I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 556: Nightmare

"As a celestial person, Kaguya Ji left such a blood curse on ordinary people..."

"It must be that Mochizuki, who was an adoptive parent, did too much to her, right?"

The spliced ​​ghost of the male and female remains, while moving closer to the hospital bed, while using the bloody reality, wasting the courage accumulated in the heart of the teenager.

"Oh, I almost forgot, even the name Mochizuki was fabricated by yourself... You should be called, the descendants of Sanuki are right..."

"Why don't you refute it?"

While the boy was silent, the ghost came to the hospital bed and slowly got down behind him...

"Oh, because every word I say is your own voice!"

"It's painful, right?"

"Very helpless, right?"

"Very confused, right?"

"It's better... Give up!"

"Give me this body...you can sleep without pain and easily..."

"The will you want to inherit, the things you want to accomplish, this uncle will do it for you easily... If you don't worry, you can still sign a contract."

Like the unstoppable temptation of the devil, in this strange co-phonic sounding simultaneously, the teenager's consciousness is gradually lost...


The door of the ward that was originally closed suddenly opened a gap.

Warm light poured in from the crack of the door, diluting the darkness like hope and illuminating the pale face of the young man.


A small golden head about the height of a hospital bed came in timidly from the crack in the door.

"Why... lying on the ground... is it cool?"

This is a girl with golden double ponytails who is about six years old and also wearing a hospital gown.

"Does the hand still hurt? Patriarch, don't let me disturb you, I can only sneak over at night..."

She didn't seem to see the horrible figure in the room, but squatted on the ground awkwardly imitating the boy's posture, and looked at him with concern and curiosity with her black and blue pupils.


Seeing the tender and familiar face in front of him, the young man was slightly taken aback.

"So, it's been a long time since then."

It seemed that he had awakened something, and a warm smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Just now, were you talking nonsense?"

The thin boy turned around and pinched the neck of the huge monster behind him, letting the other's expression freeze on his face.

"But, I swore before my parents' grave... This little pain, to me, doesn't even feel..."

The purple flames soaring into the sky emerged from the young man's body.

"Whether it is an organ or a residual limb, as long as it is qualified to make this uncle stronger, there will be as many as there are!"

As if the cowardice before, never existed.

"In order to gain the power to protect the family (younger) clan (younger), I was bruised and bruised, just to my liking!!!"

Unknowingly, the originally immature boy was already wrapped in a purple flame, transformed into a strong man with a pitch-black right arm.

"Because I am... Mochizuki!!!"

The ghost pinched by him instantly turned to ashes.

"Hmph, it's still a bit awakened, the body that the uncle designated to receive can't be defeated by this low-level sorcery..."

At the same time, an arrogant voice sounded in the darkness.

"For the sake of your good performance, let me lend you some strength for free...Because the thing just now dares to imitate my uncle's tone so badly, it is simply unforgivable!"



When Mochizuki came back to his senses, what appeared in front of him was the strange painting pavilion that was burning with black smoke in the fire, but safe and sound.

The players who had been following them were lying down on the long and narrow corridor in pain, and seemed to be experiencing a nightmare.

"no, do not want……"

Not far away, a member of the team suddenly wailed and wailed, his face bursting with blue veins, and it seemed that he was experiencing something extremely terrible...


Then, his whole person suddenly exploded and turned into a pool of rotten flesh and blood.

The splashed blood plasma and the shriveled and intact human skin wrapped in the outside, as if alive, gathered into a ball, and fell towards the bottom of the platform.

Only an empty combat uniform remained on the ground.

"Asshole... Hold on to me!"

Looking at this scene, Wangyueche, who was burning with purple flames all over his body, was furious.

These weird paintings can actually borrow the fear of others and devour people's hearts!

Just now, if he succumbed to the fear in his memory, he must have died in the same explosion.

A ghost claw tore through the void and fiercely blasted towards the painting pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, the same number of ghost claws emerged from all directions, continuously bombarding every painting in his field of vision.

"Rumble rumbling..."

As the ukiyo-e prints were torn and the elegant painting pavilions were torn apart under the rain of ghost claws, fine debris flew out toward the surrounding buildings.

The players on the ground looked loose.

"Wake up!"

Mochizuki protected several team members in the residue, took out a bottle of potion from their waist, and poured them into their mouths one by one...

"team leader?"

"I... seem to have a nightmare?"

After taking the medicine in just a few seconds, the team members came to wake up one by one.

"It's so noisy."

At the same time, a man's feminine voice suddenly echoed in everyone's ears.


Immediately, the entire huge spiral staircase, as well as the surrounding buildings, began to tremble slightly.

In this three-dimensional city, there seemed to be countless unknown existences, and they began to agitate.


Countless husky roars sounded from the endless stairs below the platform.

Mochizuki came to the edge of the platform and looked down, with golden glow in his eyes shining, breaking away the resentment that was obscuring his vision.

Just a glance, his face changed drastically...

"There are so many ghosts hidden in this place?!"

Ronin, samurai, evil spirit, red tongue, net cut, sea monster, red head, sky evil ghost, kappa, Ichimumerudo...

On the spiral staircase guardrail and in the surrounding buildings, in the ubiquitous ukiyo-e paintings, the vicious ghost ronin warriors who are cruelly slaughtering mankind actually broke through the dimension wall and climbed out of those pictures...

"It doesn't make sense, so many ghosts, how can they not swallow each other and live peacefully here for so many years..."

After returning to his senses, Mochizuki decisively smashed a square instrument like a refrigerator behind a team member on the center of the platform and pressed the start button.

"Execute emergency plan B immediately, activate the barrier, and evacuate this area..."

An Oran electromagnetic barrier immediately protected this platform.

The resentment that was flying around was also isolated from the outside, unable to advance.

"The barrier can last for about three minutes. Keep your formation and retreat immediately!"

The latest barrier generator of the institute can generate electromagnetic barriers in a short time, making it difficult for ghosts and ghosts within the level of [one] to break through.

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