I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 470: Too Slow

"Huh? Is there interference from strong magnetic signals?"

Hearing this strange electrical noise, Sosuke Araki reached out and turned the radio button to confirm that it was turned off.


After a while, the strange sound rang in the car again.

"It's so noisy, is this radio broken?"

Realizing something was wrong, Sosuke Araki reached out and stroked the radio buttons one by one.

"Zizzi... listeners, welcome to the late-night quiz show..."

Before he moved his hand away, a low and hoarse female voice sounded abruptly in the car.

His fingers quivered with fright.

The standard but impersonal Japanese and the very powerful accent is unique to those late-night radio hosts that Araki Sosuke usually hears.

"Zzizi...Q&A is about to begin...Are you ready for the answer?"

"Asshole, could it really be this broken radio channeling the channel?"

On the dark highway and in the quiet car, I heard the sudden appearance of the radio program, and then glanced at Uncle Watanabe, who seemed to be completely undisturbed by the sound, and was sleeping soundly. Sosuke Araki's scalp numb.

"No, I have confirmed that the radio is turned off. What is going on..."

He deliberately touched the radio with an indescribable method just now, just to prevent the "hidden energy field life form" that does not have long eyes from making trouble in it.

It stands to reason that if there is anything in it, it should be resonated by oneself at the same frequency and become a Buddha and ascend to heaven.

Could it be that my proud "same frequency constitution" encountered a hidden energy field life form that could not be handled?

"Zzizi...Now...begin...the first question..."

"Do you really want to ask? 』

Just when Araki Sosuke held the steering wheel in his hand and was anxious, the weird voice sounded again.

"Zzizi...Excuse me...now...who is behind you?"

Without rushing, the female voice quietly asked the question that made Araki Sosuke suddenly turn his head back in a tone that made people get goose bumps on her back!

In the rear compartment, it was as dark and empty as before, and there was nothing unusual.

"What kind of radio station, do you deliberately scare people?!"

Realizing that he was driving, Sosuke Araki didn't dare to look more, and immediately turned his head.

A slow-moving car happened to appear in the slow lane not far in front of him.

Sosuke Araki calmly crossed the lane and passed the car.


Looking at the road ahead intently, he felt afraid for a while.

If you hadn't looked back in time just now, there might have been a car accident.

"I want to see, where are you hiding?"

Such a clever and spiteful timing of the question made him very sure in his heart that there must be something wrong with this broken radio station.

Thinking of this, Araki Sosuke suddenly lifted his blindfold anxiously, and scanned the interior of the cab with a peripheral glance.

The small cab is as usual, nothing unusual at all.

"Not in the car... Could it be that..."

After the light was erratic, there seemed to be an extra white thing in the rear-view mirror on the left.

When Zongsuke Araki took a closer look, it was a white figure.

No matter how the vehicle advances or the roads on both sides fly back, this long-haired, invisible figure still remains in the same position in the rearview mirror without moving...

Because the figure floating outside the car, like a hitchhiker, is reaching out at the junction of the cargo compartment and the truck head!

"That's it, you said it earlier."

Seeing this weird figure, Araki Sosuke was relieved instead.

As he wears a blindfold on his left eye, he turns his head slightly and looks at the left rearview mirror with his right eye only when needed, so he has not noticed the abnormality there.

"I want to see how sacred you are."

As he manipulated the button on the car door to adjust the angle of the rearview mirror, the voice of the "hostess" sounded abruptly in the car again.

"Zizzi...it's a pity that no audience answered the question just now...Next, let's move on to the second question..."

With the long hair flying, through the rearview mirror, you can see clearly that under the messy long hair is a "female" with a distorted and rotten face.

A wisp of sturdy resentment, along with the squally wind brought by the truck, lingered on her surface, and part of it would be taken away by Sosuke Araki when she passed the vicinity of the cab.

"Ahahaha...this sound, it turns out that's how it came..."

Seeing the resentful spirit behind the car, who was beyond his reach and unable to pass the "same frequency", Sousuke Araki sneered palely.

This time, he saw it really.

The creepy "radio sound" that couldn't concentrate on driving was sent from the female resentful spirit, and it was transmitted to the cabin somehow.

Not only did the other party have a very professional and magnetic soundtrack, but even the "sizzling" current noise was actually imitated by her with some sort of "B-BOX" ventriloquist...

However, the position of the opponent's "hitchhiking" is really hard to reach if you don't stop.

Even if "wild waves" can be created in the body, it will probably be immediately dispersed by the airflow outside the car, making it difficult to accurately hit the target.

"How can you let you be so arrogant all the way..."

Glancing fiercely at the resentful spirit outside the car, Araki Sosuke picked up the mineral water bottle on the car door and drank it in one gulp.

"Fortunately, there is still some stock."

Then, with a wicked smile, he looked at the "female host" outside the car, opened the trouser chain, and used the "necessary emergency skills for long-distance transport drivers" that Uncle Watanabe taught him before.


"Zizzi... Excuse me..."

Ten seconds later, along with a plume of full-bodied yellow water, gushing backwards from the mineral water bottle protruding out the window, the "hostess"'s question came to an abrupt end.

"It has nourished me for a long time, so it's time for me to nourish..."

Looking at the figure in the rearview mirror who was unable to "hitch a ride" because of his folded hands and was glowing with fluorescence, Sosuke Araki wiped his hands with a tissue and put on his blindfold handsomely.


At the moment when Sosuke Araki rolled the window and concentrated on driving, there seemed to be the sound of something passing by at high speed, coming from the other side.


Araki Sosuke followed the sound and saw a figure wearing a black cloth robe and white hair flying in the wind, appeared outside the window on the side of Uncle Watanabe.


She was a white-haired mother-in-law with terrifying wrinkles, short stature, and blood-colored pupils in an old brown kimono.

At this moment, she was like a sprinter, waving her hands and feet with high frequency, running along the guardrail on the side of the lane, keeping exactly the same speed as the truck.

Although visually, it seems that she has been standing still by the car window and motionless...

However, the hands and feet that were forced to exert too much force due to the rush of the wind, waved out afterimages, and formed a circle of hands and feet, were unexpectedly inspirational.

Then, the mother-in-law turned her head and opened her toothless mouth, and said with a hoarse voice to Sosuke Araki contemptuously: "It's too slow..."

Ignore her frightening appearance, strange running posture and the situation of both sides at the moment, this expression, this tone...

It reminded Araki Sosuke that when he was a violent walking clan, he would go hand-in-hand with the opponent before overtaking, making such a provocation, and then suddenly speeding up to ask the other party to look at the taillights and eat their exhaust.

As a former cadre of the Phoenix tyrants, and the record holder of Haruna Mountain's two-round downhill record, he never thought that he would have one day when someone said that.

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