I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 486 Special Braking Technique

"Damn it, although the upward slope of this bridge is suitable for slowing down, the current preparations are simply not enough for the terrible inertia of the big truck."

Instructing everyone to hurry up and arrange the buffer zone, the city's face was a little pale.

"If I can get more time and get some gravel, sandbags and tires..."

Due to time constraints and limited supplies, the uphill buffer they laid was only one kilometer long.

For a large truck with a total weight of close to 30 tons and maintaining a high speed of more than 90 yards, it can play a very small role.

"This is the limit we can do...there are all here, and the rest can only be handed over to Brother Araki."

Seeing his anxiety, Kenjiro patted his shoulder hard behind him.

Ichi Honmiya nodded weakly, but his hands in his pockets were clenched tightly all the time.

Kenjiro was right...

In just forty minutes, nearly a hundred people "illegally requisitioned" several large trucks transporting sand, stone, wooden boxes, and straw in the nearby industrial zone. It was very lucky to be able to arrange them like this.

"Well, just trust Brother Araki..."

As if he had figured it out, Ichimoto Yuki let go of his fist.

"After all, he was the record holder for the'death brake'."

Time is like a knife, eliminating useless innocence and dreams, leaving only the appearance needed for survival.

But there is such a person, who still maintains the original appearance, so that the person standing side by side with him can at least remember what he has lost.

At the same time, a refrigerated truck that was as tattered as having experienced a war appeared in the sight of everyone along the winding road parallel to the coastline in the distance.

"Oh, in a short period of time, well done, everyone of Phoenix..."

On the speeding refrigerated truck, through the big hole in the windshield, watching the bridge covered with various buffers in the distance, and the men gathered at the top of the bridge, the corners of Mongsuke Araki's mouth couldn't stop slightly cocked.

"Next, it's up to us, right, warrior of the Warring States period."


In the rear of the car, there was a low noise of the locomotive engine.


Lighting the last cigarette on his body, Araki Sosuke sat solemnly, took a few punches to clear the broken windshield in front of him, held the steering wheel with both hands, and focused on the road of the broken bridge approaching fast.

"So many people are watching..."

In the nervous eyes of everyone, the nearly ten-meter-long refrigerated truck whizzed up the gravel-filled upper slope!

"...I can't, I'm embarrassed in my good projects!!!"

For an instant, the dust of the big canopy rose up, making it impossible to see the situation behind.

"Oh oh..."

Maybe the truck’s inertia is too large, or maybe the temporary gravel pavement is not enough to trap the huge tire...

The huge black shadow in the dust did not slow down in the trend that everyone expected, but showed amazing off-road performance, still maintaining a strong inertia and rushing towards the end of the broken bridge.

"...It's time for you to play, Samurai of the Warring States Period!"

Holding the wild steering wheel tightly with both hands, ignoring the dust pouring into the cab, Sosuke Araki roared behind him ferociously.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the dusty sky, the wild roar of the warriors of the Warring States period sounded.

A vigorous black shadow sprang out from the cab like a cheetah, and instantly drove to the front of the car.


In the sand and dust, the black and white locomotive with inverted teeth all over, the lava flames ignited all over!

"Boom boom boom... Woo!!!"

With a hysterical roar, the warrior of the Warring States Period, with a body of less than 300KG, slammed under the bumper of this nearly 30-ton truck, one hundred times heavier!

Under the high-speed friction of sand and gravel on the ground, the warrior of the Warring States Period who was acting as a "temporary brake" was swallowed directly into the bottom of the truck, and the original smooth and mellow paint surface began to show countless fine scratches...

In its roar, the black shadow of the refrigerated truck, the speed of its upward sprint slowed down significantly.


"Not enough, the buffer zone is really too short, and the friction coefficient of the road is not enough..."

Looking at the dust that covered the sky, half of the buffer zone had been rushed, but still maintained a huge black shadow at a speed close to 40 yards, the Shihongu line at the head of the bridge shouted anxiously towards the bridge: "Brother Araki, jump off the car quickly!!!"

Although you can't see the situation at all, at this speed, the tires, wooden boxes and straw at the end of the broken bridge can't stop the truck at all!

"It's really not enough..."

Sosuke Araki in the driver's cab also made the same judgment as Ichi Honguyuki in an instant.

Based on his years of "death brake" experience on this broken bridge, according to the current deceleration trend, this heavy truck will still rush out of the end of the broken bridge with the expensive Wagyu in the cargo compartment and fall into the middle of the Fuji River below. Become fish feed.

At the same time, below the infinitely extending sea level at the end of the broken bridge, a round of fiery red slowly lit up, igniting the place where the water and the sky meet...

The originally whitish sky and dark blue sea level burned up and turned into a hot sea of ​​fire.

Give Zongsuke Araki the illusion that he is flying towards the morning sun.

"Gong Xing, look forward to the next... This is the only special demonstration..."

Looking at the end of the broken bridge with buffers stacked in front, and the sea and sky burning in the distance in the distance, Sosuke Araki smiled grimly and suddenly released the steering wheel...

"My special technique for braking to the limit every time..."

In the continuous roar of the warrior of the Warring States period, he hung from the side of the doorless cab and leaned his lower body out of the car!

"That is, I used..."

Then, ignoring the truck's speed of at least 30 yards per hour, his upper body hung by the door, his feet alternately turned into shadows, and he slammed into the road fiercely!

"Foot brake!!!"


The dust came up noisily, and there was a continuous burst of cracks amid the roar of large trucks and locomotives.

In the misty smoke and dust, the black shadow of the truck, as if slamming on the brakes, dropped sharply...

"Bastard truck, stop Laozi!!!"

"Brother Araki, come on!!!"

Seeing the black shadow that suddenly leaned forward and decelerated, the desperate people at the bridgehead all moved their hearts and couldn't help but uttered excited shouts.

"Please, slow me down!!!"

Looking at this frightening scene, even if he is the famous "Kyushu boy" Shihongyu, he couldn't help bending down and roaring loudly, reluctant to watch this scene again.

"Damn it, isn't it enough..."

In the eyes of everyone, the big truck with an irresistible aura slammed open the buffer at the end, breaking the concrete retaining wall at the end of the broken bridge like tofu, towards the immediate The vast sea horizon is just a few minutes away...

"It's over...it's over...Brother Araki!!!"

"Wait...Look at..."

"This, this is..."

The entire "Cliff of Death" suddenly fell silent.

I don't know when, where the sea and the sky meet, a red sun has rushed out from below the sea level and hung above the clouds, extremely dazzling and radiant.

The sea of ​​clouds was dyed bright orange and red, and the sea below was also soaked red, just like the boundless sea of ​​fire in hell.


The dust settled, and what appeared in everyone's eyes was...

With the entire front of the truck hanging above the bridge deck, the big truck hung dangerously on the side of the broken bridge.

"...Stop it!!!"

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