"Oh, it seems that the real client should be someone else?"

Araki Sosuke's gaze fell on the phone that hadn't hung up in the hands of "No. 3".

Previously in Toshan Park, he relied on almost abnormal intuition and reflexes to rescue the three of his own from that tricky attack.

Under the stimulus of death threats for himself and his friends, his left eye crossed the endless darkness and directly locked the figure of the shooter.

At that moment, he seemed to have returned to the night when he chased Mai Hanyu on Mount Fuji, and entered the mysterious realm similar to "the sword heart is bright."

Keeping this state and rushing all the way, guided by a beast-like intuition, he effortlessly found the man hiding in the car.

"Mosimosi, at Shimonaki Sosuke..."

Taking the phone from the man's hand, Sosuke Araki introduced himself in a low voice.

"...It should be your lord who wants my life, right?"


At the same time, "No. 3", who was stuck in the roof of the car and unable to move, suddenly screamed in dismay.

"You...what did you do to me..."

He realized at this moment that his skin, which was supposed to be dark, had recovered its white color at some point.

"Devil... You must be a devil..."

And in his own body, he could no longer feel the slightest trace of "divine power" that he was proud of.

"Return my supernatural power... to me!!!"

"Number Three" struggled like crazy on the top of the sunken car, seemingly wanting to fight Araki Sosuke desperately.


"It's so noisy, haven't you seen others talking on the phone?"

The big fist of the sandbag smashed the mask of "No. 3" fiercely, revealing his face with white eyes and blood vomiting at the mouth...

"This is the first call, from the Kawasaki Master Temple... Araki Monk..."

When "No. 3" was unconsciously back to the top of the car, a man's calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm rude, you laughed at the inferior subordinates like No.3, No.4, No.5."

This tone was so calm that there was no trace of emotion, and it seemed that "Number Three", who just wailed miserably, was just a stranger to him.

"Hmph, your'Galactic Alliance Teacher', is it because the stars in the sky have been counted, so now you just use the number?"

Hearing the nonsense words of the other party, Sosuke Araki was a little annoyed.

"Hmph, your Excellency, you don't have to use the insidious trash of the Galaxy Alliance to humiliate our Aum Shinrikyo!"

The man on the other end of the phone was not moved by emotion, but sincerely expressed his "gratefulness": "Aketo does not speak secret words, starting from the 5th... I'm sorry, but Kazuo Amato should be able to understand better. Your Excellency has taken care of everything up until the night of the Obon Festival..."

"As the president of the Aum Shinrikyo, I naturally have to pay attention to courtesy."


"Kazuo Amato..."

Hearing the name "Kazuo Tento", several cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone in Sosuke Araki's hand.

Ryoma was right. Behind Tendo Kazuo, these cults really supported him.

"So, for Xingping and Reiko, do you have a share?"

Biting his lower lip firmly and holding back the emotions that were about to explode, Araki Sosuke pretended to inadvertently tentatively said.

"Xingping, Reiko? What are the unimpressed names..."

"If you mean the people who died in the hands of my gang because they got in the way or sacrificed their way... I'm sorry, there are too many..."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to try to remember, and then decisively gave up: "I don't have time to remember, the names of those garbage that are destined to be eliminated."

"The garbage that is destined to be eliminated...junk?!"

"This is what you call the innocent victims?!"

Hearing this word, Araki Sosuke only felt a burning pain in his chest, and his endless anger was instantly ignited.

"Innocent victims? No, no, no, I prefer to regard this as the survival of the fittest in nature..."

"Wars, heavy rains, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... Human beings that are so fragile that they may choke to death in the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters, they always die like ants in the thousands, even the qualifications for hatred. No. Such life forms, like dinosaurs, are destined to be eliminated in the coming new round of doomsday!"

"And before the new round of doomsday comes, it is their honor to contribute their meaningless lives to the rise of our Aum Truth Society."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood, and in turn started talking about him.

"After all, in this dark world, only the'favored ones' of our Aum Truth Society are qualified to see the new sun on behalf of the new mankind. If your Excellency can understand this, now praying to join us is also Not later..."

"You're... talking nonsense... what?!"


Small cracks, along with Sosuke Araki's trembling arm, continued to spread on the phone screen.

"Sir, the president of the Aum Shinrikyo, right, tell me your name if you have one..."

With his teeth biting the corners of the blood-filled mouth, Araki Sosuke's eyes were red because of the killing intent, suddenly losing focus, and the light named "humanity" began to pull away bit by bit.

"Listen to me, no matter who you are or where you are..."

"Even if I become a demon, I will...find you..."

"Then, kill you!"

Even in the face of countless murderous resentful spirits, he has never wanted the other party to disappear into this world as eagerly as at this moment.

"The only people who really need to be eliminated and are not worthy of living in this world are you and your inhuman and ghostly things!!!"

"Oh? A good declaration of war... the war has just begun, please stay calm and restless."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be shocked by the killing intent in Araki Sosuke’s words for a second. Then he became annoyed by the incident, and his tone became cold: "As for the name, I will save it for the next meeting. I will tell you personally... After all, it is basic politeness to let the dying person know my real name and appearance.


As the busy tone sounded when the phone hung up, Sosuke Araki tremblingly put the twisted phone into his pocket.

Then, he picked up the unconscious "number three" on the roof and threw it into the passenger seat.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he started the engine blankly and drove out of the underground garage.

After the extreme anger, his brain entered a state of extreme calm and no mood swings.

The guy next to him, and the mobile phone in his hand, might be the key clue to the man who claimed to be the "President of the Aum Shinrikyo Council."

I must find the madman and seek justice for countless victims like Xinghei and Reiko.

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