"Wait a minute, this, this exemption!"

Looking at the permission that belonged to Fujiwara Takumi in his hand, Sosuke Araki's face condensed, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

"Such simple paper and printing process, it seems that there is no anti-counterfeiting mark, it looks very easy to forge, if the name is slightly obliterated here, it is changed to a waste..."

While talking, Araki Sosuke has lightly pressed the word "vine" on the forbidden word with extremely wet fingers...

"Asshole, where are you drooling!"

"Really, I have researched it a long time ago. Not only does it have anti-counterfeiting spiritual power fluctuations, but it also needs to be used in conjunction with the Association’s APP account, binding the basic resident account and bank account. You must spend your energy to forge this set. Things, it’s better to prepare for the exam seriously!"

Fujiwara Takumi grabbed the permission and turned and walked towards the elevator entrance: "Just go back to Liver Shrink Punk 2088. I just downloaded it, but I had time to squeeze a super long little X chicken. I haven't had time to use it. Just look at it and go out..."

"Wait, the word'vine' seems to have been really confused by that guy... Why doesn't it seem that the fluctuation of anti-counterfeiting spiritual power can't be sensed? 』

"Please stay..."

When Fujiwara Takumi was crying without tears and put away the permission to leave, a slender figure dragged an afterimage and stopped in front of him.

"The favored one who has met once in four thousand years...Takumi Fujiwara...It is said that you are the strongest and most durable spirit remover of the younger generation in Japan?"

It was the nasty foreign nun, Niya, who unceremoniously blocked the way of Fujiwara Takumi.

"...You, did you make a mistake?"

Looking at a foreign woman who is about the same height as herself, Fujiwara Takumi, who has never considered herself to be associated with words such as "powerful" and "lasting", and only wants to go home and play games, stared at her blankly, with some uncomfortable corners of her eyes. Smoked.

"Let’s get acquainted formally, in Xia Niya St. Catherine, the witch-hunting nun at the Vatican’s Heresy Tribunal."

"Oh, people from the Holy See, it's rare to see. Fortunately, I will be lucky to meet, please borrow it..."

Fujiwara Takumi used an indifferent tone and skillfully perfunctory, and he wanted to pass the other party.

There is no meaning to "formally recognize" at all.


In the face of his "arrogant" move, I saw Niya put his hand under the miniskirt, and the action quickly brought out a sharp light from the absolute domain...

"When the lady introduces herself, please at least maintain a basic demeanor!"

A cheap plastic utility knife commonly seen in stationery shops hovered quietly on Fujiwara Takumi's neck.

"No matter, today I just'lubricate' it in advance... When I get the exemption from the spirits, I will officially come to the door to challenge and have a long time with your Excellency. Look at all of you who can only deal with spirits and have no power to bind chickens. The capital of the soul remover..."

"Run...lubricate? What you want to say is'knowing'..."

Fujiwara Takumi lowered his head stiffly and noticed with hindsight the cold thing on his neck that he didn't know when.

Facing the sharp blade on his neck, the expression on his face had not had time to change, and his body was already trembling honestly.

Centered on his high-frequency trembling calf, a large expanse of "16-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" spiritual power rushed out like a floodgate opening, covering the entire corridor.

"This...this is the magical power of the chrysanthemum pattern of Meiji Jingu?"

"Appeared, Fujiwara Takumi's famous technique, "Kidko no Shiver"! Rubbing the body with a high frequency of one hundred times per second, reaching the peak in an instant, the divine power that gushes out of the body..."

The spiritualists in the field all admired the gorgeous "chrysanthemum flowers blooming everywhere" in front of them with admiration.

On the night of the Obon Festival, thanks to the favor of Emperor Meiji, after a certain originally jerky and narrow "passage" was deepened, the flow rate of this useless chrysanthemum pattern in Fujiwara Takumi's body was several times higher than before.

Along with the nun Niya, several spirit removers staying in the corridor, contaminated with the spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern, were eroded by the terrible realm pressure contained in them, and instantly lost the power to stand and fell to the ground.

It looked like Fujiwara Takumi stomped his feet and made everyone in sight to kneel down!

"The power of the son of God is terrible!"

"It's so strong, it's just the aftermath, it makes people completely irresistible..."

"It is said that ordinary resentful spirits only need to be touched and they will be turned into ashes..."

Niya, a principal nun who is better than the Vatican, can only hold on to the wall and sway hard among the chrysanthemum patterns.

"Ah, that's it for today, I still have important things to work on..."

Seeing the terrible nun in front of him who drew a knife at a disagreement, she was deeply trapped in the chrysanthemum bushes and had no time to take care of herself. Takumi Fujiwara was relieved and took the opportunity to drag her weak calf and slowly walked away towards the elevator.

"wait wait wait……"

Looking at his leaving back, Niya's eyes flashed unwillingly, and a strong holy light emerged from his body, struggling to isolate the spiritual power of the chrysanthemum, and reluctantly left the wall and resumed her posture.

"...I am worthy of being the favored one of the'one encounter in four thousand years.' Just relying on the pressure of spiritual power can make my body become weak and weak as if I have fought for dozens of rounds."

"Huh, want to challenge me..."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Fujiwara Takumi turned around, pointed his finger at someone in the corridor, pretending to be indifferent, and said, "...Take advantage of him first!"

Following his fingers, Niya slowly looked towards the middle of the corridor, a blond man with his hands in his pockets and a blank face.

Araki Sosuke, who did not remove the blindfold, did not notice the abnormality between the two, and was still curiously in front of the "melon-eating crowd".

"I deliberately used this to perfuse me, the guy who would only play XX in the room, do you look down on the strength of the Holy See? No, this guy..."

Halfway through the conversation, Niya noticed that this punk-like man turned out to be the only person on the corridor who was still standing under the impact of Fujiwara Takumi's chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

Impossible, is he better than himself?

"I see, I remember it was Sousuke Araki, right..."

Recalling the other's name, Niya seemed to have found a reasonable answer.

"To be able to deal with this terrifying breath of the gods without changing their faces, you should have entered into a "male slave contract" with Fujiwara Takumi or something like that! It is totally invisible from the outside, between the two of you actually..."

In Europe, some powerful celestial beings will enter into "contracts" with their subordinates, so as to obtain the power of the other party's sexual admiration, and at the same time increase the adaptability of their subordinates to their own power.

"If this is the case, then defeat you first, so that your master can't say..."

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