I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 333 Prince Shotoku and Sister Ono

With the beard falling from his fingertips, Tokimoto Ichiro's thoughts returned to the Haruna Mountain Road under the moonlight, the scene where the headless horseman folded his hands together and turned light into a Buddha.

He always believed that this young man named Araki Zongsuke was probably born with some kind of half-monster bloodline capable of transcending resentment spirits.

After all, there are a lot of monsters in Japanese legends with names with "fangzhu".

Qingfangzhu, Gaofangzhu, Dafangzhu, Haifangzhu, Heifangzhu, Rudaofangzhu...

The monsters with the name "Fangzhu" are said to be monks who continue to practice as monsters after death, and can extradite the wraith spirits only with their talents.

"Spiritual sense is ignorant... unable to see the truth of the Dharma realm... That's it, it's that way! I should have thought of it long ago!"

The few words that preached the Fa today woke him up.

"After nearly a thousand years, Japan has yet to have another person who has entered the world. It is indeed the blessing of Buddhism!"

There are thousands of people who are predestined with the Buddha, but there is only one kind who can pass through the spiritual body to become a Buddha before the spiritual consciousness is opened.

Buddhism can reincarnate, also known as the Venerable.

I actually pretended to guess what the remaining blood of the bald "fangzhu" of others was before, although it is also a bit of a touch...

It seems that people are getting older and less courageous.

"...What am I thinking about, all evils retreat, all evils retreat! Ahahaha, the presiding officer said earlier, it turns out that this guy is a person who has entered the world, no wonder..."

On the other side, Mochizuki Ayano, who had only come back to his senses, shook his head vigorously, guilty of thinking that the drama in his mind had developed into "Songsuke Araki and the host of Kobe embraced naked and tearful, and from now on the father is kind and filial." Throwing it away, with some guilty conscience, I looked at the pious and upright propaganda host in front of him.

"Wait... enter into enter into enter... Lord?!"

Then, she realized how shocking the conversation between the host and Tokimoto Ichiro was.

"How... how could it be..."

Recalling what Ichiro Torimoto said just now, Mochizuki Ayano instantly petrified her whole body.

"Which Buddhist monk wants to be reincarnated as the low-level, shameless, violent, greedy, and muscular idiot next door?!"

Although the reincarnation of Buddhist monks is extremely rare in Japan, it is not uncommon.

One of the most famous is the great sage of the Asuka era, Prince Shotoku who is known as "Japanese Sakyamuni".

According to legend, before his mother became pregnant, Prince Shotoku's mother had dreamed of the golden monk appearing as a saint, claiming to be "wish of salvation".

When Prince Shotoku was born, golden light also shined on the palace from the west.

Prince Shotoku, who was able to talk at birth, continued to show his talent for Dharma in the years that followed, and gradually awakened to the "Fate Link" and recalled the various causes and effects of his previous life.

According to the memory of his previous life, he has been reincarnated many times in the Long Kingdom. In his previous life, he was the second ancestor of the Tiantai Sect of the Long Kingdom, Huisi, the Zen Master Nanyue.

From the 22-year-old regency until his death at the age of 48, Prince Shotoku relied on his accumulated merits, profound Dharma, and the ability of an unknown prophet to send sister Ono to the Long Kingdom to obtain Buddhist scriptures, which promoted the Buddhists who entered Japan for the first time. With the rise and spread of culture, he became "the first person to illuminate the Asuka Era", leaving behind stories of the ages.

It can be said that without Prince Shotoku, there would be no prosperity of Buddhism in Japan today.

"Host Propaganda, are you sure that you are not mistaken? Reincarnated Venerable, it's not a joke..."

In addition to the trouble and smell, and perhaps also likes to eat curry, Araki Sosuke is similar to a reincarnated monk like Prince Shotoku. It is almost the same as saying that he is the reincarnation of Ono...

Although he was still confirming with the host of Kofa, Mochizuki Ayano had an answer in his heart.

Since the presiding officer of Kobe dares to use the wills of Kawasaki Master Temple and Master Kukai as a guarantor, it is naturally not a joke.

"Buddha said, don't say..."

Facing the two people's speculation, Kofa chanted Buddhism in a low voice without comment, and his thoughts returned to the night that Kukai presided over Nirvana.

"About that Venerable, you must not speak to anyone..."

"That venerable person, if you want anything in the future, Master Kawasaki will go up and down the temple and ask for what you want."

"...Even if he is an enemy of the world, you must not abandon him."

Thinking of Kukai’s presiding over Nirvana, Kofa smiled wryly.

Host, if I hadn't seen Venerable Araki being imprisoned, I wouldn't pretend to interfere.

What's more, this is what the two donors have deep-rooted wisdom and self-understanding, and it has nothing to do with me.

Since that night, Kofa has been secretly paying attention to Sosuke Araki and exploring the secrets of Kukai presiding over Nirvana.

After his contemplation, although he did not know why Venerable Araki sealed his spiritual consciousness, it was nothing more than to enter the world to practice, to feel the suffering of all beings, and to realize Nirvana.

With its own Buddha-body supernatural powers, he unintentionally removes the spirit in the muddle, which seems to coincide with the Buddhist concept of "inaction".

The Nirvana presided over by Kukai might have something to do with the "seal" that touched Sosuke Araki.

I can’t talk about the identity of Venerable Araki, but I must protect him in secret.

"If Sosuke Araki's identity is so special, then it will be handled as Kawasaki Daishiji... However, I still have to make a top-secret record as the head of the ninth lesson."

After pondering for a while, Mochizuki Ayano finally sorted out his thoughts and let out a deep breath.

The once-in-a-millennium reincarnation is the top secret of Buddhism in Japan.

What kind of process and rituals should be used to guide him to open up his spiritual consciousness can only be determined by Buddhism.

Even the royal family and government agencies did not have the guts to become an enemy of Buddhism throughout Japan and arbitrarily interfere with the "practice" of a reincarnated person in the world.

Although Sosuke Araki's words and deeds are quite different from the image of Buddhist monks.

But if you use this as a result to push back the previous puzzles and everything that happened, all have reasonable explanations.

The eminent monks who can free themselves from the six realms and reincarnation are all the existence of the Dharma reaching the heavens.

The memory of the past life has not yet awakened, and the Venerables who have entered the world, relying on the accumulated blessings and profound Buddhism of the reincarnation, it is naturally easy to unintentionally supersede a few grieving spirits and hammer a few half-monsters.


"...Just let me go? Are you sure?"

An hour later, outside the police station, Araki Sosuke pointed to his nose with a guilty conscience and confirmed to the blond girl in front of him.

Wouldn't it just pretend to let myself go, and when I go home, I will immediately become a secret female investigator, and suddenly come to the door with "Overlord Back Carbine", "C Drug Limit Interrogation" and the like, wanting to "take the spoils".

Do you want to go to Yokohama Port and wait for a few days?

"I am..."

Mochizuki Ayano bulged her cheeks and glanced at him unwillingly.

I want to lock you up and take turns in "Lesson Nine Top Ten Tortures" so that you can explain everything clearly.

But when she thought of the person in front of her, she might be a "reincarnated monk" with high respect, universal salvation, and Zen wisdom... under the impact of the huge contrast, she waved her hand like frustration.

"...It's okay here. Thank you for cooperating with the police investigation. If there is no accident, the police will not pursue the ‘other’ matters."

"Is this..."

Looking at Mochizuki Ayano's seemingly serious expression and the complex meaning contained in it, Araki Sosuke suddenly realized.

Is this, the legendary, "secretly sheltering"?

After all, a certain justice policeman he knows is also a good player accustomed to this trick, and he has benefited greatly in the past few years.

"Oh ha ha ha, how embarrassed, even with the previous bail thing, I really owe you a super ~ big favor, and I will repay you well in the future!"

The dark clouds of "deck violation" and "criminal beating" that had been so heavy in my heart were all gone, so Araki Sosuke touched the back of his head and thanked him gratefully.

"...A huge favor?"

Looking at the back of Sosuke Araki's departure, Mochizuki Ayano smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, whether just now or before, the person who owes the "super-grand favor" seems to have always been himself.

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