"The little monk is pure, willing to use this body to practice six jackfruits, to treat all living beings with benefits, to drown oneself, to hunger oneself, to break into the realm of desire, colorlessness, and to overcome all living beings from suffering and even suffering. Have a good time!"

Back then, standing on the land of Buddha Guotai, standing in front of the operating room and making a vision, echoed in Kato Junko's ears.

"All the suffering beings are right in front of them..."

Once, because of the great horror between life and death, step back before the ambition, it will become an insurmountable moat in the practice of life!

"If I, Zong Chun, retreat here today, my ambition is shattered without mentioning it, I am afraid I will never be able to prove before the Taoist Master Konghai stupa!"


Ten years ago, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki City, Heima Temple.

"Teacher Konghai, Zong Chun has been confused recently."

In the "Fudo Hall" of the partial hall, a little novice monk with pink face and vermilion lips, tender and delicate, looked at the old monk who closed his eyes and whispered chanting beside him respectfully.

"There used to be a mountain, a temple on the mountain, an old monk and a little monk..."

"Teacher, the cycle of time and space, the cycle of cause and effect, and the endless logic behind this story, like a giant snake swallowing its tail, have been taught many times."

Hearing this sentence, the "automatic repetition Zen machine" that had to be repeated for several hours at the beginning, the little novice monk named "Zong Chun" quickly interrupted the teacher's words softly.

"Cough cough...so that's the case, why are you still puzzled?"

"Why, all the seniors can practice'Tianyan Tong', but they can't practice supernatural powers anymore... but Zongchun's aptitude is too dull?"

Taking a deep breath, Zong Chun still bluntly spoke out of the confusion in his heart.

"This day, I have one eye. Although it is the supreme supernatural power passed down from generations to generations by my Heijian Temple, it hides a great horror far beyond life and death! Although the other brothers and sisters are on this journey, it is very unlikely that they will be able to reach that realm...but You are different!"

Kukai closed his eyes and stretched out his hand, and sighed profusely on Zong Chun's "nen head", which was very handy.

"Zong Chun, your natural awakening inspiration, aptitude is rare in the Kawasaki Master Temple for a hundred years, and future achievements will inevitably be higher than me... Buddhism, not only the heavenly eye can be repaired in one way, you can let go and find your own way."

"Amitabha, do you find your own way? Zongchun knows..."

Zong Chun wanted to say something but stopped looking at the teacher who closed his eyes and chanted sutras, still puzzled in his big eyes.

"Besides, the disciple is still puzzled."

"Let's talk."

"Obviously, the "Removal of the Ban on Meat Eating Wife" allows monks to grow hair, marry wives, have children, and eat wine and meat. But why, once the monks of Heijian Temple like Brother Zongteng break their precepts, they can only return to the vulgarity?"

At noon today, Brother Zongteng was found outside the temple to provide a "physical purification" service to a female pilgrim...

In the afternoon, he was packed and wrapped, and was mercilessly expelled from the temple gate.

Brother Zongteng cultivated in the temple together with him since he was a child, and he has deep feelings. Although his spiritual power is weak and his Buddhist aptitude is mediocre, he is very well-trained in physical skills, especially his first-hand eagle fingering and Vairocana.

It is really embarrassing to be driven down by the master cruelly because of a break of the precept.

"Zong Chun, let me ask you, what is the precept?"

"Back to the teacher, Shiluo means precepts, which means prevention is not to stop evil, but Bracha means law, which means law. What the ring cannot do, law is what should be done."

"Why are the Five Precepts?"

"No killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no drinking."

"What are the ten commandments of novices?"

"The ten precepts of novices are not to kill, not steal, not to harbour, not to lie, not to drink, to leave the height of the bed, leave the flower ring, leave the song and dance, etc. Eating..."

In the face of the teacher's question, Zong Chun answered fluently and recited the clear rules and precepts that he had cultivated since childhood and had long been implanted in his heart.

Buddhism has clear rules and precepts, complicated drama and many entries.

The five precepts are the basic precepts for Buddhist disciples, and they should be observed regardless of whether they are a monk at home.

The ten precepts of novice monks are the precepts observed by the disciples of novice monks at the Kawasaki Master Temple.

The monks of Kafeng Bhikkhu are more strict and need to be "have sufficient precepts", follow the eight categories of Parayi, Sangha Venerable Sha, Indefinite, Sacha, Single Sakha, Parati Tishani, All Learning, and Extinction. Two hundred and fifty commandments.

"The precepts are the foundation of the supreme Bodhi, and are the disciplines and methods of the practice of the seven people. If we do not adhere to the precepts, it is no different from the sea of ​​suffering without a boat..."

"The royal family originally issued the "Release the Ban on Carnivorous Wife Bandage" which involved the dispute between Shintoism and our Buddhism, in an attempt to use the law to prey and erode the foundation of my Buddhism practice."

Kukai sighed slightly with the Buddha beads in her hand.

"The five precepts at home and the ten precepts of novices can’t be kept yet. What if you have enough precepts? Rather than letting Zongteng jail his life in front of this ancient Buddha, it’s better to experience it in the world and the evil karma of people. There is a world."

"Being born and entering the world are both cultivation, and the winners are Taoists, and there is no difference between them. Just as I don't tell you that you can understand the world, you will eventually find your own ‘Tao’."

"Whoever wins is Taoist, there is no difference... So, no matter where you are, is the most important thing to stick to your own Tao?"

After repeating the teacher's teachings, Zong Chun nodded his head seemingly understandable: "The teacher has worked hard, Zong Chun has been taught."

"The heart and horse run into the evil way, and it is hard to stop letting go. The Buddha says that all precepts are just like a bridle. Precepts are like a boat, where life and death without beginning is the shore, the body, mouth and mind are the middle stream, and the liberation of the three karma is the other shore... Zongchun, I Let me ask you..."

Kukai slowly got up, stretched out his hand and whimpered on Zongchun's thin and tender green skin a few times, and headed towards his own wing...

"When I lived in this world, you could still follow me as a teacher. After my Nirvana, who should you follow as a teacher?"

Only Zong Chun, who was thinking hard, knelt and sat in the hall alone.

"Who is the teacher...who has a higher level of cultivation than the master's Dharma and can show me where the Tao lies?"

Looking at the Buddha statue in front of him in a daze, he gradually realized enlightenment in his big round eyes.


"I follow my Buddha as a teacher and follow the path of transcending sentient beings..."

Kato Junko, with long hair flying around in the endless desire, muttered to herself in a vague expression.

"Could it be wrong after all?"

The "Incarnation of Bliss" above her head is also like a sand sculpture, broken into pink particles, scattered with the wind...

"The two tauren over there, please listen to me...Songsuke Araki, the eliminator under the spirit, is code-named "Shijing Da lonely macho"..."

Vaguely, there was a man's noisy roar, being sent to his ears by the howling wind...

"...You are surrounded by me! ! ! 』

"Is it Araki-kun... It's too late, but unfortunately, after all, I still didn't have a good discussion with you..."

The Buddha-nature in Junko Kato's soul finally couldn't bear the constant influx of desires, and began to fall apart...

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