"Elven Wind?"

Feeling the weird breeze, the bird Yu Mayumi outside the door felt a kind of palpitations for some reason.

Since the opening of the gates of hell on the night of the Meng Lan Bon Festival, some strange changes have been happening quietly and imperceptibly in Tokyo and even throughout Japan.

"Elf Wind" is one of them.

According to folklore, on the second day of Obon, that is, on the morning of August 16, a magical wind called "elven wind" will blow.

People who are blown by this wind from hell will get sick and become bedridden.

Therefore, this day is also considered inappropriate for tomb sweeping.

It has been a month since the gates of hell were closed, and everywhere in Tokyo, this seemingly harmless "spirit wind" that can only be attracted by resentment can still be seen vaguely.

A group of scarlet energy entangled and squirmed like filaments, wrapped in the elven wind, like spores spread with the wind, fell into the pile of flesh that the mountain man turned into.

However, whether it was an agent wearing a spirit detective goggles, a member of the disaster prevention mobile team or a spirit eliminator, all seemed to have not seen the scarlet energy.

Quietly, centered on the pile of broken flesh and blood behind Mochizukiche, countless tough and elastic black hyphae burst out, spreading towards the surroundings!

Several members of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team were caught off guard and were immediately entangled by the mycelium...

"Be careful, this thing... uh..."

Even though they reacted extremely quickly and took out the tactical saber, they couldn't cut the flexible hyphae, and could only watch it entwined along their saber and arm.

In the middle of the parking lot, the mass of flesh and blood was squirming under the mycelium, and suddenly stretched out a huge hand, and blasted towards Mochizuki fiercely.

"Dying to fight back? Troublesome guy..."

Seeing that he was about to be hit by the giant hand, Mochizuki, who was standing in place and complaining of "trouble", had turned into an afterimage and appeared on the side of the giant hand.

"Ok... so fast..."

Even though the giant hand turned into black flesh and blood was big, it reacted with agility beyond imagination, as if it was coordinating with his movements, turning fists into claws, turning the direction and grabbing hard.

"Good job, let me try..."

Seeing that the weird giant palm wide enough for two people was pressed down, Mochizuki did not evade, still maintaining his decadent and calm aura, rolled up the cuff of his left hand and greeted him...

"...Your catty!!"

Mochizuki Che's left arm that turned into pitch black suddenly exploded several times, and was fiercely bombarded with the giant arm made of mycelium and flesh and blood.

Even the gunpowder around, under the huge wind pressure caused by this blow, frantically gathered towards the collision.

The power of the great country is 30%.


The huge impact spread in the center of the parking lot.

After the strikes intersected, the field suddenly became quiet.

At the same time, Yamada Kengo had already swung the peach wood sword to disperse the difficult mycelium with thunder gang, and rescued the team members.

"It seems that it's nothing more than that. Pack up, hand over early, let's get off work..."

Mochizuki retracted his left hand, fastened the button, ignored the huge arm beside him, turned back and walked towards the iron gate.


Behind him, the giant black arm, which was just like a hindsight, gradually shattered into pieces of black flesh starting from the fingertips.

"Just, just a punch?! Wait, it's not over yet..."

As Yamada Kengo exclaimed, under the raised dust, the arms in mid-air were still collapsing, and the mycelium on the ground condensed and formed at a faster speed...

At both ends of the same group of flesh and blood, destruction and rebirth are simultaneously staged.

Under the entanglement and squirming of black mycelium, a ghost similar in size to a mountain man suddenly rose from the ground.

It's just that the top of the neck, instead of the head, is a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

A body without arms, plus black hyphae covering the whole body, intertwined with roots, and a pair of short legs that are too thick and out of proportion...

Compared with the previous mountain male resentful spirit or huge arm, this ghost has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just like evolution, it seems that every time it is destroyed, its shape will be more complete and targeted changes will be made at the same time...

At the feet of this ghost, a large number of mycelium and minced meat are extending along the ground of the parking lot.


There was no time for everyone to react. The ghost, like a frog catching mosquitoes, suddenly ejected a shark-like mouth and swallowed Mochizuki, who had just turned around.

"Team, captain..."

The members of the Disaster Prevention Mobility Team all around looked distraught, but they were scrupulous about Mochizuki and did not dare to shoot.

"This, this is not like gathering resentful spirits..."

Yamada Kengo held a lightning strike peach wood sword, blocking the gap between the iron gates, and took out the talisman paper with his other hand and slapped it on the ground.

Regardless of whether it is a resentful spirit or a ghost, its image will be affected by obsessions in life, and its behavior patterns are more or less traceable.

But the whole body of the ghost in front of him seemed to be filled with disorder, chaos and inexplicable things.

A burst of awe-inspiring spiritual power spread around him, gradually spreading to the surrounding ground and walls.

"Pre-Tibet Blocking Array", activated.

In the unknown, he made the most sensible move.

The high wall of the Tibetan apartment presided over by Yinyangliao is naturally not as simple as an ordinary building, but is made of special materials that cannot be penetrated by the spirit body.

Among them, there is a mini-seal formation specially made for the apartment in front of Tibet, with the help of the "three major formations in Tokyo".

Once fully activated, such as the invisible barrier that firmly guarded Taitung District on the Meng Lan Festival, it will appear around the apartment in front of Tibet to prevent ghosts and grievances from fleeing.


In the middle of the parking lot, the ghost that Mochizuki swallowed in one bite seemed to smell a sign, but it did not attack everyone with obsession like ordinary wraith spirits, but slowly squatted to the ground...

"not good……"

With the strong short legs accumulating, the ghost jumped into the sky like a frog.

"Want to go?!"

At the same time, from the sleek belly of the ghost, a huge black arm suddenly blasted out...

"...Give it to me, stay!"

Inside the split abdomen, Mochizuki, whose body was mostly sunken in it, was exposed.

With his punch, there seemed to be an invisible shock spreading out.

This leaping ghost gradually disintegrated in the air and split into two, leaving only the huge mouth above the neck, which continued to rise into the air by inertia.

In the midair, under the huge mouth, countless myceliums squirmed out, forming a pair of reduced short legs...

With the help of the pair of short legs, with a kick on the high wall of the apartment in front of Tibet, the ghost actually jumped over the wall before the formation barrier closed.

This stubborn vitality like a cancer cell made everyone shocking.

"Can't let it escape..."

Yamada Kengo reacted most quickly and immediately fell on all fours and rushed out of the apartment door like a gust of wind.

"I was out!"

The little bird Yu Mayumi, who had been outside the iron gate, had filled his fingertips with talisman paper, and waited under the high wall.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time, a harsh exhaust sound sounded in the dark neighborhood.

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