I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 527 President Chang Tian, ​​Please Automatically

"Hmph, although the Little Bird Yumiko is strong, she is not so strong that she can retreat to ghosts and gods alone... plus the traces left on the ground..."

"Your spine is drooping, and the rain is pounding on you and it makes my heart hurt. I have been watching you with a heart of prayer."

Seeing Hiroshi Tokuta's face getting closer and closer, there was a strong rhythm of background music in Kofa's mind for some reason.

"No... the poor monk thinks there must be some misunderstanding..."

"If there is only one umbrella in this world, I will find it and give it to you."

Holding down the reflective glasses handsomely, Tsukita Hiroshi looked at "I have insight into everything" and handsomely stretched out his index finger to point at Kofa: "The truth, there is only one!"

"That is, Sosuke Araki..."

Hearing these words, Kofa's fingers twirled the beads all missed a beat.

Could it be that the secret of Venerable Araki was finally guessed by him?

"...I shamelessly abused the precious secret treasure that was given to him in our temple!"

"Wait... in the ‘us’ monastery?"

"The host would rather give a large amount of such precious props to the little bastard and let him abuse him to become a ‘sweet man’, rather than teach it to the next... Could it be him and the host..."

Speaking of this, Hiroshi Tsugada's hand slowly stretched out to his skirt, and gently lifted the first button, revealing the almost invisible collarbone...

"If you want to talk about the spirit of devotion to the spirit removal tool, I will not lose to anyone in the'Guangzhi right behind'... even if I abandon this innocent body..."

"Wait, wait, where is your innocence... No, Vice Chairman Chang Tian, ​​please calm down..."

Seeing the cassock slipping to the ground and slowly getting up and getting close to him infinitely, the tone of the presiding officer of Kofa became more and more flustered.

"If you feel hot, you can move to the air-conditioned wing!"

"Oh? The air-conditioned wing... So, did Araki Sosuke sleep there too?"

"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​please be automatic...Bah, please respect yourself! Come again, the poor monk can only resort to the secret trick from the monastery, the ‘handling from the sky’!"

"There is no need to pretend the presiding officer of Kofa, as long as he can tell the refining method of the secret treasure...Songsuke Araki can give it to you, and the same can be done below!"

Through the paper window of "Fudotang", you can see two dark shadows entangled together...


Immediately, the bright light on the side also shook and went out after falling to the ground.


Only inside the pitch-black "Fudo Hall", there was the sound of fist fighting.



After a while, a thin figure hummed and smashed through the doors and windows and flew out, lying on the ground unconsciously undressed.

"Come here, send Vice Chairman Chang Tian down the mountain!"


At four o'clock in the morning in Akihabara, most of the stores are closed, only a few convenience stores and 24-hour dining outlets are still on.

"The World of Adults" downstairs, in the dark and quiet street, Mai Hanyu, who can't cover her long legs in a white coat, and Hailu Dou, who is not awake, are waiting there.

"Can you mess up unexpectedly, the Sleeper... It was originally just a'test drive', but I heard that half of the Hakone Mountains got on the ground?"

"Now the entire Spirit Slayers Association is in chaos. It is said that the Yin-Yang Lao has been dispatched overnight to repair the formation of Yin-Yang..."

As soon as they saw Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori, who had walked off the police car and said goodbye to Ryoma before the second, the two siblings immediately greeted them.

"Stop talking, Sister Hanyu, I'm innocent... It's obviously the weird wind and those weird trees..."

As soon as I heard Mai Hanyu's teasing words, Sosuke Araki was one head and two big.

In the car, people from the association made more than a dozen calls to the "leader of spirits remover" Yu Mayumi Torii to understand the situation. It seems that they have entered a state of "all staff working overtime" because of the incident in Toyama Park.

"I thought it would take at least a month to feed that stuff, but I didn't expect it would only take one night...Let me see..."

"It's not convenient to see this on the street? It's better to go upstairs first and then..."


Ignoring Sosuke Araki's objection at all, Mai Hanyu couldn't wait to stretch her hand to his waist, and skillfully unzipped the zipper, revealing the incomparably thick thing.

"That's it, you can't see this symbol without inspiration... You turn it around... Sure enough, it seems to be pointing in a certain direction..."

"Kacha, Kacha..."

She took out the SLR and curiously observed the "Taketoi Scroll" with the symbol illuminated in the sports bag and turned into a "compass", and her finger did not leave the shutter.

"Uh ah ah ah...help..."

When Sosuke Araki continued to pose with Mai Hanyu, allowing him to observe the thick thing around his waist outdoors, screams faintly heard across the dim road.

"...Could it be that a certain salty and wet Mediterranean uncle attacked the weak man who was off the night shift when the night was dark and the wind was high?"

Following the sound, a man who stumbled, ignoring the flashing red zebra crossing, ran towards the direction of several people with his hands and feet and using the ground.

Under the dim light, drops of bright red blood were following his movement, sprinkling scarlet spots along the road.


In front of several suddenly braking vehicles, the man seemed to be exhausted and fell directly onto the road.

The distance was close, and a few people discovered that the white shirt inside and inside the man's suit had long been stained with blood.

And the source of the blood is his pair of eye sockets that have turned into blood holes and lost their eyes...


Just as everyone took a breath of air, Araki Sosuke, who reacted the fastest, had quietly appeared in front of the man and held him back.

"Lu Dou, ambulance!!!"

"Already calling!"

While screaming at the sea and land, Araki Sosuke helped the opponent lie flat on the ground.

"First help him compress the wound and try to stop the bleeding!"

Mai Hanyu walked forward quickly and handed her white coat.

"Hold on, hold your breath, the ambulance is already on the road, let's take care of the emergency for you first..."

Araki knowingly tore the cuffs of the white lab coat into strips of cloth, tightly entwined and pressed the bloody eyes of the man, trying to stop the bleeding.

In an instant, the originally white strip of cloth was dyed red.

"No, he seems to have lost a lot of blood, so let's go directly to the hospital!"

"...Use my car!"

Several enthusiastic drivers who parked also gathered around.


Just when Araki Sosuke was about to report him to the car, the man who fell on his back strenuously pulled Araki Sosuke's neckline, as if he wanted to open his mouth to say something to him.

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