"Could it be that the Abe Temple and the others who are stationed in the shrine are mostly the same as we were before, and they were ‘forced to ride’ by the weird Shenyin..."

Reminiscent of "Bamboo Tori Scroll", which was suddenly "resurrected by electric shock" on the edge of the gods, and the door in the illustration inside, Araki Sosuke's heart is very certain.

The missing two people, and the things they were looking for, were all inside that place.

"At present, the Metropolitan Police Department has sealed off the area around the Yoshihara Red Light District in the name of a large-scale disaster prevention exercise, and is evacuating nearby residents urgently..."

"The association is also convening spirits removers to form a team to support in the past. In view of the condition of your left eye, Araki-kun, and the whereabouts of your original partner Abe-kun, the old lady advises you not to act alone and wait until other knowing spirits arrive. ..."

"Huh? What are you talking about, my signal is not very good, it must be the ghost made by the gods...Hey, Lu Dou...ZiZi...Zidududu..."

Imitating the noise of communication with exaggerated ventriloquism, Sosuke Araki hung up the phone numbly, and tied the bucket around his waist tightly...

"Hey, I finally found a clue to that thing. If Tachibana Piaoxue's little white face is brought to the fore, my unbeaten record will be over..."

Then, he raised his neck and yelled at the entrance of the alley: "Warring States Warriors!!!"

"...Boom boom boom!!!"

Araki Sosuke's voice was still reverberating in the alley, and a locomotive exhaust sound echoed from far to near and far away.

In the horrified eyes of Moto Oida, the white as a sword of the car headlight pierced the dim alley...

"This...this is from that night..."

An explosive-modified heavy-duty locomotive with inverted teeth, flowing fire, and obvious muscle lines, dragged the violent dust, handsomely sideways and slammed in front of the three of them.

"Well, that's it for today, you two will go back and rest first."

"Oi-kun, remember to report to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow and receive ‘secret after-school counseling’. 』

"Oh? Next, is it true that the plot of enrolling in the "Rough and Zero College" is about to unfold? 』

Stepping into the car, Araki Sosuke turned his head and said to the two in a perfunctory manner.

"But, finally escaped from that strange place, Araki-kun, are you planning to go back..."

Undecided, Moto Oida nodded, and looked a little nervously at Sosuke Araki, who was sitting in the car and lighting his cigarette.

"... Don't worry, we are "professionals"! "

A certain red-haired nun leaped into the back seat of the locomotive in a flying skirt, hugged Araki Sosuke's waist unceremoniously, and said to Moto Oida with full expression.

"Cough cough cough cough...Why are you stealing other people's lines to be handsome... It's hard to get a chance..."

"Wait a minute, "we"? ! What are you doing with you, this is a ‘limited mission’ for me..."

His lines were robbed and he was attacked by a sudden turbulent backstab. Araki Sosuke, who had just greedily inhaled his first puff, was suddenly choked into smoke and out of breath.

"Huh, since the association issued the "Yoshihara Red Light District Emergency Support" mission five minutes ago, your'limited mission' has become a temporary mission for everyone! "

Like a koala, he hung Sosuke Araki stubbornly, Niya triumphantly shook the mobile phone that was stuck on the "task received" interface.

"Furthermore, according to the association's ‘collective action’ regulations, don’t we both happen to be a partner?"

"Ahem... But, haven't you been exhausted from playing with that phone booth?"

Silently bearing the strong pressure on his back, Araki Zongjie's face was flushed, his forehead was slightly sweaty, and his throat squirmed.

"Hmph, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding about women's sensitivity, contractile strength and endurance!"

"Don't you know, when a woman says no, it's the real beginning..."

"Like disposable coffee capsules, unlike men who can’t recover after a single shot, scientific experiment results show that the women who participated in the experiment after special training have the highest record of fighting for five hours in the endurance calculation and destroying five consecutively. Experimental equipment..."

"What, it's so horrible... Wait, what subject is going to do this kind of experiment? ! 』

"Furthermore, our Holy See spirit removers are best at'recovery'. I was not prepared enough before, so I just need to add supplies at the convenience store on the way to ensure that it won't drag you back!"

"Know, I know, don't continue talking, sit firmly for me!"


Forcing himself to wake up from Niya's unclear and imaginative words, Sosuke Araki blasted down the accelerator and quickly disappeared into the dark alley under the worried eyes of Moto Oida.


Yoshihara Shrine, below the torii.

"Master Kato..."

Under the agitation of spiritual power, the shadow of Kato Junko standing still in the same place reappeared in the eyes of Abe Temple when he passed the torii gate.


Immediately afterwards, Abe Temple stayed in place like Junko Kato, looking around with bewildered eyes.

"……what is the place?!"

The moment he crossed the torii gate, the world in front of him had undergone an earth-shaking change.

The concrete asphalt road under your feet has become a fine gravel road.

On both sides of the road, those modern shops and residential buildings have also been replaced by exquisite wooden buildings in Edo style.

When it came, the dark and quiet modern commercial street, for some reason, completely turned into an old and elegant Edo veranda.


What's even more bizarre is that these wooden buildings are all the same as the shrine behind them, burning with raging fire, occasionally sparks and wood burning cracks...

Countless plumes of thick billowing smoke drifting into the sky are connected with the thick dark clouds that cover the sky above.

Rows of wooden buildings lined up with fire, along the endless straight long street, spread and stretch in all directions, forming a majestic sea of ​​flames with no end in sight!

And in the distance of this sea of ​​fire, you can vaguely see the scorched black walls that are repaired with striped stones on all sides, soaring into the clouds, surrounding the four directions of the south, east, north, and west.

"If we didn't guess wrong, we should have accidentally entered some kind of divine hiding."

Kato Junko, who was one step ahead of Abe Temple, folded her hands together, held up the pink Buddha bell, and calmly observed her surroundings.

"Don't you think it's strange? These buildings seem to be burnt by the fire, but in fact they are safe and sound with the flame..."

She drove the Buddha bell into contact with the flames on the side of the building, and a scorched black surface immediately appeared on the surface.

"There are clouds in the eight volumes of the Shurangama Sutra, which means that everything in the ten directions is Tathagata, lustful eyes and fornication, lust for fire with the same name, and Bodhisattva sees desires, like avoiding fire pits..."

A trace of enthusiasm mixed with desire, pleasure, and greed emerged from the bottom of her heart, and was instantly melted by the "bliss" that was thousands of times stronger in her heart.

"Be careful, this is the lust of people's desires! Once ordinary people are contaminated, they are afraid of being limited by their desires, and they will breed lusts and support the combustion, such as wax meets fire and burns out..."

"However, there should have been no living people in this Shenyin, what is supporting the burning of these desires..."

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