"one two three four five six seven……"

Under the curtain of night, Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, scanning several figures in the grass like a wolf.

"The Galactic Alliance teaches that he is not in a hurry to avoid being wanted, but he is actually eyeing the Spirit Eliminators Association..."

At this moment, he had already recognized the origin of these weirdly dressed men in front of him.

"The point is, where did they get the information about the ‘practice test’ site?"

The Galactic Alliance Church, because it was determined by the government to have caused the "Sarin Psychedelic Gas Incident" on the night of Obon a month ago, is currently a wanted nationwide cult that everyone calls for.

"Shansen-kun, I will shoot in a while, you immediately lead them to the exit direction, and find the team stationed at the door to rescue..."

Qiu Yi softly instructed the staff member of the Spirit Eliminators Association without turning his head, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

Rather than let these lunatics get closer and take advantage of their numbers, it's better to...

"But, you are the leader of a group..."

"Don't talk nonsense... go!"


Just when the closest masked man started to rush forward, Ichizo Satoru fired the first shot without hesitation.

With few enemies, and still abiding by the Metropolitan Police Department's "warning first, then shooting" process, I'm afraid it will die.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The dense gunfire spread throughout the Ruins of the Suzumori Execution Ground, constantly alarming the sleeping birds in the forest.

In the darkness, facing the men who rushed in a semicircle under the cover of trees, stone tablets and bushes, Wu Yi showed a strong psychological quality and precise marksmanship.


Several men were knocked down one after another by the passing bullets.


"He has no bullets!!"

"Come on, I have injected all the cosmic energy into your Pomen!"

"Accept the sanctions of the Dark Assassins..."

However, with the sound of the trigger air strike, the remaining members of the Galaxy Alliance who were still running roared excitedly and rushed towards him with their weapons.

"...Don't be too happy!"

Facing the black-robed masked man who rushed forward and "Palmen was injected with cosmic energy", Yiwu calmly took out the baton from his waist, knocked hard on the opponent's chin, and knocked the man into his mouth. Bai Mo, fainted to the ground.

However, the machete in the man's hand inevitably brought a deep scar on his arm.

"Come on, let me see you cults, besides deceiving yourself and others, what else is there for you!"

The arm was dripping with blood, but Yiwu didn't mean to shrink at all, but showed a hideous smile.

For the few people who left behind with Monk Qingshui who was in urgent need of rescue, he did not intend to retreat a step.

His madness shook the other two people for a while.

At the same time, with the sound of "Shusha" footsteps, two sturdy men, wearing masks and wrapped in black robes, emerged from the grass behind the followers.


Seeing the sudden increase in the number of the other party, Wu Yi frowned, and a certain kind of consciousness was already in his heart.

"Have you solved it over there? Chiron, you two are too slow, hurry up and help take him down together..."

Seeing the two church members coming from behind, the only two remaining "Suang Star Dark Assassins" suddenly felt confident.

"How do you know that I belong to Chiron? Then what constellation do you belong to?"

However, one of the men who also wore a mask did not form an encirclement formation with the two of them. Instead, he walked up to them like an acquaintance and asked curiously.

"What? It's too dark. Can't you recognize the cosmic symbol on my mask? I am Ceres..."


"Ceres" hadn't finished speaking, the "believers" on the opposite side had stretched out his black tattooed arms from his black robe, pinched his neck, raised his whole person high, and slammed into the stone monument next to him. superior.

"Sorry... the name of this constellation is too ugly..."

"Hello, Chiron, are you contaminated by negative energy? Why do you want to treat the faithful..."

Another man looked at "Ceres" lying softly on the ground in horror...


Before he finished speaking, he only felt a pain in the back of his head and his vision was black.

Another "believers" who appeared with "Chiron" had already walked behind him at some unknown time, and the butt of the rifle in his hand was ruthlessly hit on the back of his neck.


Frozenly watching the two "cults" in front of them launched a ruthless infighting and resolved their "brothers", and then skillfully started the binding work of "ancient rope art", one of them showed a confused expression.

"The leader of a team, the rookie and detective two are in front of you, request to return to the team!"

One of the "cult" took off the mask from his face and raised his hand in salute.

Under the mask, there was the smiling face of the ruffian before the second.


In the center of Suzumori's execution ground, the dense drizzle had stopped for some time.

Below the split support tower, there is a breath of roasted garlic with pepper and salt in the air.

"Unexpectedly, the exemption test of your Japanese Spirit Slayers Association is actually more difficult than the promotion task of our demon hunters..."

Sister Niya leaned back against a big tree and complained panting in the darkness.

At this moment, she still holds the long-handled silver hammer, but her body is covered with dirt and weeds, and she looks embarrassed.

"No, I didn't think about it either..."

Not far from her, Hiroshi Tsukita, who raised his elbow in one hand to spread exorcism salt, and in the other held the "organic extremely smelly super giant garlic" that he was proud of and fertilized himself, his face turned pale.

"Asshole, it was originally just an ordinary wraith entanglement case, but who do you think it is thanks to the current situation? 』

Immediately, he pretended to be unpredictable and understatement and explained: "Ahem, our Japan Spirit Eliminators Association's exemption test has always been so difficult."

In front of international friends, he did not intend to admit that it was a mistake in the background check of the Soul Eliminators Association.

The ghosts inside the Suzumori Execution Grounds have been completely wiped out in the more than 100 years since they were out of service. This is a matter repeatedly confirmed by the Spirit Slayers Association and Dajing Temple.

Who ever thought that Maruhashi Tadiya’s resentful spirit was still lingering resentment, lingering under the seal to this day...

The room leak happened in the evening rain. After losing contact with Xiaoyue's presiding officer, gunshots rang out again somewhere in the execution grounds.

Even the people in Lesson Nine took action, which made Tsunita Hiroshi more uneasy.

However, that has nothing to do with the dilemma he is currently facing.

Below the big tree, beside the two of them, there are densely surrounding dozens of "human-shaped fleshy pieces" that have no fixed shape and are constantly splitting into flesh and blood, as well as various organs and ferocious green eyes.

A closer look reveals that these "human-shaped fleshy pieces" are constantly changing their body shapes. Sometimes they are slender and tall like girls, sometimes they are thin and short, and they also have bald heads. They seem to be trying to imitate the characteristics of the two under the tree...

These resentful ghosts are directly under the corrosion of exorcism salt, and viciously impact the invisible barrier unfolded by the "nine nine into one, hand-knitted exorcism cloth with thousands of needles and hundreds of threads."

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