"Fuck, fuck, I'm fighting with you!!!"

Before taking a closer look at the people who were wailing and falling to the ground, Iwata who was spared the first time dodged and survived, roared and raised his muzzle, aiming at the giant who came in front of him...


In the next second, an extremely huge palm has already pinched his body, and lifted it high amid the sound of broken bones.

"Is it from the Metropolitan Police Department? It came just right..."

Lifting Iwata Takeshi into the air more than three meters high, the "Taobozu" whose mask had already disappeared, showing a huge face, gritted his teeth and asked: "Say, our No. 3 boss of the "Four Masters", was Where are you locked up?!"

I think that after retiring from the Self-Defense Forces, I was unwilling to waste the perfect body and professional skills that were tempered day and night in the days and years of singing and singing in the Cowherd shop and gay shop...

The four of their brothers, under the leadership of "No. 3," became deep-net professional killers who licked their blood.

Later, "No. 3" took advantage of the opportunity of the task to get on the line with the president, and the talents such as himself had the opportunity to be "extraordinary" now.

Therefore, after "No. 3" was arrested for failing the assassination, the loyal three other people have been trying to rescue him, but the location of the special detention facility of the Metropolitan Police Department is too secret and has no clue.

"Four owners of the workshop? So that's it, the owners of Haifang, Gaofang, and Yanyufang..."

As if he had figured it out, Iwata smiled coldly, ignoring the tearing pain all over his body.

"Add the ‘black house owner’ in the special detention center, and make a complete set, right? If you want to know the location of your companion..."

"Say, where?!"

Takeshi Iwata was like mud, and the tone of his breath made "Master Takabo" close to his face.


Then, a mouthful of blood was spit on his huge face.

"Sorry... the "People's Confidentiality Regulations" are involved... you XXXXL bald heads... first go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to register, and then cooperate with him in the investigation."

"Tsk, the dead duck has a hard mouth. I will take your life today to sacrifice the flag of the'No. 3'boss..."

Sticking out his long tongue to lick the blood on his face, the power in the hands of "Master Takabo" increased again, and Iwata immediately fainted in the severe pain.

"Leave him alive, go back and slowly torture...This guy is their head, and he must know where the boss is being kept!"

The "Kaibozu" on the side also took advantage of the collapse of the "No. 01 Whiplash" of the "Lingyixiangdansha" and reached out to stop the "Kaobozu" beside him from continuing to turn Iwata Takeshi into fleshy mud.

"However, there is a greasy guy in there..."

The "Kaifang Master" shrank and disappeared into the puddle below him. He then jumped out of the "surface" from the side of Hiroshi Tsuguta who was wailing while holding his abdomen, and pinched his shiny Mediterranean Sea with two fingers. ...

"...Must be disposed of first."


The "Cocoon" who strode over turned over and tried to stop it, but was stepped on the ground by the "Gao Fangzhu" who had "developed" to a height of four meters and could not move.

"This guy is smelly and hard. He doesn't seem to be human... Doesn't he even shed blood? Boring."

Seeing the figure whose armor was gradually deformed like a can, but there was no trace of blood flowing out, the "Master Takabo" who held Iwata in his hand mumbled disappointedly.

"Hahahahaha, I was so cool just now, now it's up to me..."

"Kaifang Master" grinned and grabbed Hiroshi Tsuguta, and his huge body quickly retracted towards the puddle below...

"Decided, let you enjoy the joy of suffocation in the water, as a tribute!"

Everyone was seriously injured, and the "cocoon" of the bronze corpse of a hundred battles was also unable to move. Hiroshi Tsuneta and Takeshi Iwata fell into the hands of the two weird giants and were at stake...

The original stalemate situation has been completely destroyed between the moments of the appearance of No. 21, who possessed the "power of the master of Gaofang"!


Faced with the sudden collapse, Yamada Kengo, who was in a passionate collision with the "Yanyufangzhu", turned around in surprise and wanted to rush towards the other two.

"Hey, where are you looking..."


The rock-like hard fist of "Rock Fish Workshop Master" slammed his back fiercely, hammering the golden light surging on his body to a gloom.

"...Your opponent, it's me!"

It was the "Rock Fish Workshop Master" beside him who unceremoniously waited for the opportunity to make a move.


After being hit hard by this, Yamada Kengo flew to one side, turned several somersaults on the ground one after another, and hit a rock on one side.

"Like our divine power, in this world, there is no ability without a price!"

Instead of pursuing the victory, the "Rock Fish Workshop Master" stood there and smiled coldly: "If you guessed it correctly, your possessed golden light consumes vitality, right?!"

"How did you know...puff..."

Not far away, Yamada Kengo, who was on all fours and fighting again, suddenly vomited a cloud of blood.

"Kengo, the art of hiding armor is a secret technique driven by forcibly stimulating the body and blooming the essence of life! 』

In his mind, he couldn't help but echo the teachings of Teacher Shimoto when he taught his own secret technique.

"Although you are young and energetic and full of energy and blood, you can't last more than three minutes at a time, otherwise it will damage the origin of your energy and even reduce your life... It's gone."

Before he knew it, the stubble of the green skin on his temple had become a little gray.

"I'm sorry, sir...As a man, if he can only hold on for three minutes, he will be looked down upon by Miss Kato who said to me at the fan appreciation festival in the afternoon, "Go on!"

"Furthermore, the first shot is just a warm-up to increase durability, and the second shot is a real shot, isn't it common sense? 』

Wiping the corners of his mouth with a wry smile, Yamada Kengo only felt that the silt in his chest was cleared, and even his breathing became smoother.

"Wang Wu, since you can't beat the opponent, then win quickly! Use my sinful hand that Miss Kato has shook..."

He is on all fours like a dog, with his hands folded in front of him, his ring finger, middle finger, and thumb are upright, little finger and index finger are bent and crossed...


As soon as the voice fell, the dim golden light on his body quietly introverted, and the whole person disappeared from the sight of the "rock fish workshop owner" without warning.

Nine-character Mantra·Tibetan Armor·The Heart Mantra of the King of the Three Generations.

Yamada Kengo not only didn't withdraw the technique, but hid another one in his body!

"This kid... where's the person?!"

There was a faint sound of wind and thunder, passing by the "Haifang Master" who was holding Hiroshi Changtian in one hand and whose shoulders had sunk under the puddle...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

The sudden thunder light burst, and the 11th controlling the "Power of Haifang Master", his wrist was broken!

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