"have nothing to say……"

Hearing Harumoto’s question, Tsukida Hiroshi turned his head and looked at the dark and deep road outside the car window, with endless sadness in his eyes, and said quietly: "That was just, an ordinary time, except for the spirit."

"Oops, the question just now, did you step on some landmine?"

The air inside and outside the car suddenly solidified because of the problem that Harumoto Kairen originally planned to "put what he likes"...

"Well, now that we are ready, let's almost start."

After a few seconds, Hiroshi Tsugada took the initiative to break the silence: "Let's see if this Demon Z can hunt those Damn it's "mother-in-laws"!"

"Yes, if there is any car that can hunt down the difficult "high-speed mother-in-law", it is this Demon Z! "

Speaking of this topic, Harumoto Kairen also had a strong sense of war in his eyes, and he took out his mobile phone: "Please be in place for the support groups. Devil Z is ready and will start to act. Please answer if you receive it."

"Received by the back-up team, they are already on standby in several service areas along the way and can support at any time, OVER."

From the mobile phone, there was a determined communication from the support team.

The duo of Harumoto Kairen and Tsukida Hiroshi are here to stay here tonight, precisely to retreat to the "high-speed mother-in-law" who has ravaged the Toming Expressway for nearly a year.

"Quick fight, in order to get back to Tokyo on time and attend the waiver ceremony tomorrow morning."

"It is of great historical significance to the Association (this) (people) to personally issue the exemption to the expatriates of the foreign Holy See. 』

"...Then what are you waiting for, let's start."

Hearing the communication on the walkie-talkie, Tsunita Hiroshi opened the car door, stood side by side with Harumoto Kairen, smiled evilly and reached out to touch his trouser chain...

"Hmph, I already have it, can't wait."

Seeing his movements, Harumoto Kairen was unwilling to show weakness and pinched the zipper between his legs.


After the crisp "double zipper sound", the two looked at each other ambiguously and smiled, and simultaneously took out "Xiaohairen" and "Xiao Guangzhi".


Two clear sounds of water sounded in the quiet temporary parking area.

"The rule of'Don't urinate anywhere on the highway' has been broken..."

"Because of the need for feces to defecate in the wild, the implementation time is too long, and it is easy to be attacked, so it will not be implemented for the time being."

Flushing and shaking fiercely a few times, Hiroshi Tsugada was immersed in the joy of "breaking taboos" and pulled up his trouser chain.

For Japanese people who have always followed the rules and have to cover up the garbage they make outside and go home for disposal, this kind of "prohibited" things are generally done when they are drunk.

"There is also the article'Don't occupy the temporary parking area for a long time.' We should have parked long enough before."

"Next, there should be nothing left to proceed in the car..."

Raising their hands to check the time, the two opened the door and got into the car.


Disposable coffee cups, lunch boxes after eating, socks that haven't been washed for ten days but can't find the other one, small umbrellas with a torn corner but never used, boxers with strange stains, shrunk punk 2088 Refund application form...

All kinds of weird things were thrown out of the car windows on both sides of Demon Z and scattered all over the floor.

"'It is strictly forbidden to throw rubbish illegally on highways' this one is almost okay."



In the car, the two simultaneously opened the can with "Asahi Draft Beer" in their hands. After the passionate collision, they looked up and started drinking.

"Gudong Gudong... The prerequisites for'Drunk Driving' are complete... Aha... let's go..."

"Next, after completing a series of actions such as'not wearing seat belts','speeding','using communication tools while driving' and'not carrying a driving permit' with you..."

"...We will become the most sinful man on the Toming Expressway tonight!"

That's right, what the two people are breaking one by one is the prohibition of driving on expressways in the relevant regulations of Tomei Expressway and the "Japan Road Traffic Act."

In the past year or so, the sightings of the "grandmother who runs fast on the highway" received by the Ninth Lesson and the Spirit Slayers Association have been piled up like a mountain.

There are also hundreds of suspected deaths in car accidents, and most of them occurred at night.

Among them, some of the victims’ bodies were found to have their necks stuck in a backward turning angle...

As early as a year ago, Lesson Nine and the Spirit Eliminators Association paid enough attention to this suspected "weird" existence.

Even Takeshi Iwata, the deputy head of Section Nine, has led a team to guard his trail on the highway many times.

However, this "high-speed mother-in-law" with many stage names not only moves extremely fast, but also covers several interconnected high-speed routes within a full four to five hundred kilometers from Tokyo to Kobe...

The ninth lesson squatted guard so far, but witnessed it several times, but the agent hadn't even had time to step on the accelerator, and the target had disappeared without a trace.

It wasn't until after the Obon Festival that the official focused its attention on the 2CH forum urban legends moderator IBM700 who was suspected of having "weird creation ability", and then sorted out several posts related to "high-speed mother-in-law" in the forum posts. information.

Regarding this "weird" rule, sum it up one by one, and sum it up in one sentence: "Anyone who doesn't abide by all the rules on the highway may meet the "high-speed mother-in-law" who is a "highway discipline commissioner."

Because he couldn't keep up with this weird speed at all, and a series of incidents such as "Hell's Gate" happened afterwards, I have no time for his ninth lesson to endure till now...

It wasn't until the release of the "Demon Z" that has condensed his life's energy by Hiroshi Tsugada, the ninth lesson was transferred to the one who used to compete on the same stage with the "headless horseman" at Haruna Mountain, and then kept guarding the "high-speed mother-in-law" on this road. "The strongest rider on the land" Harumoto Kairen began to formally implement a joint operation against the "high-speed mother-in-law".

The plan is simple. Let these two people do the "highway prohibition" as much as possible in a short time and become the person with the highest "criminal value" on this highway...

After using the extremely high "crime value" to attract the "high-speed mother-in-law" to show up, and then relying on the powerful car skills of the Chunmoto Kairen, and the terrible speed and spirit removal ability of this Demon Z to limit the target, the "going Buddha office worker" Hiroshi Changtian retreated.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the roar of the engine, perhaps the effect of alcohol, or the innate desire for racing, Harumoto Kairen's eyes were unprecedentedly focused, and his hands were ceremonially squeezed on both sides of the steering wheel.

"Come on, high-speed mother-in-law, let us compare, who is the fastest person on Dongming Expressway!"


At the moment when Harumoto Kairen was about to step on the accelerator, a large white refrigerated truck roared past Demon Z, setting off a strong air current.

"That, that is..."

Regardless of wiping off the dust on their faces, the two people with gray heads followed the back of the truck until they disappeared.

Because an old woman with white hair in a black robe is waving her hands and feet into a circle with afterimages, and at a speed that is not inferior to that of the truck, she rushes on one side at high speed...

"High-speed mother-in-law?!"

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