"Well, I have already decided. Although I am not very clear about the specific situation, I owe a lot of debts to be paid, in various senses..."

Araki Sosuke immersed himself in two sips of ramen, looked at the courtyard outside the living room, with a sacred and solemn expression on his face: "Moreover, this is a handsome hidden job "spiritualist"! Compared with the previous "Convenience Store Reserve Manager", "COSPLAY Food Delivery Man", "Hill House Test Sleeper" by N levels...SavingPeople, HuntingThings, FamilyBusiness! "

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but began to rise trivially: "In addition to the basic salary of 300,000 yuan and the generous task bonus, he may also receive various additional'thanks' from the client... Oh ha ha ha ha. "

In his mind, "Ah, Mrs. Kurai, are you being haunted by evil spirits again today?", "Spirit remover Araki-kun, I... my body has become so strange, please do it for me from scratch When it comes to my feet, check it out for me...", "Don't worry, see I use this ancestral exorcism wand that has not been sheathed for 23 years..." and so on.

"It's great. When Mr. Araki gets the exemption and becomes a deacon for the official post, I will have more opportunities to follow along and learn."

Seeing that Sosuke Araki finally made up his mind to suspend the "illegal despiration career" and engage in legal despiration, the bird Yu Mayumi on the side also showed an eager look.

"For this reason, today I specially brought over the review materials that I used before for the written examination of Chu Ling's exemption assessment..."

"Huh? What did you say, there are pens and written exams?!"

As if hearing some scourge, Araki Sosuke's expression suddenly solidified on his face, and his forehead was gradually covered with fine beads of sweat.

There are countless painful "written exams" experiences in the past in my life.

"Kengo!!! Didn't you say, just go up and show off, remove a spirit or something?"

"Ahahahaha, have you all eaten well, let me help clean up and sort the garbage by the way..."

Ignoring the gaze of Ms. Araki's question, Yamada Kengo stood on the side with some guilty conscience, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and walked to the open kitchen.

"The monthly waivers assessment will be tomorrow. Unfortunately, the assessment process does not allow onlookers, so it is impossible to witness the heroic appearance of Mr. Araki as the first place..."

"Therefore, I hope that the summary of the study materials for the written test and the questions I encountered in the test can help Mr. Araki get familiar with the process!"

Without noticing the slightly stiff look of Araki Sosuke, Yu Mayumi Kotori had bright eyes. From the bag on the side, he took out a few thick books and notes and placed them on the table.

"In terms of study materials, I have quite a few on my own side... Wait, you said that the test time is tomorrow or tomorrow?!"

He didn't wait for him to refuse at all, with the fragrant body of a young girl, he had already knelt down next to Sousuke Araki and explained it seriously.

"If you want to be a qualified spirit remover, you must understand the causes and characteristics of various wraiths and ghosts, as well as the allusions and taboos of various gods. Only by possessing these common sense can you avoid the irregularities of removing spirits to the greatest extent possible. Two lines of tears from the client..."

"Japanese Sacrificial Rites", "Summary of Shintoism Development", "New Hundred Monogatari", "Hyakki Yakou"...

In these slightly worn books on the table, each page contains the young girl Juanxiu's new notes and notes. It can be seen that she had spent a lot of time trying to get the exemption from Chu Ling.

"With the strength of Mr. Araki, hurry up and study these books and review materials. It must be no problem..."

"Multi-choice question: Which of the following shrines worships'Milk God'?"

"So, is there such a god? I really want to see..."

"Fill-in-the-blank question: What are the four words of the belief concept of the'Tianxian Shrine' that inherits the worship of male Dagen?"

"This kind of low-level shrine, still have a face to talk about beliefs? 』

"Case question: Please elaborate on the proper way to remove spirits when you encounter both the'White Striped Sea Monster' and the'Jellyfish Fireball' at the same time..."

"Hey, what the hell are these? 』

Under the gentle persuasion of the girl, Sosuke Araki trembling hands, as if picking up a hot potato, with a pale face, he read the heavy books that were densely packed with five-size characters.

"I f*ck, these questions..."

"Ms. Araki... please calm down... the book is about to be crushed by you..."

Looking at the two people sitting together and gradually turning others into the background, Ryoma's face showed a cautious look before the second.

"Hey, these two people, when..."

"Don't you know? I have noticed since a month ago..."

"I heard the old lady say that when Araki-kun suddenly appeared and fainted on that rooftop, Yuuji Xiaoniao was crying."

The thick sea and land on the side covered his mouth with his hands, and his face was also covered with a layer of shadow for some reason.

"So that's it, is it ‘that’s the matter’?!"

"Yes, it's ‘that’s what’s going on’!!!"

After the incident at the gates of hell, Toriyu Mayumi and Sosuke Araki still get along as they did in the past.

However, the people around you can more or less see that as long as the two people are together, there will be a natural but unclear ambiguity in the field.

The most important thing is that these two people seem to be completely unaware of this, but the others will immediately embarrassedly incarnate into the background board.

The only person who can break through this delicate atmosphere without being affected is Mai Hanyu, who has a strong aura.

It's a pity that after she hastily finished her meal, she went outside the room to carefully check the changed Sengoku warriors in the name of studying the "subject of hidden energy field objects swallowing each other."

"Ahem, that, Araki-kun, please come over..."

But today, a certain man who can break through this subtle atmosphere appeared here.

Before the second, Ryoma stood under the eaves outside the living room and called out in a polite and gentle manner, Sosuke Araki who was about to be drowned in the ocean of knowledge.

"Oh, it's Mr. Before the second, don't bother me, I'm studying hard...what, is there an ‘important’ thing to discuss with me?"

As if caught a life-saving straw, Araki Zongjie was disgusted, but his body stood up honestly and quickly, and came to the living room as if to escape for his life.

"As expected to be the best friend who knows me best, only you who can save me from the death vortex called learning at the critical moment..."

"Tsk, I said, you enviable fellow, you are also a spirit remover, you are also a female high school student, and you give out dog food..."

Under the eaves, Erqian Ryoma with his back facing him began to count someone's "guilt", and his body was trembling with anger.

"...Have you ever considered how I feel about being suspended for more than a month for investigation, and I don’t even have money to go to the red light district, and I can only rely on ‘delivery’ to sustain my life!"

Hearing what he said, even the bird Yu Mayumi in the rear room turned a little blushing.

"What, I don't, although my dream is indeed..."

Before Araki Sosuke had time to defend himself, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Ryoma's crooked mouth.

The half-meter-long giant "transit koi" presented by the little bird Yutaro was held in his arms by him at some point. The huge "O"-shaped fish mouth opened and closed as he struggled, using his best Looting oxygen.

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