
Looking at the stone steps in the rain of cherry blossoms in front of him, Yu Mayumi Kotori relaxed, and subconsciously put his chin on the shoulder of Sosuke Araki.

"Puff puff puff......"

The warm, sweet, itchy breathing breath instantly made Araki Sosuke's face flush from his neck to the sky cover, and his nostrils gush out like a cow.


Then, the girl seemed to realize that the two were too intimate at the moment, and exclaimed that she jumped off Araki Sosuke's back.

Suddenly losing the nostalgic touch behind him, Araki Sosuke's sluggish face showed a sad expression.

"Ms. Araki! If you stay in a daze, the soul dust will be gone..."

Seeing someone in a daze, the always gentle girl blushed and stomped on the other's feet with some shame.

Look carefully, on the stairs below, even the "cherry blossom petals" falling from the trees are actually scattered soul dust.

"Where is my picture scroll?"

"...Always on your waist."

"Oh, yes... I'm going now."

Feeling helpless, holding the bucket sports bag around his waist in his hand, Sosuke Araki rushed down the stairs again.

While Sosuke Araki was holding the thick existence around his waist and hurriedly collecting the fleeting soul dust, Yu Mayumi Torii's eyes descended the stairs and fell on the men at the bottom.

The blood of hindsight, until this moment, spewed out from countless small wounds on their bodies, smudging the slate and the soil under them into a dark red.

And their chests have already stopped ups and downs.

From the moment they were hit by the "Ugly Shisan" curse of "immediate death", these assassins were destined to not escape the end of death, and could only become members of the earth-bound spirits nailed to the tree.

"Ms. Araki... they... are all dead."

After Sosuke Araki collected the massive soul dust around the stairs, it was Yuma Torii's iron face that greeted him.

The maiden of Akagi Shrine, who is accustomed to horrible grievances and bloody scenes, knows that the other party is a thug who wants to kill Mr. Araki, but when she sees a living person being killed by a resentful spirit in front of her, she feels like she has been killed by something in her heart. It's as uncomfortable as blocking.

"I know... I have seen them in the spirit body who became a Buddha just now."

Sighing, and walking down carrying the bucket bag with a heavy expression, Araki Sosuke patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, they came at me, and it's not your fault..."

"Yes, it's not her fault! Everything is your fault..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly climbed up from the grass not far away, and raised the muzzle of the black hole at the two.

"...Go to hell to atone for your sins!!"

It was the "Black Emperor Five Generations" who was flew by Sosuke Araki, Tsuchiya Keita.

It was not simple for him. He was able to regain consciousness in a very short time after hitting a fist under Araki Sosuke's rage, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.


The crisp gunfire sounded in the forest.

The shot was not the man in front of Araki Sosuke.


A bloody flower broke out on Keita Tsuchiya's wrist holding a gun.

The muzzle that was originally raised also fell towards the ground.

"Zongsuke!!! Are you okay!!!"

On the mountain road not far away, there was a cry of concern from Ryoma before the second.

He was squatting funny in the body of an old side car, the gun in his hand before he could put it down.

After handing over the dozens of "suspects" arrested by the mountain, he was worried about the situation of Araki Sosuke, and together with two detectives, he requisitioned an antique locomotive along the mountain road to find it, and arrived at this time.

"You bastard, be one second late, maybe something will happen to me..."

Looking at Ryoma's undue beating face before the second distance, Araki Sosuke couldn't help but laughed and cursed: "You said that the'fishing law enforcement' was good, but in the end you disappeared, which made me, the bait, want to fish myself. !"

Immediately, his gaze fell on the "big fish" that was still fluttering on the ground.

"Let's talk about it, who is it and how much money did you want to kill me as an unknown person?"

Kicked the pistol away from the ground, and stepped on the chest of Keita Tsuchiya who was holding his wrist and trying to get up, Mongsuke Araki asked coldly.

"Ha...Haha...I can't get the client's information. This is the most basic rule of the deep web. Otherwise, who would dare to place an order on it? Also, you are not a commission, but a first-come, first-served public reward... …"

With a smirk at the corner of his mouth, Kei Tsuchiya looked at Sosuke Araki's eyes too much, as if he was looking at an idiot: "Your Excellency is not a nameless pawn now... In the assassin circle of the Deep Web, you are already a well-known short-selling item. !"

"You know, the value of your head is not a vulgar thing like money... but a ‘divine thing’ that allows ordinary people to have a chance to obtain extraordinary abilities!"

"A fetish that gives ordinary people a chance to acquire extraordinary abilities..."

After repeating what the other party said, Araki Sosuke was a little bit dumbfounded: "You killers, do you believe in that kind of superstitious stuff?"

"Hmph, there is a ‘middleman’ of Deepnet as a guarantee, no one dares to lie about this kind of thing. Don’t hide it, you just used a similar ability to my subordinates!"

Keito Tsuchiya's eyes were burning with a look of "I have seen you through".

"I told you everything, it was your own person just now..."

No longer caring about this obsessive fellow at his feet, Sosuke Araki looked at Yu Mayumi Kotori for help: "Really, is there such a thing as he said?"

"I heard from Abe-kun before that on the ship in Nagoya Port, those cults have mentioned similar things, but I am not very clear about it more specifically..."

The witch on the side shook her head, indicating that she didn't understand it either.

Except for the spiritual line, extremely talented, the uninspired person, even if he cultivates hard day and night, the probability of awakening the day after tomorrow is almost non-existent.

For the half-monster who relies purely on blood inheritance, "the bloodless awakening the day after tomorrow" is pure nonsense.

"Okay, it's okay, what about'deep web' and'fetish', we will talk slowly when we return to the police station..."

Trotting to the front, Ryoma took out the handcuffs before the second, preparing to "pack and take away" the only surviving assassin leader Keita Tsuchiya.

"Hey, think about it, if there is an opportunity to be otherworldly and from now on to a completely different level of life in front of you, can you really refuse that temptation?"

Indifferent to the bloody wrists and the cold handcuffs, Kei Tsuchiya looked at the "extraordinary" Sosuke Araki in his eyes madly: "If I have this ability, I will definitely be able to revive the black emperor... Don't worry. , I'm an attempted murder at best, and I will soon be out with the help of a lawyer..."


"Oh ah ah ah..."

Before he finished speaking, a strong knee had already hit Keita Tsuchiya's abdomen fiercely, causing him to retaliate in pain.

"The Metropolitan Police Department has piled up a lot of files related to the'Black Emperor', and we are still waiting for your answer to come back!"

"Oh, why did you throw up? Did you eat your stomach? 』

The one who shot it was just before "inadvertently" resorted to the second of "Black Police Knee".

"Since you like to chat so much, put you and the pair of'nipple brothers' in a cubicle and have a good chat all night."

"No, I will try my best to cooperate with the investigation. Please be sure to reserve my right to be held in solitary custody..."

Hearing what Ryoma said before the second, Keita Tsuchiya shuddered for some reason, changed her stern face, and obediently left under the escort of two police officers.

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