"It's so uncomfortable... it's hot... a lot of smoke..."

"Call... to call someone..."

Countless scorched and broken bodies, with billowing smoke, rushed toward the two through the inner wall of the phone booth.

"Hugh...don't think about..."

Entangled by those scorched and foul-smelling bodies, falling into a strong sense of suffocation and scalding, the painful whispers of the victims lingered in his ears, and Niya's consciousness began to sink.

Countless whispers, constantly urging her from the bottom of my heart...

Call the person on the phone, come and save us...

As long as someone comes over, all the pain will disappear...

At the same time, a faint golden light lit up from Niya's alluring gully and spread all over her body, maintaining her final sanity.

It was surprisingly a small cross hung on a necklace.

"This thing... just now think of... protector?"

Niya felt the whole body weakened, and "puffed" and knelt down and sat on the ground.

The cross on her neck was a secret treasure bestowed by the Holy See before coming to Japan.

Because of the extreme side effects, she would never use it if she was not a last resort.

But by now, she hadn't had enough spiritual power to activate the true form of this thing.

"Araki Sosuke!!! Don't you..."

Just when she exhausted all her strength and screamed into the microphone...

"Hey, you are so noisy over there, you can't hear clearly..."

Maybe it's because of her confusion. The voice of Sosuke Araki on the phone is getting louder and louder for some reason, and even accented...

"And you just said that the messy steps, processes, and plans are too complicated, and you can't understand it at all on the phone..."


The door of the phone booth, which was originally closed tightly, opened a gap to the outside while the doorknob swayed slightly...


In Niya's sluggish eyes, the clear moonlight came in.

"It turns out that you are here, the phone signal is intermittent, and you can't hear it clearly. It is more convenient to discuss what is necessary..."

Under the backlight, the dark-haired man with a dark face exuding a criminal atmosphere held the phone to his ear with one hand and opened the door of the phone booth with the other.

"Um... So you guys are doing multiplayer sports... Sorry, I'm sorry..."

This man who opened the door as if in a hurry to go to the toilet, but found that there was an 18-centimeter giant squatting inside, who apologized to close the door and left. Naturally, he took a diversion in Yoshihara Park. Araki Sosuke who went around the pond and found it.

"Araki Sosuke...you, you, you..."

Looking at Sosuke Araki outside the door, Niya's expression was completely frozen on her face.

"...You idiot!!!"

After wasting all his organs, he was a step slower after all, and let the idiot find him directly.

"This time, it's all over..."

Now that the door has been opened from the outside, then he and Moto Oida are destined to not escape the fate of "evaporating from the world".

I only hope that Sosuke Araki can have some unique skills at the bottom of the box and can take out this phone booth.

It seems that the Lord, after all, failed to take care of himself.

Just as Niya was so desperate, waiting for "the world to evaporate" and returning to the Lord...

A bright white light started from the doorknob held by Araki Sosuke and spread to the surroundings.

Where the white light passed, the countless scorched black resentful spirits entwined beside the two and the entire phone booth instantly shattered into a bright white light spot, like a meteor shower in the night sky, falling towards the surroundings.

The thick white mist that enveloped the phone booth has already disappeared for some time...

A man, woman, and child with quaint costumes, different appearances, folded hands and smiling faces, sprung up on the lawn like bamboo shoots after the rain as the "meteor shower" sprinkled, increasing towards the periphery.

Among these spirit bodies, most of them are women wearing gorgeous kimonos, with faces as white as paper and teeth as black as iron.

"These spirit bodies... are they converted?!"

In Niya's surprised exclaim, on the grass of Yoshihara Park, nearly a thousand spiritual bodies spread out around the three people, as if a splendid and sacred giant lotus flower bloomed.

"Um... It seems that there should be no need to continue discussing countermeasures?"

Seeing the magnificent scene around him, Araki Sosuke, who was still in the "open or closed" posture, touched the back of his head with some embarrassment.

"Yoshihara Yukaku is surrounded by water. They are people who have been trapped near the phone booth under the city wall during the previous fires in Yoshihara. There is nowhere to escape..."

Hearing a few words silently spoken by a spirit body beside him, his brows frowned slightly and his face became solemn.

"Some people held unreachable phones until they were smoked to death by heavy smoke, some were killed by burning building debris, some were engulfed by fiery flames, and some jumped into Bentianchi as the'moat' and were drowned..."

"If I ascend to the sky, where are you..."

Listening to his narration, Niya knelt up dignifiedly and solemnly, bowed her head and kissed the cross on her chest, and closed her eyes sincerely and began her "last prayer."

"If I stay in Hides, you will be there too..."

In the quiet Yoshihara Park, only her very solemn prayers were left.

"If I spread the wings of the morning and fly to the sea pole to live..."

Bathed in the moonlight, the dignified and solemn red-haired nun is completely devoid of the presumptuous appearance of "self-liberation" on weekdays, just like the legendary angel of mercy to all living beings.

"It's there, your left hand will guide me, and your right hand will support me."

As she prayed, the thousands of spirit bodies around began to slowly turn into white light.

"Araki Sosuke..."

After praying, Niya slowly got up and looked at Araki Sousuke with complicated eyes.

Although last time in the Suzumori execution grounds, she witnessed Araki Sosuke's use of the slightly more flavorful and full-bodied "Spiritual Elimination·Goemon" to solve the weird flesh and blood tower, she knew this Japanese slaying tower. The spiritual man has a powerful strength that is completely inconsistent with his appearance.

This is also the biggest reason why she took the initiative to share information and form an alliance with the other party that night.

At any time, strong strength is the basis for cooperation.

But tonight, witnessing Araki Sosuke's "reverting" the phone booth's unsolvable weird appearance and the thousands of resentful spirits hidden in it at the same time, but once again severely shattered her original assessment of the opponent's strength.

Not to mention, such a large number of "conversions" at one time are unheard of in the records of the Holy See.

Unlike the resentful spirits that only need to be strong enough to get rid of, the weirdness has the insoluble existence that has mastered the "incomplete rules".

That is not an existence that can be "brutely cracked" with deep spiritual power and powerful techniques.

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