The warm morning light quietly spilled over the battered city like the ruins after the earthquake, but it could not dispel the biting coldness.

Last night, those giant tornadoes that rose from the ground in the black fog and disappeared suddenly destroyed more than 60% of the buildings in Taitung District in less than an hour.

After the "holographic projection gate" and "sarin psychedelic gas" disappeared and electricity was restored, a rescue team composed of government departments, enterprises and non-governmental organizations immediately entered Taitung District.

Hundreds of rescue teams, like tiny ants, walked through the rubble, searching for people who might be crushed under the collapsed building.

From time to time, helicopters flicked through the air, hovering over areas that were blocked by the wreckage of buildings and were no longer reachable on the ground.

In the outskirts of Taitung District, countless construction machinery are roaring to clean up the building debris, vehicle wreckage and other things that were broken into one place by the tornado.

The whole Taitung District was filled with a surviving breath.

The dark red giant gate in the night sky, the weird black fog that can invalidate all energy, the huge tornadoes that come and go, and the huge black shadow that suddenly appeared in the black fog and disappeared with the giant gate...

Until now, people across Japan still have no sense of reality about the many things that happened in the bustling Taito district overnight.

Although the ninth lesson evacuated the masses in advance, the Yin-Yang liao opened the formation in time to temporarily control the grievances and the ghosts flowing in it within Taitung District...

But if it weren’t for the sudden disappearance of the tornadoes, the giant gate in mid-air, and the black mist underneath disappearing for some reason, I’m afraid the constant resentment and the hidden existence in it would be enough to break through the large array at dawn and bring the whole Tokyo has become a ghost mythical creature that is forbidden by the living.

Although people in other parts of Tokyo didn't know that they had already brushed against hell, this devastated and razed city still shocked them, and they couldn't help but recall the catastrophe that happened a hundred years ago.

On September 1, 1923, a strong earthquake of magnitude 8.1 occurred in the Kanto region of Japan. The earthquake and the tsunami, tornadoes, and fires covered by the earthquake included Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Shizuoka, Yamanashi and other places. The earthquake caused 150,000 lives and losses. There were 300,000 buildings, more than 2 million people were left homeless, and property losses were 6.5 billion yen.

Although the government has always used "holographic projection", "cult terrorist attacks" and "coincident natural disasters" to explain this series of events, it has also implemented quite high-pressure public opinion control...

But it can't stop the discussion of various online channels, and walk various versions of the "truth" in the hearts of the people.

Countless netizens claimed to have encountered all kinds of weird things after the giant gate appeared, and even saw their loved ones who died...

Even among the folks, believers who claimed to have witnessed a huge dark shadow closing the gates of hell began to organize spontaneously to worship the "black Buddha in the mist."

Just when the entire Taitung District was shrouded in suspicion, and the post-disaster rescue was intensively carried out...

The apartment in front of Tibet, which was the center of the entire incident, remained silent.

In the area within a kilometer of the apartment, the yellow warning bar of "entry prohibition" is pulled, and there are heavy checkpoints, so even the rescue team cannot enter.

Due to the tragic gathering of four large tornadoes here, all the buildings in the blocked area were razed to the ground except for the gray and dilapidated former Tibetan apartment.

From the air, you can also see the surrounding area of ​​the apartment, and the potholes on the ground are covered with huge spiral scratches left by tornadoes.

"Beep Beep... Beep Beep Beep..."

In the blocked area, several detectives wandering in the ruins and wearing suits, with detection equipment similar to mobile phones in their hands, suddenly began to make frantic noises.

A crack in the black space that was about ten centimeters long and almost invisible, cracked silently in the air, exuding a faint resentment.

"This is the third group. A new ‘gap’ was observed 300 meters east of the apartment..."

A few pale arms, accompanied by strands of resentment, slowly began to squeeze out from the slender, pitch-black crack...

"...It seems that a spirit body is pouring out, ask for support."

"Received, the closest soul remover is coming, please keep your distance first."

At the moment of an agent's report, the tiny black crack squeezed out a sea anemone-like cluster composed of countless entangled arms like a childbirth.

"His... hand... my hand, why can't it stop..."

Those arms of different lengths and thicknesses, covered with calluses, shook each other together, rubbing them up and down in a very skilled and silky manner with a frequency of bringing out afterimages.

The Convergent Wraith used several arms to prop up on the ground, and the densely packed fine compound eyes on the top of his head looked around, split the huge mouth full of slender arms inside, and ran toward the agents excitedly at high speed.

In the face of this fast-gathering wraith spirit, the agents didn't even plan to shoot tentatively, and ran in the opposite direction without looking back.

Any agent who still holds the idea of ​​using spiritual power bullets to fight against the congregating wraith spirits has been "retired" in the dark fog of last night.

Thanks to the relationship that most of the ghosts and grievances were swept by the tornado and the "one-stop service" was sent to a certain black giant fist to become a Buddha, after the gate of hell disappeared, the resentment and resentment left in Taitung District were originally Not many, most of them disappeared and hibernated after sunrise.

However, since the weird black figure appeared and disappeared with the gate of hell, such small black cracks appeared from time to time within one kilometer of the apartment in front of Tibet.

In this space crack called the "crevice", there is a faint resentment gushing out, and occasionally resentful spirits or ghosts appear from it.

These spatial cracks are very small and unstable, and they will "self-repair" about ten minutes after they appear.

Although the above did not give accurate information, most of the agents secretly guessed that the other end of the crack might be connected to the world behind the giant gate that does not belong to the living.

Perhaps all of this was due to the fact that the giant black figure "closed the door" too violently and damaged the gate of hell, causing the passage between the world and hell to no longer be firm.

Fortunately, up to now, both the amount of grievances and the ghosts gushing out of it are still within the processing capacity.

"Come... hiss... let me use this tightest right hand to bestow you..."

Just when the cluster of wraith spirits composed of densely packed arms leaped high and propped up with a weird howling, they were about to catch up with one of the agents...


A scorching knife light flashed past, cutting the resentful spirit in half in half.

"Master Tachibana Piaoxue..."

The one who appeared in front of the agents at some unknown time was Abe Temple, who was embarrassed and had a plaster hanging from one arm.

"No, help me up...I can still fight..."

Slashed by the glow of his burning sword, the congregating resentful spirit split into two, quietly collapsed towards the ground on both sides, weakly scattered into hundreds of arms, unwilling to wriggle on the ground into resentment...

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