As the "flesh and blood" pieces formed by the pink flames fell off, the "Essence Incarnation" suddenly became a boneless "Death incarnation"!

Thanks to the "handslip" caused by "separation of flesh and blood", this "female version of the human teaching skeleton model" emerged from the grip of the six black arms, and continued to sit down...

"Wait, what's the situation..."

I haven't yet reacted to the sudden change in front of me, as the white pelvic bones of the train tunnel have already rushed toward my face!

Araki Sosuke found embarrassingly that he stood proudly under the waist of this half-black bodhisattva...

"Could it be that I will form D...Bah!"

Regardless of its size, position or shape, it looks like it is located under the black Buddha, about to connect with the giant skeleton in front of you, forming a certain "connecting device" of the "Happy Buddha"!

"You scuba diving black guy, usually eat mine, live mine, read my study materials, rub my thermos..."

"Puff, pop, pop..."

Encountered a major crisis in life (virginity), Sosuke Araki was driven by a strong desire to survive, and his body trembled crazily, and while using too much force to squeeze out some kind of gas...

"Now that the big 囡 is here, you still want to use me to make up big sea bream, Araki, and yuyaki?!"


As if feeling the anger of Araki Sosuke, the flames of the scriptures on the surface of the six huge black arms burst and turned into afterimages to capture the "incarnation of nirvana" again...

Immediately afterwards, the three-headed six-armed black giant rose again...

Beneath the half-length black Buddha, the sturdy, cross-legged legs, as well as the pure black lotus platform composed of countless wailing skulls, completely separated from the body of Araki Sosuke, and rose into the sky!

"This, this... absolutely, absolutely... uh-huh..."

The boneless "incarnation of death" was lifted up by the giant black Buddha that suddenly appeared in full from the back of Sosuke Araki. He used six sturdy arms to support his hands and feet, against his chest, and lifted up...

"No, it's not...what dharmakaya...aha..."

Junko Kato only felt that his mind was enveloped by an irresistible terror that seemed to extinguish everything, and the faith and flames that had finally recondensed in the Law Bodies were all passing by quickly...

"Could it be, no, impossible...oh..."

A terrible conjecture just surfaced in her mind. Those "desires", "beliefs" and "bliss" absorbed by her began to come back in an uncontrollable manner under the force of leaving the body...


In this state, let alone continue to "sit down", she can't even maintain the basic thinking...


In the unconscious wailing, this "incarnation of nirvana" was held up by the strong black Buddha that exudes endless aura of destruction, and rushed into the night sky like a cart...

Under the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, it turns into tiny pieces of bones and blooms like fireworks!

"Wow, it turns out that this guy's whole picture looks like this, and the 3D effect looks a lot more imposing...Tsk, you can't see if you cross your legs..."

"However, this kind of bulky thing usually goes back and forth in my body, in and out, is it really hygienic? 』

Standing on the ground, Sosuke Araki covered his forehead with his hands, and watched the scene in the night sky dumbfounded with Kobe, who was kneeling on the ground.

On the night of the Obon Festival, it was so drunk, and the video of Koi Garden was also vaguely shot...

This was the first time he had glimpsed the whole picture of this "big black guy" in his body.

The 206 bones of the "Incarnation of Nirvana" shattered into white fluorescence in mid-air, falling in all directions like a meteor shower...

This is the faith that those people gave, and they have returned to their original masters.

"No... I... my joyful Dharma, how could I lose..."

The bones were scattered, and only Junko Kato, who was wearing a kimono with a large-stretched sleeve and a dull face with horror, faced this terrifying black Buddha alone.

"It must be that the ‘belief’ incorporated into the body is not enough..."

The kimono on her body was also torn apart under this terrible power, and only a piece of red fur of unknown origin was still wrapped around her arm.

"Just give me some more time..."

With the faint firelight and scarlet energy blooming on the fur, Junko Kato suddenly turned into a pink light and disappeared into the night sky like a shooting star.


Seeing this scene, Araki Sosuke, who thought he was already "winner", hurriedly ran in the direction where the pink meteor passed...

"Over and over again...and over and over again..."

The last time Junko Kato ran away, only a small number of people in the sparsely populated Taitung District were exposed to the danger of "being beaten to dehydration and dementia by forcibly hitting XX."

If this time go to a place with more crowds, I am afraid it will lead to even more terrible indifference...

"Kato Junko!!!"

In the incomparably frenetic, Araki Sosuke's thoughts and ideas have been concentrated like never before...

"This, this feeling is..."

A mysterious feeling appeared in his heart.

"Hey, did you go there?"

The other person’s figure that had completely disappeared from sight, on the contrary, became clearer than ever in intuition, as if he was firmly locked in by a certain mind...

"No matter if you run to the end of the world..."

An unprecedented mysterious feeling rises from the bottom of my heart...

"...I must catch you!"

It seems that as long as you want to, you can come to her right away!

"Venerable do not blame yourself..."

Kneeling down on the ground, at this moment, he withdrew his gaze from the magnificent black Buddha on the sky.

"You can repel the demonized Zongchun, and you have saved the great merits of the entire Tokyo..."

He was about to say something to comfort the Araki Sosuke, who was running in vain under the rain...

"No matter where this remnant flees, my Kawasaki Master Temple will find it back, even if the rest of my life is exhausted..."

"Exhausted the rest of my life?! My uncle caught her back in five minutes..."

I saw the naked Araki Sosuke smile cruelly, the dense tattoos on his body suddenly burst into flames, and his running legs instantly turned into shadows...

"...Venerable, Venerable?!"

Then, he disappeared before Kofa without warning.

"Amitabha, Venerable Araki really possesses great supernatural powers. It's beyond the imagination of ordinary folks like me. No wonder Mr. Kukai back then..."

Hongfa raised his head blankly, and found that the huge black Buddha in the night sky, like a mountain of flames, was also missing.

"Seeing ignorance now, knowing nothing, and accomplishing nothing, like a shadow in the water, not moving, not following the Dharma, if you don't practice the Dharma, it's the name and form..."

In the restored Honmyo Temple ruins, the propaganda seems to have awakened to something, and has no longer cared about checking the unconscious monks around.

"The body and mind are like illusions, it's not me, I don't have what I have...I can witness the reality of Shenfu Tong with my own eyes, and the little monk has no regrets in this life!"

Sitting naked and solemnly on his knees, he bowed and bowed three times in the direction where Araki Sosuke disappeared under the rain curtain.

Shenzutong, also known as the spiritual realm, the body, and the body's wishful thinking, is one of the six Buddhist abilities. The mind is free and unobstructed, and it appears where all sentient beings in the ten directions follow their minds.

The fifth volume of the Great Wisdom Degree has stated that there are three wishful ideas in Shenzutong. The body can fly like a bird without hindrance, moving far away makes it impossible to come near, and one thought can come.

But since Buddhism was recorded, even Japan’s most famous reincarnation, Prince Shotoku, who was born with destiny and well-versed in the past and present, has never revealed his supernatural powers.

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