I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 610: Yoshihara Shrine

Ten minutes later, Qianshu 2chome, Yoshihara red light district.

On the gloomy road, Sosuke Araki and Abe Temple walked behind Junko Kato, looking at the surrounding streetscapes.

"Hey, Zong... Miss Kato, is there really a shrine in the direction we are going?"

The ambiguous neon lights of bubble bath shops on both sides of the road and all kinds of superb light box posters, Kato Junko walking with her waist swaying, and the cold noodle Abe Temple with double swords on her waist, let Sosuke Araki have a kind of The illusion of bodyguards and girls who are attracted to the secret shop, and the high-profile guests who are about to enjoy the "Emperor's Benban Package".

"Don't worry, they won't sell you. Yoshihara Shrine was originally built at the westernmost location of Yokuhara Yuguo..."

Junko Kato, who was walking in front, explained to the two of them without looking back.

Yoshihara Yuguo’s original city walls and moats have been demolished and rebuilt many times, and they have long since become ordinary streets, and ordinary people can't see the clues at all.

It can only be seen on the sightseeing map that the rectangle formed by the streets from Edo-cho 1-chome and 2-chome to Kyomachi 1-chome and 2-chome, as well as Kakucho, Yoyacho, and Chiheigou, originally belonged to Yokuhara Yoku The area within the city wall.

The area currently reserved to allow the operation of the custom industry has long been reduced to less than one-tenth of the original Yoshihara Yuguo.

Soon, under the leadership of Kato Junko, the three of them passed through the heart-pounding pink area and came to a quiet, ordinary street.

"Perhaps it was caused by the grievances of a large number of wanderers who had gathered in the miserable life. Since the establishment of Yuguo Yoshihara, it has been a troubled area..."

The wisps of white water vapor in the early morning filled both sides of the road like smoke, complementing Kato Junko's deep words.

"From the Edo period to the present, Yoshihara Yukaku, which is dominated by wooden buildings, has experienced many fires... In addition, Yoshihara Yukaku was completely burnt down twice during the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Great Tokyo Air Raid. "

Because the buildings in the Edo period were mainly made of wood, and the awareness of fire prevention and facilities were extremely unsound, the fire has been nicknamed "the famous Edo item" since ancient times.

Of course, there is also another metaphysical interpretation, saying that Edo was originally a land of "fire and water shortage".

However, with the establishment of various fire-fighting organizations such as Daimyo Consumer and Town Fire Consumer, as well as the spread of fire-fighting facilities such as "Dragon Spit Water", "Genban Bucket", "Hoshijidi" and "Doshou", from Edo to Tokyo, this On the contrary, the city is "burning more and more prosperous" amidst large and small fires.

Even after each fire, the reconstructed area will be more prosperous and lively.

Even Ginza, the current commercial center, was completely destroyed in the fire, and the government decided to build a new commercial center there.

"Every time there is a disaster, Yuguo Yoshihara is surrounded by water on three sides and has only one closed gate. The trapped wanderers and guests often have nowhere to escape, and they can only struggle to desperately wait for death in the smoke and flames. ..."

Halfway through, Junko Kato suddenly stopped and took a look at the phone.

"The shrine I'm talking about is at the end of this road, and it will be there soon..."

Araki Sosuke glanced sharply and found that she seemed to be confirming the location through the navigation app.

It seems that it’s not as familiar as to brag...

"Yoshiwara Shrine was established to commemorate the countless souls of Yuguo Yoshihara who died in the disaster."

As if responding to Kato Junko's words, a gray-white torii appeared at the end of the street corner under the night.

The beams of the torii gate, the white lanterns hanging below, and the stone monument standing beside it, all have "Yoshihara Shrine" written in big blood-red letters.

On the side of the torii, there is a support tower engraved with "The Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial".

Across the trail behind, there is a small shrine main hall with green roofs, red beams and glazed flying tiles.

Although the scale is not large, there is a simple and exquisite atmosphere everywhere in Danying's engraving.

"Yoshihara Shrine is dedicated to one of the "Seven Asakusa Deities of Good Fortune", Princess Ichigashishima Mingbenzaiten, who is in charge of wealth, knowledge and skills..."

Kato Junko, dressed in a black kimono, stood by the dimly lit shrine under the night, facing the torii eleven, looking holy and pious.

"However, like most shrines in Tokyo, the spiritual power inheritance has been cut off here, and it has become a pure commercial shrine."

"Let’s go, let’s see if there is another ‘Yoshihara Token’ enshrined in this shrine."

"Huh, there may be danger inside. As the guide of the action tonight, I order you to stand by in the rear..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Sosuke Araki and Abe Temple, who had been "lonely and unbearable" along the way, had squeezed their shoulders, pushing each other to get into the torii gate first.

"Wait...Don't you think that the fog tonight is a bit too big?"

Kato Junko, who was left behind by them, looked around with winking eyes, and her expression suddenly became a little complicated.

The early morning white fog that could be seen everywhere is already so dense that people can't see the surrounding streetscape.

What is even more strange is that where Araki Sosuke passed, the white mist disappeared, showing a wide passage for one person.

"not good……"

When Junko Kato turned around again, the torii and shrine that had been in front of him disappeared.

In her sight, there was nothing but the thick white mist, and it was difficult to distinguish her position for a while.

"Hmph, as the instructor, shouldn't you sit in the rear to direct the overall situation and let me as an'apprentice' hone the skills of spiritual removal?"

"Uh, Damn it..."

Below the torii, the tall Araki Sosuke, with the strange power of Godzilla, flew the "skinny" Abe Temple directly on top, and passed under the torii first.

"Hehehe, Xiaobailian, I want to compare my strength, you are afraid that you have forgotten how you lost the previous few times...Ahhhhh, how about people?"

After Araki Zongmin turned his head to show off triumphantly, he realized that Abe Temple and Kato Junko, who should have been behind him, were all gone.

"Abe Temple? Miss Kato?"

"These two guys, shouldn't it be difficult to restrain themselves, taking the opportunity to elope to the hotel to'examine skills', right? 』

While teasing, Araki Sosuke directly lifted the blindfold on his forehead, and looked around vigilantly.

Because, no matter how good Abe Temple is, it is impossible to disappear before his eyes in an instant.

Through the coquettish golden pupil of his left eye, the wisps of white mist that had originally lingered around the shrine turned out to be a strange blood color.

The bloody mist, as soon as it touched his body, it condensed into ordinary dew and poured into his robe.

And the source of the bloody mist that was constantly moving around was the Yoshihara Shrine in front of him.

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