I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 322-The Gate of Hell

The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, the Meng Lan Bon Festival.

The Obon Festival, derived from the Buddhist motto "The Obon Sutra", was introduced to Japan in the Asuka era. It is said to be a festival where the gates of hell are opened and the dead return to the world. In some places, it is also called the Zhongyuan Festival and the Ghost Festival. .

Since its development, the Menglan Bon Festival has become a major festival and official holiday in Japan second only to the New Year.

On this day, people will return to their hometowns to worship their ancestors, hold various large-scale sacrificial activities, light the soul-welcoming fire to show the way for the dead, and dance the Menglan Bon dance to express the joy of the souls temporarily leaving hell.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the light spots that quickly lifted into the sky turned into a sky full of colors, and the tranquil water surface of the Sumida River was colorful.

The 300-year-old "originator of the Japanese fireworks festival", together with the Jingu Gaien fireworks festival and the Tokyo Bay Dahua fire festival, also known as the "three major fireworks festivals in Tokyo," the Sumida River fireworks festival happened to collide with the Menglan Bon Festival this summer.

Just as the whole of Tokyo is immersed in the grand fireworks display and the various rituals, dances, and parades of the Meng Lan Bon Festival...

Under the full moon, two hundred meters above Taitung District, a dark red wooden gate that was the same height as the Skytree tower not far away appeared, like blood coagulated.

This incredible gate that suddenly descended on the sky full of splendid fireworks that ordinary people can observe with the naked eye, naturally attracted the attention of the entire Tokyo metropolis and even the whole of Japan.

Combined with a certain "Meng Lan Bon Festival cult funny video" that suddenly went viral on the Internet three days ago, a word came to the minds of countless people.

"Door of hell"

The "crazy talk" in that video seems to be gradually becoming a reality.

"Starting with the Meng Lan Bon Festival, the barrier between hell and the world no longer exists."

"The era of Hyakki Yakyuu will come again with the opening of the gates of hell."

"The departed deceased return to the world, and there is no boundary between life and death."

"If you and others are lucky enough to survive the fire of this hell, you can call me for protection in my name, and join me in verifying the birth of a new order..."



84 hours before "Hell's Gate" appeared.

Saitama Prefectural Spiritual Garden.

The unexpected torrential rain in August knocked on the tombstones and played a sad elegy.

In the center of the spirit garden, there is a newly purchased tombstone carved with a dragon.

Behind the tombstone, dragons and phoenixes are engraved with the words "Hellhound and his lover sleep peacefully here."

Araki Sosuke and Nizen Ryoma in a black suit are standing quietly in the rain, letting the rain wash their bodies.

"Xingping, Reiko... Although you failed to live in your own house together as planned..."

Before the second, Ryoma muttered in a low voice, tears pouring out of his eyes, and gathering with the rain on the ground.

"But if you can be buried together, you probably won't feel lonely..."

In front of the two of them, on the two adjacent tombstones, the characters "Tomb of Higashino Kohei" and "Tomb of Baishui Reiko" were written impressively.

That day, the scene where Yukhei Higashino killed Kazuo Tento and jumped into the smasher in front of everyone is still vivid.

The corpse of Kazuo Amato had been completely turned into minced meat and discharged by the pulverizer.

However, Higashino's corpse was stuck inside the machine that stopped running, and was restrained by the police.

After that, Nuluo Quan held a grand funeral for Higashino Yukhei, and spent a lot of financial resources and contacts, and was able to persuade Reiko's parents to bury Higashino Yukhei next to Reiko's tombstone.

During that time, they were taken into custody by the police and because of Higashino Kohei’s affair with Nura Fist, the two of Araki Sosuke failed to attend the funeral.

After all, no matter how much money is spent on funeral affairs, the dead will not return.

"Damn it...Xingping, you idiot, why are you so stupid? Do you think you will be happy if you do this?! Will we be happy?!"

Araki Sosuke, who had been standing still, suddenly broke out and knelt down in front of Higashino's tombstone and scolded.

"...You should be suffering from Uncle Qingren's'crazy thud' right now!"

The raindrops that kept beating on his head suddenly stopped following the scolding.

"Teacher Araki, please be sorry..."

"Little Bird Youshi...how did you find it?"

Tori Mayumi, wearing a black kimono, stood beside him with a paper umbrella at some unknown time.

"It will be the Menglan Bon Festival in a couple of days. I will hold a prayer ceremony for Mr. Higashino and Miss Reiko at the shrine."

She didn't answer Araki Sosuke's question, but squatted gently holding the umbrella, gently holding his arm.

It seems that by doing so, the sadness of the other party can be divided away.

"Thank you, then please..."

Nodded gratefully, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, his eyes showed a firm look.


Suddenly, Araki Sosuke slapped his hands hard on his face, leaving two red five-fingerprints, which scared the little witch next to him.

"...Xingping, you sneaky bastard, let me listen. Whether it's a food showdown, marriage, childbirth, or mortgage payment, Laozi will take your share to live on!!!"

He stood up suddenly, pointing to the tombstone and swearing loudly: "...The greeting cards for traveling in a Bentley car to get married will also be burned for you on time!!"

"Ryoma, you can say a few words, even if you take the part of this guy, he can play in Kabukicho until he is forty years old and he can be stunned!"

"It's still a bit reluctant to bring this guy. After all, my physical strength is recent... By the way, Zongsuke, this is the spiritual garden, quietly, look at the monks over there..."

Erqian Ryoma, who had no one holding an umbrella on the side, was still washing by himself in the rainstorm, teary eyes, and quickly grabbed him.

"...Also, the money I owe you, it seems that I won't have to pay it back in my life, wow ha ha ha ha!"

Someone with a crying dry smile echoed in the spiritual garden.


"Sleep, didn't I teach you a long time ago? Humans are no different from ordinary carbon-based organisms. After death, they just decompose into carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and certain inorganic substances..."

When the three of them walked to the entrance of the Lingyuan, a rare black suit and no white coat of Hanyu Mai suddenly appeared, standing in the rain under an umbrella, preaching words that are difficult to understand.

"Kun Higashino and Miss Reiko, it's just that we are one step into the food cycle of the will of the universe...

"Araki-kun, Nikkei-kun..."

Behind her, Hou Hailudou, who was in the van with the words "Careful! Haunted House Appraisal" printed on it, saw the two of them and cared about the greetings from the underground car.

It was these two people who sent Yuto Mayumi to come together.

Originally, the three of them were waiting at the gate of the police station today, preparing to welcome Sosuke Araki, who completed the bail formalities yesterday.

However, he was told that the opponent had already left with Ryoma before the second in the morning.

Worried about the "precious experimental materials", Mai Hanyu immediately instructed a certain "working hacker" under her to find it all the way through mobile phone location technology.

"Well, sister Hanyu, thanks a lot this time..."

When he walked in front of Mai Hanyu, Sosuke Araki bowed sincerely to thank him for ninety degrees.

"This favor, I will definitely work hard to repay it with a thousand percent attitude!"

What happened on the wharf, given that he and Ryoma were just to rescue Higashino Kohei and beat Tendo Kazuo and several of his men. At the same time, because of factors such as actively cooperating with the investigation and coordinating with Mochizuki Ayano, they just dealt with it lightly...

But Sosuke Araki's charges of fighting, assaulting the police, and obstructing official duties cannot escape.

Ryoma, who had "cooperated in the ninth lesson without authorization", was ordered to conduct self-reflection at home and suspended indefinitely for investigation. Whether the job can be kept will be discussed separately.

And Sosuke Araki was able to appear here to sweep Higashino's tomb, all thanks to Mai Hanyu who organized the "Tokyo Metropolitan Gold Lawyers Group" for him in the first place, and spent a lot of money to bail him out.

"Huh, unexpectedly very energetic... I was planning to let you taste the sweetness and regain your fighting spirit as soon as possible, but it seems that you don't need it..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki seemed to cheer herself up, Mai Hanyu showed a slightly surprised expression, and then turned back into the car with peace of mind.

"... Sleeper, since you have put away your sorrow, then join me to continue on the road to the end of truth!"

"Sweetness? Well, sister Hanyu, you must have misunderstood...Don't look at my mighty appearance, but the inside is full of thick sorrow that may gush out at any time!!"

"Mr. Araki, please pay attention to your words..."

In the slight anger and dissatisfaction of Yu Tori Mayumi, several people also got in the car and left.

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