I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 489 The Destruction of the Mother-in-law Army

Saitama Prefecture, Wako City, single apartment.

"Mother-in-law blowing lights, mother-in-law, high-speed mother-in-law, mother-in-law Baili, mother-in-law turbo, mother-in-law turbo jet, mother-in-law sprint..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao sat blankly in front of the computer, with half a piece of toast in her mouth that she had forgotten to chew, and muttered a string of unknown names.

"Obviously, I only confirmed it before going to bed yesterday..."

Repeatedly flipping through the entire map of Japan and checking the "list of works" again, the corners of his mouth trembled.

"Overnight, there is only one left of my'Mother-in-law Legion'?!"

High-speed mother-in-law was originally a "work" created by Moon Shadow Chikusa more than a year ago, based on an old urban legend.

However, relying on the magical range of activities and the survivability conferred by high-speed movement, relying on the huge traffic volume on the highway...

This original rule is not so powerful, or even directly harmful, weird, just like the advertisements that appear on the screen every day on the APP, which has gained considerable exposure, and has become a "well-known" existence on the Toming Expressway.

There have been several times when the "high-speed mother-in-law" was hunted down by the spirit remover, and her grievances were reduced to the point where they were almost dissipated, but she still survived tenaciously.

After tasted the sweetness of Moon Shadow Qiancao, he simply created a series of urban legends in the "Mother-in-law" series, forming the "Mother-in-law Legion".

"Last night, on the Toming Expressway, a refrigerated truck transporting Wagyu cattle suddenly failed its gearbox and brakes halfway..."

Clicking on the news on the homepage of the video site, Yuekage Qiancao frowned and looked at it.

"Fortunately, the driver involved had rich driving experience and was helped by enthusiastic riders passing by. Finally, he stopped on the buffer zone temporarily laid on the abandoned section of the Fujibi-Yu branch road. No further casualties or property losses have been caused so far..."

"For details, please watch the further live report of NHK International Channel..."

The next step is an interview with the driver next to the truck by the reporter on the spot.

"The old man has been running this route for more than 20 years, and every corner is familiar like a woman's body. I didn't panic at all when there was a breakdown... Anyway, when I was young, it was also the famous "Liujiashan Shuanglong". One of them

"...So, is this car a decoy set by those who remove spirits?"

Looking at the refrigerated truck in the news screen that seemed to have experienced countless car accidents and riddled with holes, he calmed his emotions, and Moon Shadow Qiancao took another bite of the toast in his hand.

"Hey, it seems that these spirit eliminators are all masters, even the sonic mother-in-law who is closest to the ghost and god..."

Over the past year or so, in order to pray for refuge, some highway practitioners have privately built shrines for these "mothers-in-laws" who are raging on the road at night.

Among them, the strongest "sonic mother-in-law" actually obtained a trace of "the power of faith" and began to merge his own grievances and evolve toward the square of "ghosts and gods"...

"However, this is also good...Let these troublesome spirit removers focus their energy on the'appetizers', and I will have more time to borrow the ingredients left by the Tokugawa clan to cook the'main meals.'"

After eating a few bites of the toast in his hand and glanced at the computer screen curiously, Moon Shadow Qiancao continued to get busy amidst the piles of thick historical books on the table.

Placed on the game map, black vortices are spreading all over Tokyo, growing quietly and slowly throughout Tokyo.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes he glanced at a corner of the Tokyo map, on a whirlpool that was as small as a black dot.

"Strange, how did'Yi Cun Granny' go to that place..."


Taito District, Akihabara Avenue.

At half past nine in the morning, most of the shops on Akihabara Street had not yet reached the prescribed opening time, so they seemed more deserted than usual.

JR Akihabara Station, on the side of the road just one minute from the exit of Electric Town, a girl in a red and white dress with a soft ponytail tied with a green knot is carrying a pink printed lunch bag, bathing nervously in the early morning. Under the rising sun.

Against the backdrop of the green seven-story building "M'STOWER", which is full of exposed female posters and various TENGA advertisements, she is clean, elegant, and graceful. Lian but not a demon feeling.

"Xiao, Xiaoniao Youshi..."

After a while, a man dressed in the special attacking uniform of the mobster with the words "big four joys", "world is useless", "Guo Shi Wushuang", "Heaven and Four Dark Engravings", etc., came to the girl's back. .

"Sorry, waited a long time!"

Hearing this voice, the girl's originally calm face suddenly became like a frightened bunny.

"Ah, Mr. Araki... it's okay, I just got there for a while."

She turned to look at the man in front of her, squinting her big curved eyes and a bright smile.

The two of them were Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori who had agreed to meet here.

After knowingly aware of the subtle elements in the conversation just now, the two of them accidentally looked at each other, and then parted in a little embarrassment, and a blush appeared on their faces.

The air in the room became exceptionally quiet.

"Um, Mr. Araki, the spirit removal last night... it must be very hard..."

After regaining his senses, Tori Yu Mayumi's gaze hung down under Sosuke Araki's white special attack uniform, tattered like a mop, post-modern trouser legs and sneakers showing thumbs.

"Ahahaha, it's a long story, it's really embarrassing..."

Recalling the embarrassing experience of removing spirits last night as if squatting on the toilet and being attacked, Sosuke Araki smiled bitterly while touching the back of his head.

God knows what he went through in order to come back on time.

"I'll talk to you in detail later, those mothers-in-laws who took advantage of people's dangers tormented me for a whole night."

"Well, time is almost up, let's go up first..."

Tori Mayumi took the lead to come to the glass door under the words "Adult no World", turned around with his hands on his back, and smiled slyly at Sosuke Araki behind him: "Mr. Araki..."


It was the first time that Araki Sosuke saw this witch who had always been well-behaved and polite, showing this expression.

"When you step through this door and come out again, you will be an official spirit remover just like me."

Slightly stunned, looking at the girl in front of him, Araki Sosuke showed a hearty smile: "It's like I said."

"So, let's walk in together!"

"One, two..."

Under the suggestion of Toriyu Mayumi, the two passed through the automatic door that Araki Sosuke had entered and exited countless times, but became sacred and unfamiliar in this morning.

"When I first met, I will tour Mayumi by the maiden maiden at Shimo Akagi Shrine. I am exempted from the level "two" spirit remover. Please take care of me in the future. "

Folding her hands in front of her, Yu Mayumi Kotori slowly bowed to Sosuke Araki.

"Oh... the first time I met, Sousuke Araki, the newly promoted spirit exterminator, Yelu died."

Seeing the girl in the morning sun bathing in the flying short skirt and bowing quietly to herself, Sosuke Araki panicked and replied with a salute with his good "ninety-degree bow for extreme roads".


Lifting their heads, the two couldn't help but smile at each other.


At this ambiguous and warm moment, Sosuke Araki, who felt his heart beating crazily in his chest, suddenly noticed a sight full of murderous intent...

He turned his head away from the conditioned reflex board, and saw a figure the size of a mouse rushing toward him from the trash can behind him.

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