Lying in the ruins, Mochizuki's eyes hovered between the two people of different sizes, and finally stayed on the bucket bag tied around the waist of Araki Sosuke.

"Why are you still stunned..."

It doesn't matter if the guy who doesn't know the height and the earth is dead, but if the "Taketori Scroll" falls into Shutun's hands, I'm afraid Ayano...


Thinking of this series of consequences, Mochizuki only felt angrily and fainted.

"Don't look at me, I am also in the status of'explosive clothes 50%', but the reason is different from yours for'explosive clothes 100%', and the sexual interests and hobbies are also different..."

Araki Zongsuke's eyes swept across the Shura-like Jiudun boy in front of him, and was forced back by the imposing "ghost golden rod" on the opponent's waist, and fell on Mochizuki, who was in the ruins behind, whose eyes were turned white and who was unconscious.

"Wait, isn't that guy Mochizuki?"

Because Mochizuki Che still maintained the characteristics of evil spirits when he was "possessed by Ibaraki", he was immediately shocked by this overly passionate scene and did not recognize the opponent.

At this moment, the erosion of the great power of his body gradually subsided, returning to the original appearance of squinting and bald head.

"The tombkeeper of the Tokugawa clan is dead..."

In front of him, the golden light in the eyes of the Jiutun boy who was ignored by him surged, and his already tall body skyrocketed again, and the flames of the golden demon Buddha all over his body rose into the sky...

"But you can't let you take that thing away!"

After being enshrined and resurrected by the Tokugawa clan, the space below the tomb of Senshouin was even a divine hiding place for ghosts and gods.

If the "stone bowl in front of the Buddha" as the center of the battle is taken away, the gods here must be unsustainable and fall apart.

As the "god" here, he also turned "homelessness" into water without a source and a tree without roots.

"Let's do it, you and me have a fight..."

Without warning, the already sturdy ghost gold rod on the waist of Jiutun Boy has soared in size, extending a bit longer than before...

"If you lose, just like the guy behind, line up to accept the ‘Jiji Questions of Da Jiangshan’!"

... Actually poked straight towards the face of Sosuke Araki who was less than two-thirds tall!

"Hey, long-winded gay..."

Facing the growing and bloody ghost gold rod in his sight, Araki Sosuke, who was originally humble, frowned slightly, his chin was raised, the veins soared, and his head glared, showing an extremely unhappy expression.

"Can't tell... Am I in a hurry..."

He put his hands in his pockets and turned sideways like lightning, avoiding the danger of being headshot by a "golden rod"...

"Five seconds!"

"Wasting five seconds on you, just treat that guy Wangyueche, the previous favor..."

As soon as the voice fell, Araki Zongsuke's left leg turned into an afterimage, with the sound of breaking through the air, he lifted from the bottom to the top, and blasted straight into the crotch of the Jiutun boy!

"...Moreover, I hate others the most. Point the'gun' at me!"


An extremely sour and refreshing sound of breaking sounded in the silent tomb of Xianshouyuan.


Suffered from this "critical attack", the iron-blooded man was like a wine-swallowing boy, but he could only grit his teeth and let out a dull low growl.

His whole body was trembling because of the soul-soaked pain between his legs.

Like a mountain that collapsed suddenly, the giant Jiudun boy clasped his legs in an "inner horoscope" twisting posture, and knelt down in front of Araki Sosuke slowly and weakly.

"This is... how..."

Suddenly, bowing his head on the ground, he lifted his drooping head vigorously, and his trembling pupils were full of incredible and joy.

Because, with that leg intersecting, the power of the ghosts and gods in his body is quickly leaving him, pouring into the "human" in front of him.

Lose strength, then die...

This process is not unfamiliar to Jiu Tun, nor is it important.

What really surprised him was that it wasn't just the power of ghosts and gods that left him...

It also includes the "evil karma" that has accumulated in the depths of his soul over the past thousand years, which is too thick to dissolve.


Obviously, he had already picked up the ghosts and made him the king of ghosts, but the days of eating and drinking dried meat and Ibaraki made Jiu Tun gradually confused and unable to cheer.

Because he discovered that the "gods" he originally expected were all fakes that stole the beliefs of sentient beings and achieved self-achievement.

What is the difference between such an existence and myself.

As long as they are strong enough, thick and long enough, they can only yell under them like Ibaraki.

There really is no real "god" in this world!

Otherwise, how could the "compassionate" gods bear to watch the people of Li people in Pingjing, trapped in the night of a hundred ghosts, people like ants and fate like weeds?

How can you bear to watch the ignorant ruler, being manipulated by the false gods behind the scenes, and provoking one after another raging war?

How can you bear to look at the white and tender girl, who is stunned by herself, drinking hot blood?

How can you bear to watch, shrines and Buddhist temples, all burned by the flames of war under their own lashes?

Abandoning everything by oneself and devoting himself to the way of evil spirits is actually to pursue this illusory and never-existing "god"?

It's sad, lamentable, ridiculous, and boring.

Therefore, when the human named Yuan Laiguang brought his subordinates, Qiao Zhuang dressed up to offer the so-called "wine given by the gods", he did not expose them.

After all, watching these human generals, with a strong smile, eating the delicious human flesh cooked at the banquet and drinking the wine mixed with the blood of the young girl with a strong smile is one of the few interesting things.

Moreover, he also wanted to taste whether that altar of fine wine from the "god" was really such a sinner.

The jar of wine did not disappoint him.

That is the unique sweetness of death and decay.

It makes people willing to indulge in it, and no longer wake up in that hot joy.

It doesn't matter if you are drunk or dead.

Anyway, in this boring world without a "true god", I don't need anything else anymore.



In the faint sight of Jiutun Boy who was unable to move, the man who "kicked" his own genitals, withdrew his feet without saying a word, turned his back to him, and left.

"It's... so interesting..."

As the strength drew away bit by bit, his body, painted by Tokugawa Yoshinen with the power of countless ghosts and Buddhas, began to show a trace of cracks, like a porcelain that was about to shatter.

"Does this trick have a name?"

An imperceptible dark red flame began to gush out from the crack.

"As for the name of the move... there are still some..."

Araki Sosuke slowed down, scratching the back of his head, as if he was remembering something.

"This trick was named by a friend of mine..."

"Hey, Xingping, you guy, didn't you say you had a fair duel between men with them, why did you use that seal trick again?!"

"Before I had time to do it, you made others cry and couldn't stand up!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, the kick went smoothly...I just think that when I rush to go to work, instead of crouching around in the toilet, isn't this the fastest solution?"


With his back to Jiudun, a nostalgic smile appeared at the corner of Araki Sosuke's mouth.

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