I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 398 Disaster Prevention Mobile Team


Hearing the girl's words, several agents nodded silently, and immediately someone graciously moved out tables, chairs, hot tea, and snacks for her and placed them on the side of the road.

"Ah, really don't need...thank you..."

"If you are allowed to stand outside like this, we might as well apologize."

From beginning to end, these capable, stern-faced men looked at the girl's eyes, full of gratitude and awe.

Because, as those who have experienced the Obon event personally, they know very well that the seemingly immature high school girl in front of him is the unfathomable contemporary maiden of Akima Shrine, and the newly promoted genius of the exemption level [2] of Chisei Shrine. The psychic bird swims Mayumi.

Not to mention the rows of "Akagi Chibon" torii that she built on the night of the Obon Festival, forming a passage to the outside world and saving countless people who are deeply resentful...

In these days alone, during her rotation in the apartment in front of Tibet, there are not a few agents who have been saved from that sharp arrow.

Sitting at the gate of the guard room, Yu Mayumi Torii glanced uncomfortably at the direction when he came, took out a small cosmetic box from the backpack behind him, and looked in the mirror.

It seems that there will be things that make her extremely concerned will come.

The agents sitting in the guard room "alert" secretly looked at this scene with gossip eyes.

What kind of person is it that can make this little bird wandering maiden who can take a bow and arrows in the face of vicious grievances, revealing the appearance of a little girl waiting for her boyfriend.


A huge rubbing sound rang, and the iron gate, which was more than a thousand pounds heavy, on the outside of the apartment in front of Tibet was opened from the inside.

As the heavy iron door slowly opened to the side, a tall young man in black sportswear with a brightly shaved head walked out of it.

"Hey, is it possible that the little bird maiden came to see Yamada-kun?"

"Damn it, I must have accidentally inhaled grievances and hallucinated. This is impossible..."

Seeing this bald young man, two of the agents suddenly showed distressed expressions of "toad ate swan meat" and "flowers stuck in cow dung".

Although walking out from the inside of the apartment, the bald-headed youth like a monk is the one who exempts spirits from level one, comes and goes like the wind on all fours, strangles countless wraiths on the night of the Meng Lan Bon Festival, and rescues hundreds of trapped people [Philosophy Sword] Shi] Kengo Yamada...

But in the days after that night, he turned into a dog because of the side effects of a certain grievance, and made many acts of indignation between people and gods.

Not to mention, the internal detectives in Class 9 can see his multiple criminal convictions, such as "windbreaker exhibitionist", "girl's bedroom clothing stealing habitual offender" and so on.

"Speak down, although we all know that you two belong to the'Little Birds' Guards,' but you don't need to be so obvious..."

Another older agent smirked and pushed them with his elbow.

The "Little Bird You Guards" is a secret support group formed by several class 9 agents who were rescued by Little Bird You Mayumi.

"One month, it's really fast."

Seeing the bird Yu Mayumi sitting at the door, Yamada Kengo nodded slightly and stood respectfully next to him.

"Ah, Yamada-kun, you, your hair is..."

Bird Yu Mayumi, who was applying makeup, turned around to see Yamada Kengo's dazzling bald head under the street lamp, and the makeup box in his hand was scared to the ground.

"Is this? I shaved it on purpose yesterday. In order to ensure the visual effect, I also applied the highest grade bald oil..."

Yamada Kengo touched the top of his silky round head and smirked embarrassedly.

"This is a while, I want to show my sincerity to my predecessors."

Staring at the streets under the night, as deep as an endless black hole, he showed the expression of seeing death at home.

"Is it because of that..."

With an expression of sudden enlightenment, Tori Mayumi comforted the other person with pity in his eyes.

"It's been so long, Mr. Araki, who recently eats fast and reciting Buddhism, cultivates his character, should, probably, maybe, maybe..."

However, in her increasingly weak voice, she was full of uncertainty.

"I don't care... right?"

During the conversation between the two, several green-skinned military Toyota off-road vehicles appeared from the alley, and with a wild aura, they steadily stopped in front of the huge iron gate.

Several sturdy men walked out of the car without saying a word, and they lined up neatly beside the gate.

Whether it is the automatic rifles on their backs, the goggles on their heads, the camouflage uniforms of special materials, the indifferent eyes and the determined expressions, they all give people a strong military atmosphere.

After they lined up, Shi Shiran got out of the front off-road vehicle, a tall and thin man with a height of nearly 1.8 meters, a black suit and a pair of toad sunglasses.

"This is the area under the control of the Metropolitan Police Department. Please explain your intentions immediately."

Seeing the battle in front of him, the detective who belonged to the ninth class in the guard room immediately stepped forward to inquire.

"Ah, does the Metropolitan Police Department control the area? By the way, this..."

The man who was standing in front of a group of muscular soldiers behind him, who looked even thinner, yawned and took out a crumpled ball of paper from his trouser pocket.

"...What? This is the order issued today. The disaster prevention mobile team under the Ministry of Defense will take over all defense affairs around the Tibetan apartment from today.

"From this moment on, this is no longer a'Metropolitan Police Department Control Area', but has been upgraded to a military restricted area."

This man is full of laziness and impatience, but under the sunglasses there is a murderous man. He throws paper balls to the detective in front of him as a way of throwing trash, and he looks up at the high wall in front of him with interest.

"...Is it here, the source of all troubles."

"Mochizuki's person?"

"Could it be the guy who originally wanted to serve as the head of the ninth lesson... didn't he perform tasks overseas?"

Until this time, everyone noticed that the red and white "Eight Circles Around One Circle" emblem was printed on the back of this man's seemingly ordinary suit.

Mochizuki clan emblem, the moon wheel is nine shining.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Mochizuki next to Mochizuki, I can barely be regarded as the captain of this disaster prevention mobile team, and he is also... the cousin of one of the'former' heads of your ninth lesson."

Mochizuki, who seemed to have heard the agent's comments, turned his head back and introduced himself without sincerity, wearing sunglasses and a cold breath all over his body at night.

He glanced sideways at Kengo Yamada and Yu Mayumi Kotori, who were silent now, and said disdainfully: "If I were to be transferred back from abroad soon, Ayano wouldn't be able to get in."

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