I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 462 Despair of Araki

"It's over, it's over, I blame the Mediterranean, which made me buy so many expensive'study materials' yesterday, and the assessment was messed up by me, and the subsidies are not counted..."

"It's better to go to the world of adults and ask if you have opened up and learned the materials. 』

"Anyway, the subsidy from the Spirit Slayers Association is definitely not enough, so I just sublet this room out. I can't use so many rooms anyway!"

Taking out his mobile phone, Sosuke Araki quickly logged into the intermediary area of ​​the "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" website, only to find that the original rental information of the house had been hanging on it at a very low price.

"I almost forgot, this house is already famous, how could it be rented out! Yes, yes, you can ask Ryoma to borrow it first. We are brothers who worship the handle, he will definitely..."

With an idea, Sosuke Araki dialed a certain friend's number with a certain expression.

At this moment, he missed the "retreat practice" and the carefree days of Wu You at the Kawasaki Master Temple.

"Oh, Ryoma, still sleeping? Didn't you say that my house was good that day, and now it's ‘cleaned’. I said before that I would move over and open a swimming pool..."

On the other side of the phone, after hearing the voice of Ryoma before the second, it seemed that he hadn't woken up yet.

"You said I haven't repaired the pool yet? Go dig it now..."

"What, Lesson 9 has arranged a free senior agent suite for you in Shibuya, which is still very close to the red light district?!"

Shaking and squeezing the phone vigorously, Sosuke Araki's expression suddenly became serious.

"Ahem, those don't matter. Actually, I have serious business to discuss with you. In order to investigate the case, I decided to take part in the Exemption Exemption Examination again next month and join the Spirit Exterminators Association to inquire about news."

"You know that I am a human being, and I am definitely not forced by life, coveting that kind of subsidy, etc."

"Then, there is a temporary special situation here that looks like... You know my strength, now I am familiar with the assessment process, and I will pay you back as soon as I receive the subsidy..."

"Wait, you said you won’t be paid until the end of the month, and last month, in order to find out about the case, I asked my colleagues to take a Thai bath supreme package. I borrowed a loan shark. How many times have I been urged by my door?! How can I find a way..."


The sudden busy tone completely extinguished the flame of hope in someone's heart.

"Asshole, just raided the Class 9 dormitory directly, kidnapped that guy, and helped me pay the tax..."

Seeing the hung-up call, Araki Sosuke's forehead burst with blue veins, and a feeling of despair began to spread in the bottom of my heart.

Scenes about to happen in the future, like snowflakes flying in front of his eyes...


"Toot toot..."

"The police are investigating the scene. When the results are obtained, a media conference will be held as soon as possible. Please do not enter within the yellow line."

A number of police cars with sirens were parked next to an old one-family building, and the doorway was surrounded by a cordon.

"BREAKINGNEWS, hello viewers, this is the HNK late-night news channel, and we are currently on the scene of the urban legend's "The House of Complaints"..."

A giant camera with the logos of major TV stations was shooting directly at the house in front of it.

Several reporter-like women are holding microphones and looking at the camera to explain the situation.

"A new resident hanged himself in the house less than a month after he moved in. The corpse was not found until a nearby construction worker complained about the smelly smell... At present, the police found a large number of pornographic magazines, DVDs and various men in the house. Supplies..."

"According to people familiar with the matter, the resident failed to be admitted to a certain industry association for exemption, was unable to enter a job, and was collected by the door to collect fixed capital, utilities, and electricity. This resulted in the break of the capital chain and the inability to even buy and sell expired food. Kidney surgery also ended in failure of matching, and finally chose to hang himself."

"Suicide and lonely death caused by economic problems during the empty window period have become a common phenomenon. This extreme exception has already attracted the attention of all walks of life. Next, let us interview the deceased's friends before his death..."

"That fellow Zongjie, and I grew up together, I have long persuaded him not to stay in the house all day and indulge in those things, study hard, and take the exam for a civil servant like me..."

"Yes, I called me to borrow money before, but I couldn't protect myself at the time. If I loaned it to him, maybe I'm hanging on a tree by loan shark..."

"Yep? Can’t you broadcast the sentence just now? Sorry, I’ll repeat it. 』

An "informed person" with thick black bars on his eyes broke the news while digging his nostrils.


"Do not!!!!"

In the warm early autumn, the temperature dropped sharply.

Snow flutters, the north wind is bleak...

With an abrupt punch, he smashed his home's courtyard wall, and Araki Sosuke severely shattered the inexplicable scene in his mind.

"Calm down, Sosuke Araki (male, 23 years old), he hasn't reached that point yet...there is no way to the sky, no, I can't count on the rotten spirits eliminator association anymore, I want to cheer myself up!"


Akihabara, M'S Department Store, Association of Soul Slayers.

"After comparative analysis of appearance and characteristics, the known characteristics of Maruhashi Tadaya's grieving spirit variant are tenacious vitality, inability to communicate with each other, ability to erode the consciousness of the target through sight, continuous self-division, evolution according to the environment, etc... As for the reason for the mutation, temporarily Unable to analyze."

"According to one of the believers of the Galaxy Alliance, they received the notification via encrypted internet mail, gathered near the Suzumori execution ground, and launched an indiscriminate attack on the relevant personnel of the Spirit Slayers Association. Other than that... Encrypted mail data will be automatically deleted, and the police's anti-tracking has no results for the time being."

"...The above is about the investigation report of the'Lingsen Execution Grounds Incident' so far last night."

Behind the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, in the large conference room, Hou Hailu Dou was playing the information shared by the Metropolitan Police Department on the projection screen.

It was supposed to be a meeting to discuss the results of Chu Ling's exemption assessment. A provisional agenda was inserted because of a series of incidents that occurred at the Suling Mori execution grounds last night.

"At present, it is not yet possible to determine whether there is a connection between the Galactic Alliance Church and Maruhashi Tadiya's mutation... However, these two issues alone are enough for us to worry..."

Sitting in the middle of the conference table, Ichiro Tokimoto touched the beard on his chin, turned his head and asked the person beside him, "What do you think, Hiroshi."

"Ahem, President, judging from the fact that these cults can know the location of the'practical test' in advance, it is only possible that we or someone inside the Metropolitan Police Department has leaked the information."

Tsukimoto Hiroshi, who was sitting next to Tokimoto Ichiro, cleared his throat with a serious expression on his face.

"Although the arrest of cults is not part of our business, since it has already been targeted, I suggest that for the recent despiration mission, at least two people should be used as a team to perform despiration in pairs."

However, with the "Fujiwara Takumi's same fixation device" on his neck and his swollen face that was light and purple, this speech would only appear extraordinarily funny.

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