"Ok... so fast..."

"This enchantress in his body... actually knows how to do it? ! 』

Behind Araki Sosuke, the pair of black fists that seemed heavy and as thick as a train suddenly turned into a black afterimage in Niya's eyes with a frequency of eight punches per second...

Wing Chun·Japanese Punch Boxing! ! !

Whenever the buildings that were hit by the black fists that blasted out at high speed, the flames lingering on them immediately dissipated resentment, and went back down like a range hood...

The fast-moving warrior of the Warring States period instantly turned into a black tornado in the "dense smoke" package, blowing out the large "fire scene" along the way in an instant!

"Asshole... This is too fast..."

Riding on the locomotive, Araki Sosuke looked up, and under the fading "Pink Moon" overhead, the fire-shrouded building complex was completely invisible...

The spread speed of this pink flame has exceeded his current "fire extinguishing" speed.


At the same time, a helicopter that was spraying exorcism salt in mid-air in an attempt to suppress the fire suddenly touched the falling sparks in the air, and then weakly tilted to the side...


In the horrifying gaze of Sosuke Araki and Niya, the helicopter in the distance whirled and fell straight to the rooftop of a nearby building...


The flames of the explosion swallowed the wreckage of the helicopter in an instant!


Immediately afterwards, in the block on the other side, the collision sounded one after another.

"This is the maneuver team... Since we couldn't escape the flames, we lost one helicopter and two ambulances... 12 retired agents..."

In the communication channel, the low report of the mobile team made everyone feel very sad.

"This is the website business department of the Association of Spirit Slayers. Please leave the fire area immediately, save the vigorous force, search and rescue people in a safe area, and transfer the people... The matter of entering the fire area and saving people is left to the professionals!"

After a while, the voice of the thick sea and land made the noise in the silent channel restored.

"Mobile team, received..."

"The information team received that a large-scale manpower has been deployed to evacuate the outer area, but the'fire' has spread too fast. Please try to stop the'fire source' as soon as possible."

"Mosimosi... Araki-kun, Sister Niya, can you hear me... This is a separate encrypted communication for you."

The next second, Sosuke Araki and Niya suddenly fell silent in their earphones.

"Because an irresponsible old lady went to set up equipment on the rooftop to observe this'girl's heart' fire from a distance, so temporarily I will be your'navigator'."

Immediately afterwards, only Hou Hailu Dou's helpless voice was eager to try.

"I will share with you a tactical map that simulates imaging based on images observed by drones..."

A real-time three-dimensional bird's-eye view of Taito District immediately appeared on the two people's lenses.

"You can hear it, and the map can be seen very clearly. It's this slime icon..."

"Oh ha ha ha, the upright stick-shaped pink slime represents the'fire'. Is this the confusing taste of the Japanese NETA?"

"This, this is the material grabbed in the gallery in a hurry... And, what's wrong with slimes, you know a bubble teapot!" 』

On the three-dimensional map with simple lines, the pink slime icon representing the "flame-occupied area" has covered most of the buildings in Taitung District.

"At present, the speed at which the fire extinguishes in the area you are passing through is only one-fifth of the speed at which the fire spreads."

"Hey, I thought it would be at least one-half."

Hearing the reference data, Sousuke Araki, who kept galloping all the way, manipulating the "fire extinguishing whirlwind" with his arms behind him, looked a little ugly.

"According to the current trend, the fire is expected to spread to the Eastern District in half an hour. What does that mean, you should know?"

"I know……"

"That means that like Araki-kun, countless single (virgin) young men who have a bright future for the future will be taken away by Kato-sensei’s fire for the first time in the vain, even if by luck they did not die of dehydration. Hemaofeng will also spend a sad life in the dullness of'the sea was once difficult for the water'."

"Hey, Miss Sister, this is the time, so you don't need to use me as a template to give such a detailed example. 』

Houhailudou and Niya are right. Due to the post-disaster reconstruction, Taitung District is currently basically a no-man’s land.

Even the workers on the construction site were in a sober state to work overtime, so the evacuation was completed soon.

However, this high-speed spreading pink flame that can turn people into "vegetatives" will spread to a large area in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, which is the most densely populated city in the world, and the number of people affected will be disastrous.

"Just received news that the "Five Spirits Sealing Formation" in Yinyangliao and the "Wind and Thunder Formation" of Sensoji Temple have been activated."

A faint fluorescence lighted up on Genwenye Avenue, which separates Sensoji Temple and Yoshihara Shrine from west to east...

"It seems that the current situation may not be as bad as we thought..."

A handful of pink flames that had already approached the avenue were instantly blocked by a wall of fluorescent light.

"Not bad. It seems that those yin and yang rooms that are high above and only serve big people have two tricks."

"It's not over yet. Next, it's time for professionals to enter."

From a bird's-eye view of the drone equipped with a smart surveillance camera, several ant-like dots began to form a team into Taitung District.

"Professionals?! This, this is..."

A man wearing blood-red armor and running wild with his feet...

Monks with bright scalps, holding prayer beads, chanting words, neatly lined up...

A priest wearing a moon-white hunting suit and countless talisman papers flying around...

The maiden in a white dress and red hakama, holding a god's bell and royal coin, began to form a battle on the spot...

The Gypsy mother-in-law whirling with a crystal ball and constantly closing her eyes to feel something...

A Japanese-Indian monk holding a "hanging folding staff", a white robe Shengxue, and carrying a few boxes of heavy "Evil Spirit Retreat Water", who is still walking fast...

As the drone shooting angle zoomed in, under the leadership of Hiroshi Tokuta, Kengo Yamada, and Abe Temple, dozens of men, women, and children with different dresses and religious atmosphere appeared in the excited sight of Sosuke Araki.

"Tomimon Shinto, Meiji Shrine, Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kawasaki Daishiji Temple, Sensoji Temple, the folk dementers in the association..."

There are many familiar faces in Sosuke Araki.

"In short, all the spirits who are registered in Tokyo and able to rush over have already gathered in Taito City for the first time."

More, it was a spirit remover he had never seen before, but felt very kind at this time.

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