent.

The weirdness created through this laptop computer did not bring him the slightest benefit. He even had to squeeze out his spare time, use painting skills, and earn enough money to maintain basic expenses such as rent and food and clothing. .

After all, if you live under the Senju Bridge, where the water and electricity and the network are cut off, and you are hungry, you can't create a good weirdness.

Therefore, in addition to the status of IBM700, the supreme 2CH forum urban legend moderator, the other trumpet "KIYOMI" of Moon Shadow Chikusa is a big comic hit in the book area of ​​the 2CH forum.

That's right, 18X, doujinxiang.

It's the kind of regular fee updates and privately accepted crowdfunding customization.

Unlike the common "soulless" works that include popular comic heroines in their works, Mr. KIYOMI is good at being more original and niche, using various urban legends, monsters, gods, and workers. Mother is the protagonist, and other popular comic characters occasionally appear in the comics.

Because of his unusual themes, weird styles, and bloody scenes, his works satisfy the unique XP of a small number of readers, thus gathering a lot of die-hard fans.

There is a saying, as long as there is love...

As a well-known painter, KIYOMI teacher, Touju Life fought all night, just to prepare for the upcoming battle, Comiket.

Nickname Comiket, full name ComicMarket, or COMI for short.

This is the largest doujinzine sales event in Japan and even the world held by the "ComicMarket Preparation Meeting". It is a place where amateur manga enthusiasts can sell their doujinzine through their secondary creations.

Due to Comiket's growing popularity, many professional cartoonists, beautiful girl game companies, railway enthusiasts, Gothic Loli clothing designers, amateur singers and even amateur painters will be present to sell their works.

For fan cartoonists, selling their books here is not to make money.

Show off your strongest work, get the recognition of countless tastes and tastes on the scene, step by step on the throne of the current book king...

This kind of journey is called "Zhan Zhan"!

The summer comi time is usually on the eve of the Meng Lan Bon Festival.

As a specially invited "community participant" and named ace painter in the book section of the 2CH forum, the deadline for submission was delayed due to the weird creation and the joining of "Evil Hua" and other trivial things...

That's why he is still working hard here when other book painters start to print their works leisurely.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just when Yuekage Chikusa completed another page of "Extreme! Shrimp Fixation" and laughed wildly, a pale eyeball quietly appeared inside his side-through computer case.

"Gap...Gap Gap Gap...Eye of Gap?!!!"

Looking at the bloodshot eyes with complex emotions such as grievances and excitement for some reason, tearful eyes, Moon Shadow Qiancao's pale laughter stopped abruptly, and she fell directly to the ground with a chair.

"Why did it appear here... was it an accident... or did you find it through some contact?"

This is the first time in his life that he has sincerely met his non-family "works".

Steady, steady, don't panic, Moon Shadow Qiancao, male, 23 years old, 18 X doujin painter.

Anyway, you are now a transcendent person...

Moreover, what is in front of you is your own "work".

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