
After carefully looking at the girl in front of him, Abe Temple repeatedly confirmed that he had never seen this person in his memory, and he did not know where the familiarity came from.

"Saving grace, but it's too serious."

Because you are already dead.

After adding such a sentence in his heart, he quietly glanced at Kato Junko.

The latter shook his head slightly, indicating that he had never heard of the name.

"Asagiri" is very common as a first name or last name, but Yukaku Yoshihara was built in Edo. At that time, most people had a name without a surname, and the same name was commonplace.

"Um, Asagiri...Do you know how to leave this place?"

Abe Temple hesitated for a moment, and then tentatively said.

As the saying goes, it is born from the heart, and when this girl looks different, she can't feel any grievances...

Perhaps she still has a trace of reason and memory, through which she can understand some of the secrets hidden in the secret.

"Leaving? Yoshiwara Yuko is surrounded by water and surrounded by high walls. Since its establishment, there is only one gate... Except for the dignitaries who travel by boat, everyone else can only enter and exit through the gate."

The girl who claimed to be "Asagiri" was taken aback for a moment, and looked back and forth on Abeji Toshi's face with curiosity while shy.

"I see, this samurai must be a newcomer, not familiar with the direction."

As if to understand something, he stretched his hand towards the mist and pointed to a certain direction outside the alley: "Along Nakanomachi Street, walk in this direction and you will reach the Yoshiwara Gate..."

"Is this direction? Sure enough, it's the same as on the map..."

Just when the two subconsciously looked in the direction the girl was pointing...

"However, tonight, Yoshihara Yan, the two of you should leave as soon as possible."

The girl behind her slowly saluted, and her figure gradually turned into a touch of fire and dissipated in the alley.

"Wait, what did you say..."

When the two turned around, there was no one in the lane.

"This is the fire of desire... Amitabha, this girl is an extraordinary spiritual body..."

Catching the remaining sparks in the sky with his fingertips, Junko Kato and Abeji looked at each other and nodded.

"Like the buildings, city walls, and flames in this divine concealment, she is just a certain indelible obsession or memory that remains in this divine concealment, which is like recorded in the magnetic sand on Easter Island. The sound is the same..."

"Perhaps, for the girl named'Chaowu', this memory is so important that she can't even forget her death."

"It's your kid, who violated Yoshihara's'Knife Prohibition Order', right?!"

At the same time, several earth-bound spirits who covered their faces and wrapped their bodies in charred black bandages, half of their bodies protruded from the sides of the narrow alley like transparent...

"It just doesn't put our "Yoshihara Self-Defense Force" in the eyes..."

These strangely dressed men seem to be able to move around the walls and the ground like swimming.

"Don't talk nonsense, the shogunate has already issued a decree. Those who wear swords in Yoshihara, cut!"

They didn't say anything, drew their swords out of their sheaths, hid in the wall, stretched out their long swords in the alleyway to form an organ-like dense knife array, and slashed towards the two.

Looking closely, the sharp blades handed out by the men turned out to extend from the broken, bone-to-body arms.

"It seems that there is no way to continue ‘being low-key’."

Abe-ji Temple’s long sword was unsheathed from its waist, and together with the sky’s Wakisada Tsukiyo, it was woven into a dense net of ice and fire swords...

The light of the blade flickered, and the limbs of these earth-bound spirits exposed outside the wall instantly shattered to the ground, but they still wriggled towards the two people endlessly.

"It is said that Shoji Jintaemon, the founder of Yoshihara Yukaku, is actually a descendant of the ninja of the wind demon clan. While earning a lot of income for the shogunate, he also used this gentle township to secretly carry out spying activities between the beds... …"

"This "Yoshihara Self-Defense Force", who is so fascinating and hidden on the pavement, must have been his ninja dead. "

Seeing these mutilated bodies and choosing people to devour the earth-bound spirits, Junko Kato waved his sleeves, bringing out a touch of pink Buddha light.

"Ananda, the people of the world do not ask for permanent residence, fail to give up their wives and concubines love, in the midst of adultery, the heart is not flowed, clear and bright, after the death is next to the sun and the moon..."

Where the Buddha light passed, these terrible, terrifying, deadly bound spirits turned into several naked men with well-developed muscles and walked out of the wall.

"I...I...have been to you...

"It turns out that I was so happy to be under the enemy..."

"Hmm...too light...use harder!"

"Don't... stop... don't... don't stop..."

These men were blushing and hugged sincerely in friendship, and in the joyful shouts, they turned into pink dust and dissipated.

"This...this is...being a Buddha?!"

Although the pan-intestine battle in front of me was a bit spicy, Abe Temple has recognized that these ferocious earthbound spirits were superseded by Kato Junko's gestures, and they became Buddhas in this strange posture!

"Amitabha, thanks to Abe-kun who has severely injured them, he can solve it so easily..."

Kato Junko shook her head slightly, as if she was not satisfied with the result.

"My Happiness Dharma can indeed absorb the desires of sentient beings, give feedback to the supreme bliss, and lead them to lose themselves and forget their obsessions in great joy..."

"But the intellect, memory, desire, and soul origin of the spirit body also collapsed in bliss, unable to re-enter the cycle."

"On this point, it is different from the spiritual body letting go of its obsession and becoming a Buddha."

Her "world of desirelessness" seems to allow sentient beings to "let go of their obsessions," but the compulsion and voluntary joy are fundamentally different.

"Fire...it's on fire!!!"

During the conversation between the two, many people's exclamation suddenly came from outside the alley.

"not good."

Abe Temple took a closer look, and the building on the side of the alley actually lit a flame with a slightly different color.

Presumably, it was the Hirotaka that just shot the "Yoshihara Self-Defense Force" inside the wall, and the flames it brought out inadvertently contaminated the house next to it.

Because these houses were already burning with fire, the two people didn't notice it for the first time.

At this moment, the flames of the sun wheel that can burn grievances are already burning more and more, wrapping up an entire wooden house.

"Don't squeeze... get some water..."

"Go hit the log first, and notify the people from the fire fighting department to come over!!!"

"Cough cough cough...I can't breathe anymore..."

The building that was "lit" by Abe Temple, obviously not even the veneer was blackened...

However, the Earthbound Spirit near Long Street seemed to be roused by this external flame, which aroused the most terrifying memories deep in his heart, and uttered a tragic wailing.

The fire and smoke on the surrounding buildings also became more and more turbulent.

The prosperous long streets of the original Qinlou Chu Pavilion and Jinying Flower Array were instantly flooded with spattering firelight, painful roars, and scorched and dimly bound spirits. In the rampage and trampling on each other, they became chaotic.

This situation seems to have returned to the moment when the Yoshihara fire broke out in their memory.

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