I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 331 God's People

In the dark corridor, it took three full minutes before the fear that had enveloped Ayano Mochizuki's heart completely dissipated, allowing her to recover from a state where she was completely unable to control her body.

At the same time, Araki Sosuke, who put on his pants and looked content, just pushed out the door of the men's toilet.

"Huh? Mochizuki, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Those two bowls of ramen are too small, just enough to stimulate my gastrointestinal motility and empty the inventory. It's not about filling my stomach..."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Mochizuki Ayano, who was holding the "duck sitting" at the end of the corridor, looked at herself with weird and complicated eyes.

As his eyes met, he sweated slightly on his forehead, pretending to be calm and greeted him.

"Arabic, Mu, Zong, Ji..."


Looking at this guy who was not ashamed and embarrassed, but saved his life again, Mochizuki Ayano's blushing cheeks bulged like a pufferfish.

Having witnessed the scene with her own eyes, she naturally would no longer think that the other party was a simple-minded blond gangster with well-developed limbs.

The man who can easily rub this man with terrifying abilities and even Siena on the ground twice easily is at least the strong one with the exemption level [3] or higher.

Chaotic thoughts, full of doubts, countless memories kept flowing in Mochizuki Ayano's mind, and finally converged into one sentence...

"...You bastard! Big liar! Big idiot!"

With her legs numb and unable to move, but her brain was very awake, she rubbed her vocal cords with the strength of her whole body and roared out.


After half an hour.

"Who am I...where am I...who did me..."

"Number Four" with a swollen nose, wet body and a mask on his face opened his eyes in a daze.

The overly strong breath on the wet mask and the tearing pain of his whole body made him wake up instantly.

At this moment, he is being held alone in a completely sealed interrogation room, which seems to be made of special materials, with both hands in handcuffs.

On one side of the room, there is a huge mirror that occupies the entire wall, reflecting his panicked and haggard figure under his black robe.

"Sir, are you finally awake?"

Mochizuki Ayano's silver bell-like voice came from the speakers in the corner.

In the next room, looking at the cell through the one-way glass, besides Mochizuki Ayano and the agent who rushed to support, there were two others.

White-haired old man in Taoist robe and middle-aged monk holding Buddhist beads.

It was Ichiro Tokimoto and Hirobo, who came to represent the Spirit Eliminators Association after receiving the ninth lesson request for help.

These two respected spirit removers joined the supporting agents before cautiously entering the toilet.

Immediately, he found the man in black robes who was unconscious and his entire head stuck in the toilet with a strong "user breath" remaining.


Awakened, the "Number Four" in the room snorted coldly, subconsciously wanting to escape from the wind.

"Uh... how come..."

However, the "source of divine power" in his body did not respond to his call.

"What did you do to me?!"

In other words, he did not feel the existence of the "source of divine power" at all.

Looking down at the handcuffs covered with talisman paper on his wrists, "Number Four" flashed with unconcealable panic in his eyes.

"You don't have to work hard. Under the influence of the external bondage seal, I am afraid that even a pure resentful spirit cannot be transformed into an invisible..."

Shimoto Ichiro gently stroked his beard and yawned.

Although for some reason, the "external bondage" of the handcuffs was not triggered, and the opponent could no longer use the ability.

However, as long as the results are the same.

"Dingyue Yuta, the former deputy director of the General Hospital, I now represent the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to formally arrest you on suspicion of organ trafficking, abuse of supernatural power, suspected multiple murders, and illegal assembly..."

In Lesson 9, through fingerprints and DNA extraction, it has been confirmed that this man was one of the principal culprits in the “Organ Harvesting Case of the Mercy and Emergency Hospital” ten years ago, the vice-president Dingzuki Yuta.

This is the first time Mochizuki Ayano has issued a formal arrest statement to an extraordinary person like this for a few years after entering the ninth class.

After all, after many "cleansing" decades ago, blood-awakened half-monsters or humans who mastered ghost-like abilities through "sacrifice" and "possession" rarely appeared in front of the world.

"Hey, arrest? Do you think this can make me succumb?"

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's words, the masked "Number Four" in the room showed a disdainful expression.

"When the'True God' arrives, your world will eventually be crushed!"

"God? Your Excellency is obviously using ghost-like abilities, but is it a god who deceives himself and worships?"

Hearing the man's fanatical words, Shimoto Ichiro couldn't help but sneered.


Hearing the words from the speaker, "Number Four" couldn't help covering his face and laughing wildly, his eyes filled with contempt.

"...What are gods and ghosts? In the end, they are not defined and proclaimed by the dominator! How can the false gods in your mouth have seen us and responded to our prayers?"

"However, the'True God' is different...As long as you believe in Him and pay the price, you will definitely be able to obtain the corresponding'gifts'!!!"

"In my eyes, as long as it can give me strength and let me transcend this humble life, he is the true god!"

"The people of the true god, never surrender! Aum!!!"

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and the hand of “Number Four” gradually stretched out to the mask on his face.

"Be careful, he's going to start that grievance..."

Seeing the other party's movements, Mochizuki Ayano obviously had been prepared and left the observation room directly.

The shadow shrouded in fear in the hallway still remains in her heart, and because of the "unforgettable", it has become a new scar that will never heal.

I didn't rashly remove the grievance on the opponent's face before, precisely because I was worried about the terrible effect of false touch or the transfer of side effects.

"Am I pretty?"

I don't know how many people have left the room, "Number Four", still facing the one-way glass in front of him, asked the "proposition to send".

As the mask was uncovered, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The side effects of this grievance seem to be over time...

How long have you fainted?

However, it was too late.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah..."

In the empty cell, the desperate cry of "Number Four" sounded.

Looking through the one-way glass mirror, on his pale face, the corners of his mouth on both sides have cracked directly to the back of his head...

After waking up, he lost the power of the sickle, and he couldn't even stop the bleeding and pain. He could only fall helplessly to the ground, watching the blood spurt out...

When several agents rushed into the room, "Number Four" had no breath, lying on the blood-stained ground with big gray eyes.

The huge gap extending from the corner of his mouth almost split his entire head in two, leaving only a trace of his scalp connected.

"Confirmed the death of the target. Record: The resentment suspected of [Rip Woman's Mask] has the side effect of splitting the corners of the wearer's mouth."

An agent took out a recording pen and calmly recorded.

"The side effects of this grievance are so terrifying..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who returned to the interrogation room, was speechless for a while watching the tragic scene in the next room.

Even if the mask was taken off before the interrogation, it is estimated that the man in the black robe would still be unable to escape to death.

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