"This...this is..."

Look at Kato Junko's sudden "Hidden Moon", Abe Temple's pupils tremble, like a big enemy, and the whole body releases a painful sword intent.



The sound of water splashes from nowhere, mixed with the mellow and twists of the "song", resembled a series of sweet and pungent sword lights, violently impacting on the "Sword Heart" of Abe Temple, bringing out a series of cracks.

"Damn it! This kind of SOLO session on the top of the hot field, obviously I have practiced countless times, and I should have dealt with it freely..."

Abe Temple's breath trembled after encountering the impact of the five senses at close range, which was full of color and fragrance, and his calm face also began to twitch slightly.

"It must be... the light of this evil door..."

The light of the Buddha spreading around Kato Junko had already quietly covered the location of Abe Temple, turning into a series of nihilistic shadows, moving restlessly around him.


Facing the scene of stirring the sea and the river, and the water splashing in front of him, and Kato Junko's magical singing that seems to be corrosive to people's hearts, Abe Temple's breathing became heavier and his body collapsed more and more tightly...

Since the beginning of March, the imprints of countless learning materials accumulated during nearly eight hours of uninterrupted practice every day for six months are just like Mount Fuji that is about to erupt, and he is about to move in his heart.

"No... I can't lose here..."

He stretched out his hand to hit the "Yue Yao" on his waist, and a deep icy cold spread to his heart along his arm, freezing the already burning heat.

"Well... this hasn't started yet, do we have to borrow props?"

Junko Kato trembled slightly, and withdrew her jade finger in endless aftertaste...

She leaned down like a lazy cat, and with a turbulent aura of contemplation, she approached Abe Temple step by step...

"Abe-kun, in fact, from the very beginning, you were destined to be unable to beat me in this competition. Do you know why..."

"Why... why?"

Facing the dim light, the pretty face and pink light translucent, graceful, looming ups and downs...

Abe Temple felt that his bones became stronger and stronger, and an impulse that he could not wait to pull out his sword and fight with him happily was constantly echoing in his heart.

"If you read it right, are you still a virgin?"

"You... how can you..."

"The Buddha said, although there are many smells, if you don't practice, and don't smell it, just like people talk about food, you won't be full!"

"No matter what kind of practice, you should follow the "correspondence to the practice" and the "certificate of the practice of faith", according to the knowledge of great kindness, listening to the scriptures, and the teachings of wisdom. "

"Your self-righteous, behind-the-scenes, and on-paper ‘cultivation’ can be compared with the Buddhadharma that I have learned by sacrificing myself into purgatory, breaking through the peak of sentient desire, and experiencing countless sorrows and joys!"

"It turns out that there is such a huge gap between practice and fantasy...Isn't it such a superficial and flashy thing these days when I don't practice penance day and night?"

Under Kato Junko's continuous questioning, Abe Temple was like a flat boat in the vast ocean, chased by a huge tsunami composed of countless pink human figures, with nowhere to escape.

"So, according to your statement, Araki Sosuke, isn't he anymore..."


The sound of something shattering sounded, and the tranquility and indifference in Abe Temple's eyes began to fade...

Under the self-questioning of "Tao", his swordsmanship was bright, and it fell apart!

"Why, can't you even speak?"

It was clearly a bloody scene, but the smile on Junko Kato's face seemed bright and light from beginning to end.

"Now that you have set up a tent..."

The distance between the two slowly approached, and she exhaled like a orchid beside Abe Temple's ears, and launched a fatal blow: "Well, let me guide you to start your first actual combat practice..."

"...Whether it is here, there or there, it's all possible."

"Real... real combat?!"

"Here, where and where? ! 』

Hearing her words, Abe Temple only felt that his teeth were trembling, and his words were broken.


Even the double knives on the waist screamed frantically.

"If you say... Sosuke Araki is already... then I..."

Just when he was about to put down his last defense and let the pink tsunami swallow him and the boat under his feet...

On a certain day, certain month, and certain year, before observing an important competition, the pictures that were once shocked and sealed in the deepest part of my heart by him suddenly rushed out of the sea wildly and spread out like flowers...

That is impressive, a mature woman with scarce fabrics, bright colors, generous expression, and worthy of respect!


Behind Abe Temple, there is still a huge tsunami that connects heaven and earth composed of suppressed desires in my heart.

"This kind of suddenly enlightened feeling...what is it..."

But on the originally endless sea level in front of the canoe, a white sand beach winding like a snake appeared.

Along the turbulent waves, the wooden boat carried Abe Temple and quickly landed on the beach.

Behind him, the huge sky-covering waves made up of countless enchanting figures washed up on the beach, and then stranded feebly into a dense and white bone, which was swallowed and buried in the gravel, without making any waves.

"I see……"

Looking back at Abe Temple as if it had just awakened from a dream, I saw that the stretch of sandy beach I was on was an endless yellowish desert.

"Sorry... I refuse."


The sides of the two were almost close to each other, and the voice of Abe Temple suddenly became extremely silent, calmly giving the answer that made Kato Junko's jaw-dropping.

"Impossible... you know that your sword heart is broken, so why bother with it..."

She took a half step back in surprise, but the face of Abe Temple was extremely cold and pretty under the lights.

"I'm such an idiot... Araki Sosuke, over a month ago, he pretended to inadvertently revealed the most important ‘secret practice’ to me..."

"However, the incompetent me has always been unable to comprehend because of the fear in my heart, and has failed his expectation of a fair fight soon..."

"No, from the very beginning, he has secretly shared his items of ‘cultivation content’ with me without any reservation. How well-intentioned, selfless and fearless..."

"If it hadn't been for my sudden epiphany just now, I'm afraid I would really lose to you today, and I would never be able to extricate myself from falling into the endless sea of ​​desire..."

"Songsuke Araki's...secret practice?!"

Hearing Abe Temple's words, Kato Junko's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his face was solemn: "...I hope Abe-kun will come here!"

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