I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 342 The Three Great Arrays in Tokyo

Nine p.m.

The entire Taito district, and even the Chiyoda district, Bunkyo district, Arakawa district, Sumida district, and Chuo district bordering it, are in chaos.

At this moment, just as the fireworks festival has just concluded and the Menglan Bon Festival activities are in full swing in various parts of Tokyo, it was originally the time when the traffic pressure was the highest.

For reasons such as "the evil cult creates holographic projections, throws sarin-induced hallucinogenic gas, and destroys power supply equipment," countless people in Taitung District, organized by the Metropolitan Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Ministry of Defense, evacuated to the outside in an orderly manner.

However, due to the complete paralysis of the entire transportation system, most people can only be evacuated on foot.

"Woohoooo, the leakage of this equivalent hidden energy field can be compared to a tsunami that floods the land..."

On Showa Avenue leading from Akihabara to the Kuramae apartment, Mai Hanyu is leaning half of her body out of the top of the van, placing a pair of indispensable existences on her chest on the edge of the skylight, and holding the "Eye of Reality" to record the night sky. The black energy that gushes down from the giant gate and spreads quickly toward the surroundings.

On both sides of the blocked lanes, there are people who cannot leave because of traffic paralysis, and players who cosplay like various ghosts.

These black qi, like a huge wave in the sky, approached the two people from far and near.

The city that was originally brightly lit and lined with tall buildings, as the black gas eroded, all the lights went out.

A large number of people ran wildly away from the black gas that was interpreted by the government as "sarin-induced hallucinogenic gas" released by a certain cult.

However, the sudden drop in temperature where the black gas went, the extinguished lights, and the inability to start the motor vehicle made them feel instinctively that this is definitely not a "magical gas emission incident".

Panic, fear, anger... a lot of negative emotions breed in people's hearts.

This is the instinctive fear of death engraved in human genes.

"Sister, don't patronize shooting, do we want to get out of the car and run away? Things seem to be really big..."

Inside the car, the thick sea and land in the driver's seat watched the extinguishing lights on both sides of the road towards him in the distance, and the "gas" approaching like a beast, sweating on his forehead.

"...Look, even TV TOKYO no longer broadcasts cartoons, it is broadcasting the news of emergency evacuation!!!"

However, the van was blocked on the road and couldn't move, he could only stare.

"Wait, there shouldn't be any problem even if you stay in the hidden energy field for a short time...What is the reason for the power failure under the cover of the hidden energy field, is it related to the energy concentration or the magnetic field?"

In Mai Hanyu's lens, the area shrouded in black air that was tens of meters high like a tsunami instantly lost its original light and became completely dark.

It was as if there was an indescribable behemoth in the black mist, greedily devouring the vibrant light in the city.

"Such a rare opportunity to observe the hidden energy field at close range and with the naked eye on a large scale is a once in a thousand years..."

From time to time, there are black figures, rushing into the black air like a fish in water, and swimming happily.

"Oops, these hidden energy field life forms, if they absorb this energy, how will they grow..."

Seeing this scene, even Hanyu Mai, who was fascinated by "research", realized the seriousness of the situation.

At this moment, the spreading black air was less than one kilometer away from them.

"Call to ask where the sleeper is, and tell him the location before the base station fails."

Hearing this, Hou Hailu Dou quickly took out his cell phone and dialed someone's phone.

"Araki-kun... are you also stuck in the road? Yes, our current position is..."

At the same time, a bicycle hurried past the van and rushed towards the black air that was in the opposite direction of the flow of people.

On the bicycle, a tall, college student-like man was struggling to step on the pedals, and on the back seat was an old man wearing a road gown with a solemn expression.

A man dressed in a dark red samurai armor, dressed like a COSPLAYER, followed behind the bicycle unhurriedly.

"Uncle Shiben?!"Seeing the old man wearing a robes and fairy-style bones on the back seat of the bicycle, Mai Hanyu called out loudly.

"Dancing sauce?"

Hearing her voice, the eyes of the old man in the back seat of the bicycle lit up. After looking around, he jumped out of the car with more agility than the young man and trot towards the van.

"Uncle, I'm 25 anyhow, do you still call me Wujiang?"

"Oh ha ha ha, no matter how old you grow up, in the eyes of your uncle, you are as cute as you were when you were a kid."

Shimoto Ichiro stood in front of the car with his hands behind his back, and nodded to someone in the cab, "...you brat is also here."

"So, for me as a nephew, don't even bother to call my name?"

In the cab, Hou Hailudou habitually rolled his eyes.

Mai Hanyu's mother, and his mother, are sisters.

However, due to the custom of Japanese women changing their surnames after marriage, he and Mai Hanyu have different surnames.

Before they married, their mothers both had the surname Shimoto.

In other words, he is a cousin of the same generation as Ichiro Shimoto in front of him.

On weekdays, after knowing that the two were doing the haunting appraisal, Shimoto Ichiro often brought some talisman paper to help "ward off evil spirits."

According to Mai Hanyu, "the unknown energy contained in the talisman can offset the hidden energy field."

"You two guys who don't make people worry about it. The situation is urgent and the reasons are complicated. Let's get on the bike and leave."

Tokimoto Ichiro beckoned to the tall man who was riding a bicycle and motioned to him to hand over the bicycle to the two of them.

"Without the car, I can run, but what do you do, Teacher Shiben..."

The one who came here with a wooden sword on his back and pushing a bicycle was naturally Tomimoto Ichiro's "closed disciple", Yamada Kengo, codenamed "Philosopher Swordsman".

"Let [Cocoon] not run away behind my back..."

Tokimoto Ichiro pointed to the cocoon in blood-red armor.

"Ha, then why don't you let him run with your back earlier and have to ride my bike?"

While complaining, Yamada Kengo handed the bicycle to Atsumi Ludou.

"No, all my research equipment is in the car, and I don't plan to miss such an important observation opportunity..."

"What are you kidding? Ordinary people will go crazy if you stay in that dark atmosphere! Moreover, there are even more dangerous things hidden in there..."

Tokimoto Ichiro took out a stack of talisman paper and handed it to the two of them, his expression looked more serious than ever.

"Roar? Are you talking about these hidden energy field beings?"

The camera screen in Mai Hanyu's hand turned to Ichiro Tokimoto: "It seems that Uncle Tokimoto is not as simple as the "deceived and abducted magic stick" that my mother said."

"...This...this is the resentful spirit?! Impossible, this is the technology only available in the'Institute'..."

Seeing the overwhelming resentment and the black figure swimming inside in the playback screen of that ordinary SLR camera, Shimoto Ichiro's face was solemn.

This kind of Wraith Observation Equipment similar to [Spirit Detective Goggles] has always been firmly controlled by the guys in the research institute.

The only thing known by the Association of Soul Slayers is that the production of this equipment requires the consumption of precious [Hyakeye Ghost Culture Cells], so it cannot be mass-produced.

"I'll talk to you about the camera, it's too late now..."

Just as the three of them were talking, the resentment that covered the clouds and the moon like a tsunami had already spread to the front.

In the lane ahead, a large number of people chose to abandon the car and run in the opposite direction because of the strange scenes such as large-scale blackouts in the city and unidentified flameouts of vehicles.

"Kengo, prepare to block out grievances and buy time for the people!"

Shimoto Ichiro raised his head and looked at the resentment that was rushing toward his face. Several pieces of talisman paper appeared suddenly between his five fingers, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"How do you tie up such a large area..."

Whispering, Yamada Kengo also hurriedly began to paste talisman paper on the surrounding cars.


After the temporary formation was completed, the master and apprentice hurriedly made handprints, driving the talisman paper around.

An aura of spiritual power instantly covered the pavement covered with talisman paper.

Nine-character Mantra Array·Bao Gourd Array.

But the area of ​​this formation seemed so pitiful to the boundless raging resentment in front of the two of them.

"Wujiang, if you want to recognize my uncle, you can ride a bike with that kid!!"

"Well, so did you ignore my name at the last moment..."

Seeing that he moved out of "The Majesty of the Elder", "Anonymous Nephew" Hou Hailudou and Mai Hanyu, who was carrying a large bag, could only ride a bicycle.

"Sister, your bags are too heavy..."

Hou Hailudou stepped on the pedals and began to ride in the opposite direction with difficulty.

"...Wait, it seems...no need to go."

In the lens, a light curtain that can only be seen by the eliminator, did not know when, between the few people and the resentment, rose to the sky.

On the back seat of the bicycle, Mai Hanyu, who was still holding the camera, gently jumped out of the car, and walked towards the resentment that came on her face as if caught by an evil spirit.

The raging resentment hit the light curtain and could no longer move forward.

"Is this... another form of expression of the hidden energy field?"

She spread her palms forward and looked at the black air that was unable to advance one meter in front of her with a blurred look.

It is as if there is an invisible boundary separating the entire block.

Inside the line is a dark, lifeless hell, and outside the line is a brightly lit and shining world.

"This... the master's nine-character mantra formation is indeed well-deserved..."

Seeing the grievance that stopped in front of him, Yamada Kengo showed his face.

"Oh... it hurts..."

Behind him, Shimoto Ichiro jumped up and gave him a violent shudder.

"If my temporary formation is so powerful, you don't admire me as a teacher... This must be the Yin Yang Liao opening the three major formations in Tokyo."

Shimoto Ichiro leaped onto [Cocoon]’s back and turned to face Mai Hanyu, who was obsessedly observing the light curtain, and said seriously: “Someone from the Metropolitan Police Department should soon come to blockade the formation, you must remember not to go any further. One step. Kengo, let's go..."

Immediately, he took Yamada Kengo into the grievance that he couldn't see his fingers without looking back.


"Look, people are like garbage..."

Above the Skytree, the crowd that had been hustling had been evacuated urgently, leaving only the Moon Shadow Qiancao who was hiding in the shadows and was not expelled.

"When disaster strikes, only 10% of people will be able to do the right thing, 20% of people will behave improperly because of panic, and the remaining 70% will stand still because of shock..."

"And these negative emotions will become the nourishment of Rashomon..."In the silent "Tenbo Corridor," Moonkage Chikusa, who was originally staring at the chaotic flow of people below with pleasure, suddenly moved to Sensoji Temple not far away.

"Hoho? These magic sticks still have two tricks..."

Below the Skytree, Sensoji Temple and Asakusa Shrine on the edge of Taito District and on the edge of the Sumida River glowed with spiritual power, making it impossible for the rich blackness to penetrate.

The huge five-storied pagoda faintly shone with the light of thunder and lightning in the grievances.

Hung a huge lantern with the words "Thunder Gate" and the statues of the god of wind and thunder on the left and right, shining with turbulent white light, dispelling the resentment around.

The Thunder Gate, officially named "The Gate of the God of Wind and Thunder", is named after the statue of the God of Wind and Thunder protects it from right and left.

Several monks and priests guarded the Kaminarimon Gate and greeted the people who were too late to evacuate to take refuge inside.

Obviously, this is the start of a certain battle.

"Wind thunder formation?"

In the distance, several light spots lit up one after another, forming a pattern of the Big Dipper.

This is the simultaneous activation of Kai Shrine, Rice Lotus Shrine, Tsukito Hachiman Shrine, Torogoshi Shrine and Dou Shrine, and the Seven Stars Formation of the Gates.

Immediately, each of the four squares in the southeast, northwest and northwest lit up unwillingly, connecting them into a light curtain that mortals could not see.

This is the five-spirit seal formation composed of Yasukuni Shrine, Tsukiji Honganji, Yanaka Recreation Garden, Zajiya Recreation Garden, and Aoyama Recreation Garden, and they have been activated simultaneously.

"Hey, although I can't see it, since the gate seven-star formation and the five-spirit seal formation are all opened, presumably the Taiji Yin-Yang formation is also activated."

Seeing not far from below, the resentment gushing out from the gates of hell, isolated by the invisible light curtain within the Taitung area, no longer spread, and gradually condensed more and more densely, Moon Shadow Qiancao didn't have the slightest feeling of frustration.

"Dry ice is just a supporting role to set off the atmosphere of the stage..."

Everything so far is in his expectation.

"The protagonist, hasn't appeared yet."


Chiyoda District, Kanda Nenshio Town.

"What to do... It is completely blocked... It is said that even the subway has stopped..."

Erqian in the driver's seat frantically honked his horn, looking helplessly at the impenetrable road in front of him.

The three of them came out of Kagurazaka, passed through Nishikandacho, and followed the slow traffic all the way to Izumi Bridge across the river from Akihabara. They couldn't walk anymore...

In the middle of the road, there were densely jammed with motor vehicles with nowhere to go.

On both sides of the road, in order to participate in the annual "Hyakki Yakou COSPLAY Festival" event in Akihabara, the players who dressed up as ghosts and ghosts of all walks of life can only walk away dejectedly because of the suspension of the event.

"It is absolutely unforgivable to tear down my apartment just because of silly things like cults and hallucinogenic gas like Sarin..."

Unintentionally watching the chaotic scenes outside the car and the monsters, ghosts, pseudo-mothers, Loli, Onee-san, who was worried about his apartment alone, Sosuke Araki frowned.

"Ryoma, you can turn around and send Xiaoniao Youshi back to punish cults and be a nail house. I will go alone..."

"Sorry, Mr. Araki, I also have a reason to go there, so let's get off the car and walk."

Without waiting for Sosuke Araki to finish, Yu Mayumi Kotori opened the door and got out of the car, took out the longbow from the trunk, and ran towards the bridge.

"...Being a nail house, is it necessary to bring that antique with you?"

Looking at the back of the little witch who was more anxious than herself, Araki Zongjie was shocked, and then got out of the car behind her.

"No matter what, if you don't hurry over, I'm afraid the house is gone..."

"Hey, you are gone, what should I do?"

The "abandoned" Erqian Ryoma looked helpless at the chaotic traffic in front of him.

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