"Suzuki-kun... I want to enter... Bah, I want to come over..."

As the distance narrowed, the phone booth in the dark gradually became clearer in Oida Moto's eyes.

Dark red, bloody paint, the bottom half of the solid door panel, the top half of the "well"-shaped thin glass grille, and the pale white "public telephone" top cover...

This is an unremarkable old-fashioned public telephone booth that has spread all over Japan since the Showa era.

"Cough cough cough...Say okay first, don't make any scary things, you know those props are useless to me..."

Moto Oida felt relieved after seeing the figure wearing a khaki windbreaker through the glass covered with white mist and unable to see the inside.

Because he admires Sherlock Holmes, Suzuki-kun wears that "detective trench coat" every time he goes out to shoot. This is also one of the iconic things of his YouTube channel "Spiritual Reasoning".

"Quick, come and save me! Come and save me!!! Save me!!!"

From the phone that hadn't been hung up, Suzuki-kun's urging sound became more and more impatient.

"Come here, when I pull out, you also push out hard together!"

All the way there was nothing wrong. Standing in front of this urban legendary phone booth, Yuan Oida became excited and bold because of the massive secretion of adrenaline.

"I want to open the door..."

At this moment, he had some hope for some reason. After opening the door, inside was Suzuki-kun who was wearing a dark wrestler suit and shouting "SUPRISEMOTHERF**KER" to himself.

With such a nervous and subtle thought, he reached out and reached the doorknob of the telephone booth.

"Quickly, open the door quickly, it's so hot and so hot inside, I'm almost out of breath!"

However, Moto Oida didn't notice, it was only through the thin door of the phone booth, Suzuki-kun’s urging sound was still only coming from his mobile phone.

"Prepare, one, two..."

Shouting in a low voice, Moto Oida yanked the door of the phone booth outward...


Amidst the sound of rust rubbing, the door of the phone booth opened so smoothly.


Not only did it appear to be "stuck", it was because Moto Oida used too much force and hit the outer wall of the phone booth, setting off a violent air current.


Before Moto Oida had finished speaking, the figure of "Suzuki-kun" who was standing in the phone booth collapsed like building blocks.

"... Jun?!"

He fixed his eyes and found that the figure in the phone booth disappeared like magic, leaving only a pile of clothes on the ground.

"This is... Suzuki-kun's clothes?"

Moto Oida tremblingly bent down, and picked up the "Sherlock Holmes Detective Trench Coat" on the floor of the phone booth that he was so familiar with.

Under the windbreaker, shoes, trousers, underwear, socks, keychains, telephones, thermos cups, cameras and other personal belongings suspected to belong to Suzuki-kun were exposed.

"...This is the cell phone?!"

He reached into the trench coat and took out a large-screen mobile phone from it.

At this moment, the phone screen was frosty, dark, and cracked, and it couldn't be turned on at all.


Moto Oida turned his head stiffly and looked at the phone in his other hand that was still not hung up...

The caller number displayed on the screen that kept the "calling state" was clearly Suzuki-kun's mobile phone.

"Suzuki-kun, come out quickly, what kind of trick is this?!"

Shrouded in extreme terror, Moto Oida let out a hoarse roar!

Could it be that the guy just used what mechanism to run away, and now he is naked and holding a camera squatting in a nearby green belt to take pictures of himself panicked?


Suddenly, Suzuki-kun's faint voice came from the empty phone booth.

"Suzuki, bastard, where are you?!"

Moto Oida glanced intently and found a dark red phone hung on the inner wall of the phone booth.

And Suzuki-kun’s voice came from under the phone, hanging empty in the microphone...

"...I'm sorry, Koi-kun...it's them...dudududu..."

After Suzuki-kun’s voice said something like this, the microphone became blind.

The communication on Yuan Xiaojingtian's phone also hung up.

"This...so, have you always used this phone to call me?!"


Because the situation in front of him was too weird, Moto Oida was just about to turn around and run. The phone booth door that he opened to the side bounced back so suddenly and slapped him on the back fiercely...

"Uh...no, no!"

When Moto Oida came back to his senses, he was already under strong force, and a stagger was photographed into this weird phone booth!

At the moment of the crisis, seeing that the iron door continued to move towards the telephone booth, Moto Oida reacted extremely quickly as if facing the elevator door that was about to close. The railway gate was completely closed.


However, the door panel of the old telephone booth in front of him was like a trap with a mouse trapped in it. It severely stuck his hands and feet on the door frame and squeezed it inward more and more forcefully.

"It hurts... ah ah ah ah..."

As if being tortured, Moto Oida felt pain in his hands and feet, and could only grit his teeth and was pressed against the door frame to be immobile.

"Help...Suzuki-kun...Anyone can do... Come and save me!"

He resisted the pain, opened his throat and shouted for help, hoping that the residents near the park could hear his own voice.

However, I don't know when, the surrounding area of ​​the telephone booth has been relentlessly shrouded in white mist. Not to mention the buildings near the park, even the nearby green belts and ponds have disappeared in the mist.

A series of dark figures were hovering in the mist around the phone booth.

"It hurts..."

Although it was painful to be clamped, even the bones began to creak, but instinct told Oida Moto that once he retracted his hands and feet, I am afraid that he would be waiting for him with the same fate as Suzuki-kun who disappeared without a trace.

"Now, it's over, it's over."

Even so, it is only a matter of time before the door is squeezed more and more vigorously.

"The Lord said... there must be light..."

Just when Oida Moto was facing the most desperate moment in his life, a female voice with a foreign accent, accompanied by a moonlight, penetrated through the gap of the white mist...

"So, I lost everything."

"Take it off...refined?!"

Moto Oida, who was about to collapse with his pale face illuminated by the light that seemed to symbolize hope, glanced at his body subconsciously.

"...What, what do you mean?"

Well, the clothes are still there.

"Suzuki, Suzuki-kun?"

In the moonlight, a slender, tall, graceful and beautiful shadow walked in from the gap of the white mist.

"No, he is much stronger... who are you..."

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