"Tingling, jingle..."

At the same time, Hiroshi Changtian's cell phone rang.

Caller ID, it is Xiaoyue who should be "standby" at the door at this moment.

"Mosimosi... Xiaoyue presided over, what's the matter..."

"Well, Vice President Changtian, Uchiko called me just now to tell me that the consecration card in the Dajing Temple suddenly cracked..."

On the other end of the phone, Xiaoyue's tone of presiding over the phone was still sluggish.

"Although the Great Wealth Array has never had a problem for many years, if you go along the way, please confirm for me whether the largest support tower in the center of the execution ground is still intact..."

Hearing the unhurried and unhurried words of Xiaoyue’s host, Hiroshi Tsugada’s forehead could not help but drip with a drop of cold sweat: "You are talking about the most central location, about six meters high, two meters wide, and four sharp corners. Tourists graffiti below it. Do you want the five-story support tower of'Zeyue Stop Here'?"

"Yes, it looks like that, but... why is your description so detailed?"

"Don't care about the details, you can tell me directly, what is suppressing underneath..."

"According to the ancient records left when the temple was built, under the first support tower in the center of the Suzumori execution ground, the first victim here, the first plan of the Qing'an change, was suppressed, Marubashi Tadiya..."

"However, hundreds of years have passed, and Maruhashi Tadiya's grievances must have disappeared. All you need to do is routine inspection..."

On the phone, the host Xiaoyue seemed not to worry about this at all, but more concerned about the integrity of the historic buildings in the ruins.

"Hey, Lord Maruhashi Chuya's resentful spirit seems to rely on absorbing the resentment in the execution grounds. It has been suffering under the seal for many years and has not dissipated..."

"What, it's impossible...dudududu..."

Before Xiao Yue finished speaking, the other end of the phone suddenly cut off for some reason.

"Hello, Xiaoyue presided over?!"

Perceiving an abnormality, Hiroshi Changtian tried to call the emergency contact number of the staff of the association, but found that the mobile phone had no signal.

"Is the resentful spirit interfering with the signal, or is there something wrong with the base station..."

The anxiety in his heart told him that there seemed to be a situation outside of his control, which was fermenting in the dark.

"...Wait. This violent nun not only directly destroyed the spiritual comforting array that has been enshrined in Dajing Temple for many years, but also found the wrong ‘spiritual removal object’!!!"

After regaining his senses, looking at the offering tower with a huge mouth like a pistachio not far away, as well as a certain "ronin man who was disturbed by sleep and crawling out of it", Hirosashi Tokuta's smooth head burst into blue veins...

"It doesn't matter if you don't use the client to obtain the information, and you act indiscriminately to break the seal without thinking about it. It is simply a model of "non-standard spirit removal, two lines of tears in Dajue Temple". If it weren’t for your special identity, I would deduct points severely..."

In the fourth year of Qing'an, a large number of Ronin were gathered by I Masasaki, Marubashi Chuya, Kanai Hanbei, and Marubashi Tadashi planned to burn Edo, and I Masasaki and Kanai Hanbei uprised in Kyoto and Osaka respectively, and took advantage of the chaos to embrace the emperor and fled to Mount Koya. , In order to obtain the order to defeat General Tokugawa.

Naihe was betrayed by his comrades in advance of the plan, and Masayuki Io and Hanbei Kanai killed themselves, and Chuya Maruhashi was arrested and sentenced to the Suzumori Execution Ground.

Punishment is a brutal criminal law derived from ancient sacrifices to mutilate animals.

The victim was tied to the torture platform and was stabbed with a long spear dozens of times, pierced in his stomach, cut off his children and grandchildren, and died in a nearly corpse posture.

Under the flying dust, a headless spirit wearing a samurai armor with only half of his body left, slowly crawled out of the cracks in the support tower, interrupting Tsukida's thoughts.

Presumably, it was Maruhashi Tadiya who was crushed by the corpse after being tortured.

"Hey, after crawling for a long time, I thought that your size would be stronger. You are just a guy with no head and no lower body. It's really not exciting..."

Disappointed by the appearance of the opponent in front of him, Niya curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

As if responding to her dissatisfaction, the surrounding memorial monuments vibrated more and more violently.


Following the collapse of several comforting monuments, several limbs and internal organs wrapped in strong resentment broke out of the ground and flew toward the depression.

Among them, there is impressively a hideous human head with a samurai tea bun, which is common in the Edo period.

After Maruhashi's death, the body was divided into several pieces, and they were suppressed under different steles!

"Roar, do you make up the head?"

Seeing under the support tower, those broken limbs and organs gradually assembled into a strong, armored warrior, Niya licked the corner of her mouth...

"No, this lady has no patience anymore, under the thunder, everything is shattered..."

Reached out and grabbed the huge "Mjornir Pseudo" beside him, and threw it at the resentful spirit.

The silver sledgehammer carried the power of thunder and threw it at Marubashi Tadaya who was merging with his limbs and head like a cruise missile...


A beam of thunder and fire fell from the sky, and with the giant hammer, the warrior wraith spirit slammed into the ground fiercely.

"Solve it?"

In the scorched black depression, Maruhashi Tadiya's resentful spirit lay motionless on the ground, and his broken limbs were scattered on the ground, and there were faint electric lights flashing on it.

Seeing this scene, Chang Tian Hiroshi was relieved.

It seems that after years of suppression by the Taijing Temple, Maruhashi Tadiya's wraith state has been extremely weak and vulnerable. Even if he failed to say "Maruhashi Tadiya, the protector of Edo!", he was gone. .

However, this nun's holy light technique is really powerful, and the magical tools she blessed can actually provoke the nemesis of the resentful spirit like Tianlei. It is no wonder that such a young person can obtain the "devil hunting permission."

"I haven't held it for three seconds, it's too fast..."

Uninterestingly, he stretched out his hand and caught the thin-handled sledge hammer that flew back to his hand automatically, and Niya turned and walked towards the way he came.

"Sorry, it doesn't seem to be able to give other test-takers a chance to play."

At the same time, a breeze of scarlet breeze blew across the night sky, and several strands of energy entangled Maruhashi Tadiya's broken body as resentment was dissipating.

Nyana took only one step forward on the long slender legs, and then stopped feeling.

"This is……"

Looking back, I saw that within the depression, Maruhashi Tadiya's limbs and body, which had already begun to dissipate, turned into mud and foam-like soft and non-fixed pieces of flesh.

As the pieces of meat spontaneously gather together, you can see that in addition to the tentacles and eyes, there are constantly eye, ear, hand, foot and other organs trying to split from it, and then collapse into a limp.

This weird piece of meat seems to be unable to maintain a fixed form, but is constantly squirming and changing...

The fascia covered with pus on the surface of the flesh exudes a faint green light, sometimes splitting into slender antennae, and sometimes opening a few green eyes, it has completely lost the human form.


Condensed to the end, a group of mud-like humanoid ghosts with various organs and limbs growing all over the body and completely invisible to Maruhashi Tadiya's original appearance appeared in the sight of Niya and Hiroshi Tsukata.

"So, was it just foreplay? Then, score twice and make another shot..."

Niya whirled excitedly with both hands on the sledgehammer, and without hesitation, a huge thunder light gushed out and swung towards the monster in front of him.

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