"Be careful, this person seems to be possessed by something..."

Abe Temple recognized for the first time that it was the "No. 8" who had previously planned to use the "power of the snails and ghosts" to take away his own golden jade with the white eyes left and standing blankly in the hall.

"To the effect, I was busy reshaping Jianxin just now, not watching..."

The other black-robed cults who were supposed to be with her by Zongsuke Araki's complex rope art that no one can solve, and tied together with a tie rope, are all gone at this moment.

"Those guys, where did they go..."

Abe Temple's eyes scanned back and forth in the hall, and among the scattered gaze ropes, there was only a spot of blood stains and empty black robes.

"This is……"

When his gaze fell on something, the sword heart of Abe Temple was insanely alert and instinctively aware of the extreme danger.


At this moment, the black robe on "No. 8" has long been missing, replaced by a coquettish and attractive lavender kimono with long sleeves.

Kimono, a traditional national costume, was also called Wufu before the Edo period because it originated from Wu Bang, the dragon country on the other side of the sea.

Although the surviving yukata that Junko Kato wore before is strictly a type of kimono, the formal kimono is not only high-end fabrics, complicated to wear, but also more luxurious than yukatas.

The most easily recognizable logo is that yukata usually has only one layer of collar.

The simple and gorgeous lavender kimono on "No. 8" in front of him is very dignified and grand, with a wide range of accessories.

A slightly bloated belt pillow tied in front of the body, wide cuffs with a hem almost hanging down to the ground, large embroideries intertwined with red flame patterns and white petals...

At this moment, her hands are elegantly divided on both sides, and the left and right long sleeves and the middle robes are connected together to form a beautiful picture of "Blazing Night Sakura".

Different from the common kimono with long sleeves in modern times, this is the kimono of "big sleeves" that can only be seen occasionally in costume dramas after the Showa era.

Vibrating sleeve kimono, that is, long-sleeved kimono, is divided into large vibrating sleeve, middle vibrating sleeve and small vibrating sleeve according to the length of the sleeve.

Dazhenxiu is a formal dress, and five family crests must be included. The entire kimono is a complete picture of feathers. It is the most formal dress for unmarried ladies and is also used as a wedding dress.

The middle vibrating sleeve is the standard dress, and the small vibrating sleeve is the general dress, and the requirements for wearing scenes are also much broader.

All in all, if such a gorgeous kimono is in the main hall from the beginning, Abe Temple can never be unimpressed.

"Be careful, there is a problem with this vibrating sleeve kimono!"

Kato Junko, who also found the problem, just finished speaking. The body of the "eight" suddenly shrank and shrunk into the robe at a speed visible to the naked eye like a punctured balloon...


Immediately after a few drops of blood were spattered, "Number 8" disappeared completely into the "mouth" of that kimono like a big change.

"So... several other people were also... eaten by this kimono?!"

Seeing this treacherous scene of "kimono cannibalism", Abe could only feel his fingers trembling slightly.

This kimono with big sleeves swallowed five lives quietly under the eyelids of the two soul-eliminators.

"Blessed, Lord God, if he can return early, the little girl is willing to give everything."

A female voice sounded like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, and the empty kimono whose color became more and more charming after the selection and consumption, as if there was an invisible person in it, it stretched out the delicate curves of a woman out of thin air.

Ignoring the two people in the shrine completely, just like the visitors who came to worship, the kimono reverently high-five and worshipped at the original position of the god, then turned and walked towards the outside of the shrine.

"Under the gloomy sky, the white lantern is lit up at the store in Edo, and the night falls."

A simple and brisk ballad with a touch of sorrow came from the empty kimono.

"Sitting in front of the mirror, dressing up, drawing red lips, responding to requests, just accept it."

As the song echoed, the crimson flame pattern on the kimono really lit up like burning flames!

"Want to run?"

Abe Temple stood still, and the "sun and moon" double knives on his waist had already risen into the sky, bringing out a flash of ice and fire, and slashed towards the strange state of the kimono.

"Amitabha, this grievance seems to be repeating the path of its owner during his lifetime..."

And Junko Kato did not know when he came to the kimono and slammed into the opponent with the pink Buddha bell that surrounded him.

"The flower that shines with orange-red light, I have longed for her so much."

Unheard of the sharp offensive against the two of them, the kimono maintained a sad humming, and dignifiedly danced his sleeves and sleeves together in front of him.

"Although it has turned into a blue flower without knowing it, I am not cheap."

Like a young girl swaying a graceful dance, the sleeves covered with white petals and fiery red flames swirled in the air...

It looked like a paper umbrella opened in the rain, bringing out the flames of the big canopy.

The cruising sun and moon double knives and Kato Junko's thick pink Buddha clock collided with the flames at the same time, annihilating billowing smoke.

Amidst the smoke, the purple kimono continued to maintain that dignified and elegant posture, seeming to fly away from the main hall slowly and quickly.


Abe Temple had just pulled out its legs to chase, but saw the light scattered from the long sleeves of the kimono, and it had quickly ignited the inner hall of Yoshihara Shrine in front of him.

"Damn it..."

Concerned about the more than a dozen people in the hall who were unconscious, he could only reach out his hand to catch the wakasa Yueyao flying in the air, and slashed backhand.

A circle of frost centered on him, covering the burning roof.

However, the weird flames showed no tendency to weaken at all. Instead, they burned more and more fiercely after being splashed with oil, and continued to spread in all directions.

"This fire is extremely extraordinary, and it is difficult to extinguish it with ordinary means. Let's save people first before talking!"

"This...Master Kato's physical skills are so advanced..."

In the dull gaze of Abe Temple, Junko Kato showed a strange power that was completely inconsistent with his slender figure. He decisively carried a few people up and ran towards the outside with vigorous steps.

When the two were talking, the purple kimono with the gleaming fire pattern had passed the torii gate outside the shrine and disappeared into the street under the night.


Abe Temple slapped his lips unwillingly, turned back and picked up the two men next to him, and rushed out of the gate.

After rushing back and forth in the main hall for several consecutive times, the two finally moved all the unconscious people to the open space outside the hall.

"Isn't Araki Sosuke the one who notified the association, why haven't you come..."

Although there was vacant ground isolation and the fire could not continue to spread, the entire main hall of Yoshihara Shrine was engulfed by this irresistible fire and turned into a huge fire.

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