"Should the government not talk nonsense about such a big natural disaster...otherwise, what else could it be because of?"

Squinting at Oi Tianyuan's ancient serious expression, Araki Sosuke's face was numb.

Of course... I don't believe it anymore...

But because of the high fines of the "Public Secrecy Regulations", I have to convince you that I don't believe it!

"Huh, don't you think that I changed my career to become a tubing owner purely for money...I really believe that there are things like ghosts and gods in this world!"

Moto Oida moved a position, came to him, and lowered his voice: "Moreover, after doing a lot of homework and investigation for more than a month, I have made amazing discoveries!"


As an "ordinary citizen", Araki Sosuke showed some grandiose interest in the "astounding discovery" of Oi Garden, but a dangerous light flooded in his eyes.

He is reconsidering, is he looking for an opportunity to try this guy "fighting amnesia"?

If a certain Mediterranean vice-chairman thinks that he is not standard in despiration, causing the "spirit finder" in front of him to know the existence of the resentful spirit, or even publicize it, he will definitely take the opportunity to issue a huge fine.

"... The prophecy video of the mysterious man who claimed to be IBM700, the opening time exactly consistent with the folklore, the large number of witnessing reports of supernatural phenomena circulating among the people that night, the destructive power comparable to the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the government's ambiguous attitude afterwards..."

Speaking to himself, Xiaojing Yuanxu covered his mouth, his voice getting deeper and deeper.

"I boldly judge that what appeared in the sky over Taitung District on the night of the Obon Festival was the real gate of hell!"

"Moreover, in the past month, I have received numerous submissions from people. A large number of bizarre cases have occurred all over Japan, all of which have been suppressed by the government..."

"Wraiths, monsters, death phone booths, hell trains, cursed express delivery, these old urban legends, and even some taboos that can't even be named... After that night, it's like a collective'wake up alarm clock'. Be active..."

"Oh...Aren't these all rumors that have been badly discussed on the Internet..."

Hearing Oi talking about these uninspired urban legends, Sosuke Araki felt relieved.

"If it hadn't been for the'indescribable Blessed One' to appear in time and close the gates of hell, I am afraid that the whole world has turned into purgatory at this moment!"


"So, join our support club for the "Indescribable World Honored One"!"


Marshal Oida angrily stretched out his hand to Araki Sosuke, who had already "soul out of his body": "In such a weird and frequent troubled world, only this supreme being can protect us humble mortals!"

"If you join now and pay the membership fee for one year at a time, you will not only get a 20% discount, but you can also get a customized T-shirt and keychain for the "Unspeakable World Honored One"... All of them are made by myself, and the quality is very good. 』

"Yawn... Well, I just got off the night shift, so sleepy..."

Listening to Xiaojing Tianyuan's more excited narration, Sousuke Araki, who kept his poker face, couldn't help yawning again and again.

Asking him to "support himself" and having to post money back is really hard to listen to.

"It's so late, so you should go back to rest early, what can I say tomorrow, main anchor..."

"And, why, I think you already have signs of religious MLM..."

Drowsiness struck, Araki Sosuke slowly stood up and began to pack up the things on the table. His intention to "show off the guests" was self-evident.

"By the way, I was definitely not fainted before! Araki-kun, there is really something unclean in your house..."

"I know, I know... I will consider changing the house..."

After finishing cleaning up, he carried the garbage and pushed the little Ida Moto who was still persuading him, and walked out the door.

"Let me tell you, it's really scary. Just seeing those terrible kids through the camera, my head is like being filled with paste..."

"Not to mention the murderous nature of the house itself, even if you live alone in Taitung District, which is under reconstruction due to the'spiritual disaster', don't you feel scared?"

Being pushed all the way out of the door by Araki Sosuke, Moto Oida was still persuading him reluctantly.

"I see, you live in a haunted house because you have tight money and didn't find a job! Although I have just started a business and invested a lot of money in filming devices, I can lend you a little temporarily..."

"If you don't dislike it, before you find a new house, you can also go to my bachelor apartment to make do..."


Xiaojing Tianyuan felt that his hip had been slapped in an indescribable way, and then he stood outside the courtyard gate.

"Your kindness has been accepted, what else can I contact another day..."


Then, the iron gate was closed mercilessly by Sosuke Araki.

"By the way, that bag of rubbish, please help me deal with it by the way on the way home."

"Huang, Araki-kun?"

On the quiet street, only Moto Oida, who was touching his buttocks, stood alone on the side of the road, carrying a rather exaggerated bag of garbage in his hand.

"Although there are the two bowls of cup noodles I ate, but such an oversized bag of'unsorted' trash, I am in Taitung District, where I don't have any convenience stores. Where can I go'by the way' to deal with it?"

"Also, Araki-kun suddenly took pictures of me. Could it be that there was a misunderstanding about my invitation... No, I am also a public figure anyway, so we can't spread a strange scandal..."

"Warring States warrior, can you please follow that guy quietly, lest there be any messy things ‘tail line’ him..."

Back in the house, Araki Sosuke said softly in the direction of the garage, and fell asleep in the futon that had never been confiscated on the tatami.


The next day.

Akihabara, upstairs in the world of adults, the Institute of Truth.

"As for what happened in Toyama Park last night, that's probably it... In short, Araki-kun's left eye must be used sparingly. At the same time, you must be very cautious and not take it lightly for discoveries that are beyond the range of the dementer's sensing range... "

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Sosuke Araki and Tori Yu Mayumi arrived in the conference room on time.

"...The abnormality of the elven wind has been included in the key observations by the association. It is initially suspected that it is positively related to the activity of spiritual events in Tokyo after the Obon Festival. If there is any discovery, it will contact Araki-kun to deal with it."

Sitting on the opposite side, Hou Hailu Dou was explaining the follow-up situation and summary of last night's de-spirit operation to the two of them.

The "Hakone Mountain Geological Disaster" caused by someone's "non-standard spirit removal" and "sudden downtime" has been properly handled by the relevant departments.

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