"Tonight, Yoshihara, the fire is scorching. If you like it, please buy me."

The quiet and pure shamisen, the simple and melodious sound of taiko drums, along with the long song expressing sorrow, floated into the ears ethereally.

"Outside the eaves, the blossoming cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the fire is scorching in my soaked heart."

"This music is, Kabuki?"

When the two are still listening, looking for the source of this long singing...

A group of people coming and going, like mushrooms after rain, appeared on the empty long street without warning.

"My lord, do you want to use a car?"

"We have new teas in our shop, so please don't miss it when you pass by."

"Boy, you stepped on my shoes..."

The streets that were originally lingering in the flames and burning quietly, without warning, and of course, became full of voices.

The samurai in Tsukidai head, sleeveless top...

The kimono coats Haori, the town people who stand in front of the shop to help out and pull carts...

Women combing Maruya, wearing kimonos and short skirts, are selling sweets in Marukiya...

A Chinese-fashioned girl wearing a kimono with sleeves and a gown, dragging the tail of the skirt...

These sudden appearances of a large number of "crowds" around the two symbolize that the characteristics of different costumes of the "skilled, farmer, commerce, and industry" classes in the Edo period are unusually obvious.

Seemingly awakening after a lifetime, Abe Temple and Kato Junko were so abruptly lost in the bustling Yoshihara long street, where the flow of people is invisible.

"Boy, don't get in the way, let the uncle be happy and happy!"

A wealthy businessman with crude actions hurriedly passed Abe Temple and strode into the shop aside.


Abe Temple had two knives on his waist, and he immediately unsheathed himself, and wanted to cut it in the air!

If you only look at clothes, words and deeds, these simple "people" are just like ordinary people when they walk, talk and laugh...

But their faces and bodies are all like corpses burned by flames, showing a texture of pitch-black, cracked, shriveled and charcoal, not to mention the scorched and fleshy faces, even the teeth and whites of the eyes are not very visible. .

In the huge cracks on the body surface, fires gush out from time to time.

If it weren't for the weird fire lights on the surrounding Edo buildings and the scorched features of these "people" constantly reminding them, Abeji and the two would really think that they have gone back in time and traveled back to the Yoshihara Yukaku of the Edo period.

"Wait a minute... These earth-bound spirits are paralyzed by lust, immersed in memories of life, and they are not aware of their abnormality."

Junko Kato reached out and held the hilt of the sword in Abe Temple's hand, with a look of compassion in his eyes: "I said, where does such a huge lust come from... Maybe, it's not just a one-to-one reference, in a sense, here It was the former Yukaku Yoshihara..."

"It's just that, based on the desire of these earth-bound spirits and the memory as the basis, the Yoshihara Yukura constructed in the burning endless flames of desire!"

"……Feel sorry."

Hearing her words, Abeji's forehead slipped a drop of cold sweat.

Had it not been for Kato Junko who had prevented his "no-mindedness", once such a large number of earth-bound spirits were disturbed by his "irregular" de-spirit, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the surrounding spirits, who were calm and lively on the Yoshihara Flower Street, had fun, and did not notice the subtle movements of the two.

They seemed to only regard these two "uninvited guests" as beings like themselves, and did not show any unusual reactions.

"This Shenyin seems to have just been opened, and the existence of the seal in it has not yet fully recovered..."

In the sight of the two of them, a bunch of black and flame-entangled figures continued to increase along the long street that could not be seen at a glance...

"Hehe...This guest, look over to the slave house and quietly show you something good..."

"This young man is so handsome, why don't you come and settle down in the shop?"

"Recently, they have integrated the'Thirty-Six Styles in the Room' through the'Spring Paintings'. If you can stick to the last style, the tea is free..."

In the originally empty and blazing "Yunouya", some time ago, a woman dressed in a kimono and a Hyogo bun was also seated.

Their bodies were scorched and shriveled like charcoal, and their faces, which were empty except for a huge mouth, were painted with a thick white powder.

They seemed to be very confident of their "peerless looks". They held pipes, sat lazily, cracked the dark teeth in their huge mouths, showed a "charming" smile, and greeted every passing guest with enthusiasm.

"Really free?! After the uncle, I remove my clothes and come to compete with you!"

From time to time, there are guests who can't stand the "pick" and step into the house from the front door without any cover.

"The samurai master is necrotic, and the weapon has been revealed before entering the door!"

In a short while, there was a whimsical hum from the house, and a rhythmic fire broke out. It was obvious that a fierce battle had just begun.

"These are black-toothed girls..."

Looking at the women in these fences, Junko Kato put her hands together and lowered her head unbearably.

"It is said that it was transformed by a woman who longed to get married but could not get happiness all her life."

"Yoshihara Yanshang, it really deserves its reputation..."

The four words on Torii appeared in my mind, and Abe Temple had realized it.

As the saying goes, in ancient times there were four major Gals of Key Club in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and today there are four major gals in the animation circle.

"Yan Shang", in today's Japan, is an internet term that describes the outbreak of a large number of negative reviews on things.

But in fact, the word comes from Long Kingdom's "Shangshu·Hongfan", "Water means running down, fire means uprising, wood means straight, gold means leather, and earth 爰jia穑".

After being spread to Japan, it meant "burning" or "fires" during the Edo period when fires were frequent.

Yoshihara fire is the Yoshihara fire.

In 1768, 1787, 1816, 1835, 1845, 1862, 1864, 1866, and 1911, there were many large-scale fires in Yukō Yoshihara, causing numerous deaths and injuries.

But among them, the "Yoshihara Fire" in Meiji 44 is the most famous...

The long street with red lights hanging high, beautiful people laughing, gracious benefactors, and the scene of darkness and ugliness intertwined under the glamorous appearance, must have been ruthlessly swallowed by the sudden fire countless times, and soon revived.

"Could it be that Yoshihara has accumulated too many grievances from several fires and earthquakes and is difficult to deal with. In the name of building Yoshihara Shrine, the Shogunate asked the Tomimon Shinto, who was in charge of Yin and Yang at that time, to lay the "Four Elements of Ripai". With the obsession and memory of these earth-bound spirits, this place of divine hiding was constructed? ! "

Thinking of these souls whose lives ended in the fire of Yoshihara, they can only linger in the time when the flames are solidified in this god...

"Suppress these unreliable resentful spirits in this "Yoshiwara Yanshang" divine hiding place, hoping that they can one day be wiped out by themselves in the flames of desire..."

Suddenly, Abeji understood the compassion in Kato Junko's eyes.

"What is the difference between such self-deception and man-made Purgatory?!"

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