"You are right. It is good for young people to work hard, but remember to eat one bite at a time. Don't go too far. The most important thing is to do well in front of you!"

Hearing Sosuke Araki's vowed speech, Uncle Watanabe nodded in approval.

"The old boy Iwae and I were on this road when we were young, but they were collectively known as'Lokko Mountain Shuanglong', and we had a life-long friendship! It was because he recommended you to come over, so I entered the job without making an exception and rest assured that the steering wheel give it to you……"

"But you came really in time. Recently, young people who are willing to run long-distance transportation at night are getting harder and harder to find..."

"It's not that I complained about the hard work at night, or that I don't like the low salary, and I don't see if my car skills are qualified. The loose generation now is really different from ours. 』

Uncle Watanabe patted Sosuke Araki on the shoulder with emotion, his expression suddenly became wretched: "By the way, when I get to Aichi, I will ask you to take a Thai bath. There is a store there and I am familiar with it. Give it to you. I recommend a masseuse who has a cute appearance, a good figure, and is not expensive..."

"By the way, it's better to call the store first and make time for you! 』

"No, Uncle Watanabe... I'm still a virgin."

"Huh? Are you a virgin boy?"

Hearing Araki Sosuke’s slightly shy words, Uncle Watanabe looked at him incredulously up and down: “It’s because I’m a virgin, that’s why I’m going to go even more!! I think it’s the first time when I first entered the industry. When I finished unloading the cargo in Kobe and took a rest, I was taken to a Thai bath by my senior without knowing what I was doing..."

"Follow me, you are the right person. I have been running the line from Kobe to Tokyo for more than 20 years. There are many hidden good places and I slowly recommend it to you..."

"Really no need, Uncle Watanabe, for the first time I still want to be with someone I like..."

"You kid, don't pretend to be innocent! I'll tell you, does Osaka know that if you unload there next time, I will take you to the streets next to the Xintian enclave, where it is aimed at locals. Many, the price is real, the girls are also water, and there are lollipops afterwards..."

"However, if you like to go to places like the big bird, I can’t help the old man."

Just as Uncle Watanabe was talking about the glorious deeds that made Araki Sosuke's heart fascinating, the phone next to him rang.


Sosuke Araki lightly tapped on the special Bluetooth headset that he bought to join the long-distance transportation industry, and answered the call.

"Ms. Araki, why didn't you reply to me? Did you fall asleep?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a slightly sleepy soft voice from Yu Tori Mayumi.

"Falling asleep? As the servant of Sosuke Araki, a night shift long-distance refrigerated truck driver, the hard work of the day has just begun..."

"Huh? Night shift, long distance...Truck driver?! Mr. Araki, where are you and how did you run to drive the truck?"

Hearing what he said, Yu Mayumi, the voice on the other end of the phone became a bit sluggish, as if the amount of information was too large to respond.

"Oh, I just got on the expressway from Kobe, calculated at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, it is estimated that I will pass through Osaka within half an hour."

Driving the truck skillfully, Sosuke Araki described his journey soullessly.

"After that, I will rest in the Aichi service area for a while. If you want Aichi specialty products such as Wailang, Chess Noodles, Rice Noodles, or Crispy Shrimp Crackers, you can pack them all back..."

"God, Kobe, it's not more than 500 kilometers away from Tokyo...What should I do with the Spirit Eliminators Association?!"

Tori Yu Mayumi interrupted somebody's listless thoughts in a panic.

"What will the Spirit Eliminators Association do? What does it have to do with me?!"

When mentioned "sad past events", Sosuke Araki suddenly said with a light cloud and a clear sky: "Oh, what do you mean forgive me... Try your luck next month, I think I am It’s not for being a spirit exterminator at all, and as long as there is the Mediterranean vice president in one day, this will prevent me from failing, unless I am lucky to beat him to amnesia..."

"Hey, newcomer, although you have headphones, don't talk on the phone with your girlfriend for too long. If you get caught by the camera, it will be troublesome."

"Ah, sorry, I'll be late to the service area and get back to you. It's not convenient to keep calling during work."

Just as Mongsuke Araki apologized to hang up...

"But, Mr. Araki, your name has already appeared in the list of exemption awards just announced by the Association..."

"I sent you a message before, and there are screenshots inside."

The little bird on the other side of the phone, Yu Mayumi, said something that made his pupils tremble, and he couldn't hold the smoke in his mouth.

"Rookie, don't step on the brake suddenly, be gentle! 』

"In short, the Spirit Slayers Association is scheduled to hold a waiver award ceremony at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Rookie, don't throw cigarette butts in the car. You see that your crotch is burning, please put out the fire! The fire extinguisher is under the seat..."

"Oh, it hurts. Uncle Watanabe, what are you doing? Does anyone use a fire extinguisher to directly smash it to put out a physical fire?" Didn’t you just say it before, I haven’t used it here yet! 』

"Because I didn't come over during the exam, I originally wanted to accompany Mr. Araki to witness this meaningful moment. I also took leave of absence from the school and prepared lunch ingredients for two people at noon tomorrow..."

Just as the driver's cab was all in a mess because of the flames that suddenly ignited between someone's straddle, Yu Mayumi Torii continued to say something on the phone.

In the girl's seemingly plain tone, there was a trace of distressing depression: "But looking like this, it should be too late... Mr. Araki, why don't you speak anymore, are you still there?"

"Sorry, it is dangerous to forget that it is dangerous to keep talking on the phone while driving, so it will be convenient for you to get back to me...dudududu..."

Listening to the jitters on the other end of the phone, she quickly hung up the phone apologetically.

"Wait, is there really my name in the qualified list?!"

It wasn't until Mayumi Torii hung up the call and finally resolved the fire that Sosuke Araki recovered from this unexpected news.

"Impossible, the vice president of the Mediterranean, obviously the whole person was deformed by me!"

"I was worried about whether he would die in the hospital and depend on me yesterday. How could he pass me so kindly..."

While thinking about it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but began to rise.

"Is it at ten o'clock tomorrow morning? Hey, wait for me... How could it be consummated without the presentation ceremony attended by my uncle!"

"Hey, newcomer, why did you suddenly accelerate again, be careful not to exceed 80 yards"

"Sorry, Uncle Watanabe, I can't go to the Thai bath with you today...because, I thought I didn't pass the exemption test, and I actually passed."

Looking at the road ahead intently, Araki Sosuke's eyes became deeper and deeper, and a suffocating flame rose from him.

"My friend and I have made an appointment and must return to Tokyo before ten o'clock to attend the exemption ceremony."

"Oh? No wonder you were so gaffey just now. It's really gratifying and regrettable... Maybe this is the so-called ‘fate will give everyone the best arrangement’."

Hearing what he said, Uncle Watanabe was happy for him first, and then smiled with envy, regret, and emotion.

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