"So, if we move on from our position, it should be the main street from'Daemon Street' to'Nakanomachi Street..."

"Report, there are new discoveries!"

While several people were studying the terrain, a team member holding a spy telescope for reconnaissance was attracted by the fast-moving figures on the bustling long street in the distance.

"A large number of human figures have been observed in the area of ​​the building ahead, some of them are moving inward along the main street. The preliminary judgment is... the resentful spirit?!"

On both sides of the long street, in the grid-covered shops, there are densely packed arms, stretched out in pain, or scratched and slapped the blood-colored grid.

Through the gaps in the arms, one can vaguely see the shadows sitting inside, twisted in pain in the fire, but unable to escape.

On the long street, countless resentful spirits that were scorched and cracked, wailing in the flames of the whole body, rushed towards the other side of the main street like a mad tiger.

It seems that in that direction, something is attracting them.

"Thank me to see..."

Taking the spy telescope in the hands of an agent, Yamada Kengo scanned the buildings back and forth.

"Wait, that place is..."

In the depths of the long street where the earthbound spirits gather, the cherry blossom petals falling above seem to be denser than other areas.


But if you look carefully, you can find that some of the things that are mixed and scattered are not white cherry blossom petals, but more fine and irregular snowflakes!

"The snow in Tachibana...it must be Abe Temple there, so these resentful spirits are all gathering there!"

"However, I couldn't smell Abe-kun all the way, so where did he and the other spirit remover enter Shenyin? ! 』

Yamada Kengo, who had fought against Abe Temple all night on the night of the Obon Festival, recognized the origin of the snowflake for the first time.

"It's fine if you find someone, you're about to rest here, ready to tentatively enter..."

Hearing what Kengo Yamada said, Hiroshi Tokuta lightly held his glasses and heaved a sigh of relief.

Abe Temple is a genius carefully cultivated by the Abe clan of the Japanese giants.

Just when everyone was preparing to head towards the long street...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Yiwenzaka," which had been closed and turned into a pile of rubble behind him, suddenly shook violently like an earthquake.

"There is an abnormal situation, keep the distance and line up!"

The surrounding ninth class agents took out their guns like a frightened bird, and vigilantly aimed at the broken dragon stone that had collapsed.


Everyone had time to set up their formation in the future, the broken dragon stone that had collapsed, like it had been bombed by a missile, was torn apart.


Looking at the oncoming rocks, Yamada Kengo turned into a gust of wind, and quickly supported the largest one.

The "cocoon" behind him also reacted quickly to block in front of several agents, swinging his punches and dropping the flying rubble.


However, the invisible barrier supported by the exorcism carpet cannot resist these tangible things.

There are still a few people who were rubbed by this sudden and unpredictable gravel, and for a while, flesh and blood flowed across the river...

"Sniff... a heavy fishy smell?"

Before he could check the injuries of the people behind him, Kengo Yamada moved his nose slightly and looked at the broken dragon stone with a stern expression on his face.

"Hey, is there any uncleaned garbage here..."

The sound of the urn sounded a sneer from the dust, and a figure more than three meters tall and wearing a black robe appeared in the sight of everyone from Yiwenzaka's direction.

"What is this... vigilance, it is Aum Shinrikyo!"

"Could it be that this mysterious place suddenly opened, it's the ghost of these guys..."

Seeing the pattern that formed the words "Shi Jiu" on the other party's mask, Yamada Kengo did not hesitate to pull out the wooden sword on his back, and the figure instantly disappeared in place.

"Cocoon, you stand for me!"

In the next second, his figure appeared in front of the black-robed giant without warning, and the peach wood sword in his hand brought out a large thunder light, and he mercilessly slashed towards the opponent's abdomen!

Originally, the mission of this united team to Yoshihara was to deal with the cult that sneaked on the spirit-eliminators and the people in danger. It was only when Shenyin suddenly opened up that it temporarily changed its action plan.

"Tsk the bugs of the Spirit Slayers Association...Today I want to let you know that in the transcendental world, there is also a food chain..."

The giant urn said so in an annoying voice, completely ignoring the wooden sword that slashed at him, and backhanded Yamada Kengo in mid-air.

"Unlike those omnivores, those who control the ultimate physical power will always stand at the top of the food chain!"


The violent thunder light exploded, smashing the black robe on that person...

In the heat of the thunder light, densely dense rock texture, giant scales like armor appeared.

"This is...fish scales?!"

The mahogany sword was connected with the rounded, finely connected giant scales, and Yamada Kengo only felt that he had cut a slippery reef, and the sword's power was taken aside.

"so hard!"

Immediately afterwards, a powerful counter-shock force struck, shattering the wooden sword in his hand into several pieces!

At the same time, the giant hand, which was also covered with scales under the black robe, reached his head at exactly this moment...

Obviously, this scene has long been expected.


With nowhere to take advantage of his body in the air, Yamada Kengo forcibly twisted his body and moved a step towards the outside, avoiding the fatal grip of the giant hand.

"Roar, I thought that most of the spirit eliminators are sissy-like weak chickens, but I didn't expect that there are also people with good physical fitness..."

Even so, Yamada Kengo's center of gravity was unbalanced, and after a few consecutive rolls, he stabilized his figure embarrassedly.

"You are qualified to know my name!"

When he raised his head, a huge black shadow rushed toward his face, covering everything in front of him.

"not good……"

Yamada Kengo subconsciously swung his sword and slashed...

However, the feeling of waving his hand tells him that this is just a black robe that the opponent rushes over!

"...It's in the game!"

In his "Smell Realm", the giant with a strong fishy smell all over his body has come behind him at a speed that does not match his size.

"Remember, the one who killed you was the Blessed One of Aum Shinrikyo No. 19 who controls the'Power of the Rockfish Workshop Master'!"

Too late to react, a giant hand wrapped in scales has already squeezed Yamada Kengo's head...

"This guy...very strong..."

It was too late, and it was only a matter of seconds since Yamada Kengo took the initiative to attack and was countered.

This giant seems to be rugged, but he unexpectedly relaxes and points to the point, faintly showing signs of military and police unarmed combat skills.

The most frightening thing is that from beginning to end, the opponent has not fully relied on physical superiority, so he has controlled Yamada Kengo, who takes the initiative and has the upper hand in speed.

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