I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 615 Emergency Situation Outside the Conventional Scope

"Unexpectedly, it can swallow the Buddha's light... It's not just a "ghost mouth" as simple as..."

Bitten by the "No. 18" chin and the two huge mouths on the top of his head, Junko Kato only felt the spiritual power in his body quickly flowed away and the pressure doubled.

"Is this... a two-person girl?!"

Because the pink Buddha light that makes up the Buddha's bell is being sucked away by the new giant mouth that appeared in the "18th" hair.

"That's right, this is one more mouth, and you can eat more kinds of delicious food at the same time, two girls."

With the two huge mouths gnawing at the same time, the "18th" unexpectedly had time to answer Kato Junko's questions.

The two girls are said to have been transformed by the grievances of abused and starved children. Their heads have a huge mouth that is far beyond the size of ordinary people, but never eats enough.

If you don't look at the terrible giant and the hideous mouth of "No. 18", and just listen to her pleasant tone, I am afraid that some little girl is tasting delicious cakes.

"Yes, good boy, eat to your heart's content, eat to your heart's content..."

Just as grandma comforted her granddaughter, the 15th kindly encouraged her companions.

"...Aum truth club, will never make you hungry again!"

At the same time, her palm, which was densely covered on the Buddha's bell, suddenly cracked a thin slit...

Countless strange eyes, split from the palms of those palms, looked at Kato Junko quietly.

"This, this is..."

Unprepared, exposed to the sight of these eyeballs that eroded the will, Kato Junko only felt the world revolve, recalling the experience of being besieged by hundreds of juice men at the same time...

"This is the eye of the hand."

The eyeballs in the palm of each hand moved flexibly, full of resentment hidden under the mask full of "No. 15".

"It is said that this is a blind artist, a ghost born for revenge after being robbed and killed."

"The irony is that because he is blind, he has never seen the appearance of the murderer who killed him before his death, so he can't revenge and become a Buddha in his life, he can only reincarnate endlessly in the killing..."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... The old man used the eyes of this hand to torture the murderer who killed my whole family alive. Isn't it right?!"

"In the whirling world, sentient beings are content with the evils and can bear all the sufferings and refuse to leave... Admit it, your Buddha doesn't exist at all!"

"If the Buddha had spirit, he should have burned this unfair world long ago!"

The bitter words of "15th" constantly impacted Kato Junko's heart defense, causing her to suffer from the enemy and fall into a wonderful experience of pain and happiness.



In a moment, the pink Buddha bell, under two huge mouths and countless glaring palms, crashed out.


"I am Niya St. Catherine the Spiritualist. According to Article 8 Paragraph 2 and Article 11 Paragraph 3 of the "Public Secrecy Regulations", I am currently in an'emergency situation outside the normal scope of the case'..."

"It should be over... an emergency? ! 』

Inside the huge phone booth, a foreign nun with a broken sword was kneeling on the ground, and Moto Oida, who was madly unwinding the phone cord around her feet, read the unclear lines without emotion while showing her own. "Police badge".

"Since you are a citizen whose life is in extreme danger, I have the right to temporarily inform you of the current situation..."

"Life is in extreme danger? ! 』

If Sosuke Araki was here, he would definitely recognize this European girl with rugged bumps and slender and white legs under her miniskirt, and she was the same spirit-eliminator who passed the de-spirit exemption test with herself...

Sister of the Holy See of the Vatican, Nia St. Catherine.

That's right, since breaking the white mist and appearing, what she held in her hand was not the utility knife that Moto Oida saw, but the "crowned pseudonym", Magic Sword Gulam.

"If you are lucky enough to survive later, please go to the ninth class of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department or the Spirit Eliminators Association to sign the relevant confidentiality agreement and receive psychological counseling and training within three working days."

"Well, may I ask, what are you talking about... Why can't I understand a word..."

"Furthermore, a foreign nun who speaks bad Japanese and is holding a utility knife showed me the police badge of the Metropolitan Police Department. Don't you think this will only make herself more suspicious? 』

Untied the phone cord and the receiver that were no longer moving on his feet, and Moto Oida had time to look around.

"Wait, we... is this... the phone booth?"

"The situation I want to explain next is exactly this... If you were just scratching at the door and didn't want to go in, we should now be regarded as deeply entering the "inside" of this phone booth. "

Unlike Moto Oida, from the first time he was locked into this phone booth, Niya had already vigilantly looked at everything around him.

After the door of the phone booth was closed tightly, the space where the two of them were located seemed to have undergone some weird changes.

Judging from the appearance, the two are still in the phone booth with the lower half enclosed by iron plates and the upper half covered by a glass grille.

The only difference is that compared with the original cramped phone booth, this space is obviously several times larger, and it looks like a weird huge room.

"What the hell is this place! Let me out..."

Moto Oida stood up, ignoring his pain, and slammed into the door of the phone booth.

"Uh, it hurts, it hurts!"

However, the door of the telephone booth, which looked rusty and with many holes, remained motionless, but his bones were about to fall apart.

"Ah... call the police... by the way, hurry up and call the police..."

He took out his phone and flicked it anxiously on the screen, only to find that the screen of the phone he had used only a few minutes ago was completely dark at this time, and it was turned off and turned off.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha..."

In his dull gaze, several cracks suddenly appeared on the dark mobile phone screen, and then began to spread to the entire screen.


Xiaojing Tianyuan was so frightened that he threw the phone on the ground.

Because this scene can't help but remind him of the appearance of Suzuki-kun's cell phone that he had picked up in the phone booth before.

"Please, obviously this phone booth hasn't had time to do anything, can you just let it out first?"

At this moment, Niya, who had finished speaking "routine lines", had calmly walked to the center of this huge telephone booth.

"The light and shadow that cut day and night..."

She raised her hand and waved her sword, cutting out four orange-red sword auras...

"...Your world, it's sundown!"

Sword Qi accurately fell on the four walls of the phone booth, and then silently annihilated.

Did not leave any traces.

Of course, in the eyes of Moto Oida, the nun was just a second-hand and nervously waved a utility knife.

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