"Judging from the distance Yamada-kun saw the snowflakes before, Abe-kun and the others are probably in this position."

Iwata took out a fountain pen and drew a circle at the center of the square "Yuko Yoshihara" on the map.

"According to the map, this crossroad was once the location of the largest'Yangwu' in Yoshiwara Yuko, and it is also a bustling area where the vertical and horizontal arteries meet."

Hearing what he said, everyone turned their heads subconsciously to look at the burning "Yuko Yoshihara" not far away.

Compared with half an hour ago, the fiery flames and billowing smoke on the buildings that could not be burnt became thicker under the petals dancing in the air and falling to the ground...

On both sides of the street, you can see densely packed figures of Earthbound spirits wandering around...

At the same time, a figure wrapped in a black cloth galloped from the cherry blossom rain below the road.

When the pink petals fell above his head, they seemed to collide with something invisible, splashing fire repeatedly.


The several agents guarding the side calmly raised the muzzle in their hands.

"Don't get excited, it's me... The password is'original curry, no honey, add more curry powder.'"

The man removed the black cloth from his body, revealing a bright Mediterranean Sea reflected in the firelight.

"The password is correct...Vice President Tsugada...How are you..."

Only then did a few people see that the exorcism cloth was wrapped around the body like a cloak. It was Hiroshi Tsugada who was blushing and breathing heavily for some reason.

"I'm fine."

Walking out of the cherry blossom rain area, Tsukida Hiroshi's expression loosened, spreading the exorcism cloth on his body, and showing everyone the densely scorched black holes.

"The cherry blossom petals are already burning. Although the fire light is not powerful, it is difficult to get rid of because of the large number and ordinary means. The barrier of this exorcism cloth can only last for no more than half an hour..."

Just now, he brought the exorcism cloth specially and went to explore the area where the cherry blossom rain fell below the road.

"Not to mention, after staying in there for a long time, there will be many strange and strange thoughts in my heart..."

"Fortunately, we evacuated ahead of time, I almost couldn't control it..."

What Hiroshi Changtian didn't say was that the reason why he returned in a hurry was not because the exorcism cloth barrier was about to run out, but because...

Staying for another minute in the cherry blossom rain, he will not be able to restrain a certain kind of restlessness in his heart, incarnate as "a windbreaker from the rear" and officially welcome the death of society and the end of his career.

"Tsk, if even the barrier of the exorcism cloth can't last..."

After thinking for a while, Niya took out a small silver flat flask from under the skirt, unscrewed the lid and sprinkled it in the air...

"The Lord gives His pleasant rain and dew to those who look up, to those who stand tall, to those who open their mouths, and to those who stretch their tongues..."

With her hands folded in front of her chest, she prayed sincerely, and the misty mist shrouded the space above the fire and dark clouds within a kilometer.

Holy Prayer, the original rain.


The fluffy raindrops touched the firelight on the building, and instantly evaporated into white mist that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, mixed in the billowing black smoke and disappeared.

"No, the fire in this divine secret is too weird, even if the holy water is dropped in a large area, it is just a drop in the bucket."

After bowing her head, Niya shook her head helplessly.

"Sister Niya doesn't have to waste spiritual power anymore. If you weren't here today, we would all have gone to hell to report."


While everyone was feeling emotional, the nearest building below the road suddenly cracked.

The wooden building that originally stood in the fire and smoke, as if it would never be burned down, has become scorched and can't see its original appearance.


In the next second, the building seemed to be burnt down, and the wall on one side collapsed towards the ground, splashing sparks from the canopy.

"Wait, this building seems to be taller?"

Yamada Kengo on the side, looking at the scorched black wall that collapsed on the ground, suddenly fell on the stainless steel iron door: "And, in the Edo period, was there such a security door?"

"Listen, what sound is this?!"

At the same time, Araki Sosuke's ears moved slightly, as if he heard something.

"Ah... so hot..."

"Ahem... there is a fire, help!!"

Panic and desperate wailing, along with heavy smoke, floated from that building.

"The earthbound spirits wandering on the long street seem to have been transformed by people who burned to death."

Hiroshi Tsutsuta hadn't finished speaking, but felt that his hands were empty...

"When I passed below, I also heard their wailing before, don't be..."

"Damn it, you are not listening to me at all! 』

Araki Sosuke’s back, like a cheetah, has been rushing towards the building against the falling cherry blossom rain, stepping on the hot gravel road...

Because the movement was too fast, everyone didn't even notice that the cherry blossom petals falling in the air disappeared without a trace when they approached his body surface, and there was no chance of even turning into a fire.


When everyone reacted, he had already rammed into the small burning building.

"So fast... woow... this taste is... Senior, wait for me!"

Seeing Sosuke Araki's actions, the nose of Yamada Kengo on the side raised slightly, and he suddenly reacted to something. He fell on his limbs and turned into a gust of wind, and rushed into the burning small building.

"These two boys, even if they don't listen to people well, they still act arbitrarily..."

Scolded, but just saved by Sosuke Araki and Kengo Yamada, Tsukida Hiroshi naturally couldn't watch each other fighting alone.

"Quickly, people with exorcism cloth, come with me to meet them."

However, just when he took a few members in good condition to prop up the barrier, against the falling cherry blossom petals, and approached the building that was crumbling in the fire...


The flames and smoke in that small building, as if being sucked away by a vacuum cleaner, suddenly surged inward, and then disappeared without a trace.

Only the wall and the main frame are left, and the charred building, like a skeleton surrounded by black smoke after barbecue, stands alone in place.

It was in sharp contrast with the delicate wooden buildings still lingering in the thick smoke and flames around it.


At the same time, two gray-headed figures broke through the fragile wall of the small building...

"Get out of the way, this house is going to collapse!!!"

The faces of the two men were painted black with carbon dust, and they were carrying things wrapped in exorcism cloth on their shoulders and backs.


After they rushed out, the walls and roof of that building could no longer support its own structure, and leaned weakly to one side, completely falling apart...

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