I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 481 The Warring States Warriors' Accusation

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff..."

Seems to be stimulated by the tragic "Buddha formation between the legs" encountered by his companion, the "TURBO mother-in-law" on the other side, the amount of black energy gushing from the buttocks instantly doubled...

"Bang! Click..."

With violent aura, she knocked down another rear door at the rear of the car.

"Boom... boom..."

Perhaps after seeing Sosuke Araki's legs as strong as iron tongs, this "turbo jet mother-in-law" just continued to hit the rear of the car without any intention of coming to the front of the car.

"This mother-in-law, it's so warm in the carriage...Bah...Why do you have to blow the cart outside with the cold wind? Why don't you come in and sit..."

Seeing the soaring speed of the car, Sosuke Araki stuck his head out helplessly, "inviting" loudly to the mother-in-law who was "hard buttocks pushing" at the rear of the car, and from time to time he turned into a "pea shooter" and spit out a ball of saliva at her.

"Damn it, if you can make a hit like this ten meters away, you might be able to buy a lottery ticket."

Licking his chapped lips, Sosuke Araki gave up this meaningless move.

Although when I was angry with Luo Quan, I saw Brother You She spitting saliva into the opponent's face like a bullet with a few meters away...

But that is not a stunt he can realize under such circumstances.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Just when Araki Sosuke was at a loss, an extremely familiar, gradually approaching harsh exhaust sound sounded from the rear.

"This is……"

In the rearview mirror, a hot dim red high beam was lit.

"Warring States..."

A ferocious heavy-duty locomotive full of dark red flames and full of inverted teeth, with the momentum of crushing everything, rushed from the rear at high speed!


Seeing this figure, Araki Sosuke, who was "lonely and helpless" all the way, couldn't help tears in his eyes, and shouted the name of the other party emotionally...

As soon as the words fell, the violent warrior of the Warring States had already come behind the mother-in-law who was constantly spewing black air.

I saw it burst through the black air that was coming on like a ghost, and with the fast-rotating wide wheels, it hit the middle of the legs of the "TURBO jet mother-in-law"...

Combination skills · Plasma blasting tornado head · Tire burning hot chrysanthemum.

Suffering a ruthless back stab, "TURBO Jet Granny" took the "exhaust gas" gushing behind him, and under the crazy friction of motorcycle tires, it crossed a strange arc, and was accurately pushed all the way into the doorless cab...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Then, after she collided with the frightened Araki Sosuke, they came to a white light...

After finishing all this calmly, the warrior of the Warring States Period came to a position parallel to the side of the cab without a problem.

"Warring States samurai...You must be so far from Tokyo because you sensed that I was in danger..."

Wiping off the white light spots on his face and looking at the warrior warrior outside the car, the embarrassed Sousuke Araki couldn't help but burst into tears.

"It's not in vain that I have been feeding you deliciously and drinking all these years, and taking you to do major maintenance from time to time..."

"Huh? You said you are hungry and need to refuel, otherwise you don't even bother to come to me?"

Then, his expression solidified on his face because of the accusation from the warrior warrior: "What is it that I didn't go home for two days and two nights, but in the middle of the night I fell on such a fat woman with no sense of beauty?! "

"In other words, I am here to support my family and sacrifice my body to earn some hard money. Otherwise, where do you think the usual maintenance and fuel costs come from?!"

Like the leading actor in a TV series of bitter love, Araki Sect burst into tears telling his own hardship.

"Stop, stop, stop, how did you know that I took ‘ghost jet’ to do body spa essential oil maintenance plus this package, but only gave you special motor oil?"

"Others were money-making tools at the time, and they couldn't be compared to your gold swallowing beasts...No, how could you have memories of that time? ! 』

Faced with the sudden and unrelenting accusations of the warriors of the Warring States Period, someone was suddenly at a loss and sweating: "The current situation is not the time to discuss these..."

"Huh? You said there is a mother-in-law who runs faster than you..."


Suddenly, a deafening sonic boom exploded behind the truck, interrupting Araki's words mercilessly.


Just as Araki Sosuke's eyes turned to the empty rearview mirror, a toothy crash sounded behind him.

Even the large truck carrying nearly 30 tons of cargo was shocked violently...

With a strong sense of crisis, Araki Sosuke's left eye, the golden pupil spontaneously divided into nine...

Eight full moons of silver and white revolve frantically around the scorching sun in the middle!

The world in his eyes became extremely slow in an instant.

"The names of these mothers-in-laws are different from place to place... Some small places are called Granny Sonic..."


In the almost static world, Uncle Watanabe's previous words sounded in his mind.


As if being in a slow-moving video, Araki Sosuke turned his head back and watched from the corner of his eyes, watching the solid steel plate of the carriage behind him deformed a little bit, and broke apart after protruding a human figure...


A mother-in-law who was not wearing a strand, keeping a running posture, and burning with a pale arrogance all over her body, slammed through the steel plate abruptly and appeared in front of Araki Sosuke.

"So, this Sonic mother-in-law, because she runs too fast to be invisible to the naked eye, she even saves on clothes and fabrics? 』

Seeing the naked and shriveled mother-in-law in front of her, Araki Sosuke's brain went blank and her thinking became confused.

"Are these gray and white things the power of ghosts and gods? 』

This is the first time he has seen this gray-white energy.

According to Master Kofa, what possesses this color energy is the "power of ghosts and gods" that condenses the power of faith and resentment together.

The "Sonic Granny" in front of me, through the small shrine in the service area, absorbed the power of faith of the past drivers, and thus became the body of a ghost? !

All in all, this sonic mother-in-law just dragged the umbrella-shaped sound barrier, like a bullet shot into the doorless cargo compartment, pierced through the thick thermal insulation steel plate between the cab and the cargo compartment, and came into the cab...


As soon as Granny Sonic appeared, all the glass inside and outside the cab shattered.

If it weren’t for the car door had fallen, the car window had already been shaken down, and the windshield was made of laminated glass that won’t shatter...

I am afraid that at this moment, the two people in the car have turned into blood people in the glass slag that exploded at high speed.

She rushed into the cab and was less than half a meter away from Sosuke Araki. The mother-in-law, who moved at the speed of sound, did not intend to stop at all, and continued to rush forward.

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