I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 539 Analysis of Super H-Customer

Different from ordinary crimes and accidents, deaths caused by supernatural events always happen quietly in ways that violate human common sense and logic.

Even if it is discovered by others, it is often regarded as a rumor due to lack of credibility at first, and is drowned in a large number of cases until it grows into an unignorable existence.

In less than a day, Hou Hailu Dou obtained key information from the Internet and the database authorized by the Metropolitan Police Department, using crawler crawling, big data analysis and other methods, demonstrating powerful data sorting capabilities.

This is also the reason why the Spirit Eliminator Association is relieved to leave the "Network Business Department" and the "Spirit Eliminator APP" to him alone.

"The connection between the victims is not strong, the time of committing the crime is irregular, and the range of locations is too wide. This is not in line with the activity characteristics of ordinary wraiths and ghosts..."

Looking at the bloody case files, Toriyu Mayumi's face turned pale.

"This should be some kind of curse, or weird..."

Most of the crimes committed by ghosts and ghosts are attached to a certain object or fixed in a certain area. Therefore, the continuous occurrence of cases within a fixed range is the main focus of the ninth lesson and the Spirit Eliminator Association.

As for the irregular cases that cover all of Japan, if it weren't for Mr. Araki's detection of abnormalities, I am afraid it would be treated as an accident. I don't know how many people die will discover the hidden supernatural factors.

"There is no relevant information on the 2CH forum...So, does this existence have nothing to do with the IBM700, or is it just a smoke bomb he puts on the 2CH forum, not a necessary condition for'making weirdness'..."

Looking carefully at the chaotic information in front of her, Mai Hanyu seemed a little disappointed because she could not find any clues about the IBM700.

She wanted to say something and stopped looking at her chief hacker: "Huh, it's time to get some real skills, the book hacker Lu Doujun... Although the information that can be collected so far is like this, what's the conclusion of the analysis?"

"What kind of hacker... I just summarized information just now, haven't started yet... Click here!"

Stared by Mai Hanyu's scrutinizing gaze, Houhailudou moved his knuckles, his expression suddenly became as sacred and focused as the priest who was holding a Mass.

By the way, when reading the latest issue of this book, he also has the same expression.

"According to the time record of the case, whether this thing is a resentful spirit, a weirdness or a curse, it obviously only became active after Obon. Therefore, I will focus on the case information after Obon for the time being to analyze... "

"After all, based on common sense, the eyeball is not a time bomb, and it will not explode without external force, so there should be fewer interference items. 』

In the quiet conference room, there is only the sound of the keyboard quickly tapping, and the fast analysis of the thick sea and land.

"First of all, referring to the opinion of the professional spirit eliminator, Yuuji Kotori, and excluding the contradictory condition of "ordinary resentful spirits" based on the "regional scope of the case", then the greatest possibility will fall into weirdness or curse, or even The body of the combination of the two."

"Weirdness and curses, just like programming, there must be one or more ‘trigger conditions’ and subsequent ‘execution loops’...the most important thing to fight against them is to crack the rules!"

"Combining the experience of the victim Li Shengliang and the rumors on the forum, the most likely rule for analysis at present is'anyone who knows the strange name [BEEP...] will be found by the terrifying white-clothed resentful spirit. Come home, my eyes burst and my heart is paralyzed to death'..."

Pour the data into the program he had compiled, and Hou Hailudou hit the Enter key with a "pop".

"Using this information with my "AI Maid Airi sauce", using multiple regression, cluster analysis, time series, factor analysis, discrimination and other methods to analyze, and then programming simulation from the victim's "know the name" to" The process of death..."

"Great Master Houhai, it's Qianjia's turn to serve you this time. Jump~The task you have assigned has been completed. If you need someone to do something ‘other’ for you, please tell Qianjia as much as you want, Jump~"

Completely different from before, the more childish and detached girly voice came from the AI ​​software.

"Hey, you half-hearted perverted super guest, actually installed more than one underground idol's voice package? 』

"That... It's natural to test a few more voice packets before making the final decision."

Ignoring the hot gazes of everyone, Hou Hailu Dou pretentiously checked the results of the program.

"No...The information is not complete, and the known rules in the current input program cannot be effectively closed..."

The simulated program window quickly popped up with an "error" prompt.

"You see, after the death of multiple victims with known names, the program cannot continue to run in the loop, but can only be terminated."

In just one night, he not only collected a large amount of effective information, but also completed a preliminary analysis within a few minutes, and even tried to program and simulate the weird law of action on the spot, showing the powerful strength of the "super hacker".

"There is no way, the amount of information is too small. Putting the analysis results on the cases that have occurred within a month for verification, there are still a lot of doubts and contradictions."

As if not very satisfied with the results of the program, Hou Hailudou tapped the keyboard again with some irritation.

"From the simulation program, it can be seen that the rule of'knowing the name will die' seems to be powerful and unsolvable, but in fact it has a huge loophole... all those who know the name are dead, so why is this curse? Isn’t it supposed to be impossible to pass on and die by itself? This is why the program cannot run in a loop..."

"In that case, how did you manage to spread the name [BEEP...] through what channels when the information could not be found on the Internet?"

"Could it be that it was spread by recording on something... No, it does not rule out that there is no entity. The name itself is the possibility of a "meme" that will erode consciousness..."

"In addition, there are also questions about the victim's uniform method of death. Why must the victim's eyes be blown out instead of other forms?"

A series of unsolved problems caused Hou Hailudou to grab his hat with some distress, and poured his head up into a big bottle of DR.PEPER.

He felt that without the lady in white, his head would blow up.

"Hey, it's no wonder...I have been unable to figure it out before. According to Li Shengliang's words, he clearly knew that he was entangled in something because of that name..."

Mai Hanyu, who had been silent on the side, suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration and slapped her heavily on the table, shaking her chest.

"...Why do you end up covering your mouth and saying that name as if you can't control it?"

Even the background seems to be marked with the adverbial word "Pan~~".

"Excluding deliberately trying to drag us to bury us, behind this is the key clue we are missing..."

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