"Please pay attention to all units, please pay attention to all units..."

Just when the two fought into a ball because of the "right to rescue" of the Enkawa maiden, the communication channel heard the urgent and frightened voice of the information group.

"Above Bunkyo District, two huge, unregistered transcendent existences were observed, and they are suspected to be fighting..."

In the dark clouded night sky, a black Buddha with three heads and six arms sitting cross-legged on a skeletal lotus platform, burning scriptures on the surface, and a "slender" white bone with obvious female physical signs and bent legs appeared quietly...

These two huge figures "one push and one sit", weirdly and subtly stalemate together, in the sight of the entire Tokyo spirit remover and inspiration observation unit, keeping the posture of the angry Buddha cart and rushing into the sky!

"Stop, stop first... Is this, the Heima Black Buddha?"

"Then, what is that white bone... and this posture, is the Buddha of Huanxi?!"

Before everyone can see clearly, the huge white bones have been torn apart under the violent "cart", scattered into the sky...

No one noticed that a fragile pink "shooting star" quietly swept towards the south.

"This dark and thick thing doesn't look like a waste..."

"Yes, although there are a few more hands, the scriptures on the surface are exactly the same. One, it must be in his body..."

"In that case, can the bones be Kato-sensei's Law Bodies?!"

Looking at the black Buddha's six hideous arms and the familiar flame scriptures above, Hiroshi Tsuneta and Kengo Yamada looked at each other, tacitly covering each other's mouths, and stopped the name that was about to blurt out.

"It can't be wrong, so this rain must also be related to the secret security on him... Could it be that he gave that thing to Sister Niya in an emergency?" 』

"It doesn't count if Kato-sensei's law body is "dried" and turned into thick bones, but it must be directly broken into pieces...It is indeed a "Slavic squat who smashed the pubic bone"! 』

This black Buddha in someone's body belongs to the "Top Secret" category of the Soul Eliminators Association and cannot be exposed to the communication channel at will.

"Wait, it disappeared! Please be alert to all units, the unknown target is missing..."

The black Buddha sitting cross-legged in the night, after smashing the white bone into the pubic bone, disappeared into the night out of thin air...

"The rain, the rain stopped..."

The sparse raindrops above his head stopped completely at exactly this moment.

"The report, according to drone observations and the confirmation by the spirit removers in the area, that the residual flames in the'fire field' have been completely extinguished, and regular rescue forces are allowed to enter the site..."

The flames, the rain curtain, and the two terrifying figures in the night sky all vanished like an illusion that had never appeared before...

There is only a quiet, messy area of ​​Taitung, filled with subtle smells and pungent and indescribable liquid scents.


Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

In the quiet backyard, there are rows of pagodas, just like stone forests that have never changed.

Suddenly, a pink flame fell from the night sky and landed straight in the courtyard...


The fire dissipated, and a woman with a strong figure and no strands quietly fell to the ground, adding a touch of reverie sentiment to this originally quiet place.

A piece of dark red fur with a faint flame was still wrapped around her arm.

"I...whoo...how come I got here..."

Gasping for breath, this woman who was sweating and weak enough to stand up, raised her head strenuously and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"Could it be in my subconscious...no, I can't come back yet, at least not now..."

When she saw where she was, she paled and tried to support her body with difficulty, but fell to the ground because of her strength.

"I, Zong Chun, should never come back here like a bereaved dog..."

The naked woman who appeared in the pagoda enshrined at the Kawasaki Daishiji Temple was the former genius Junko Kato, who is a popular actress and former genius monk.

She suddenly appeared here in this weird way in the middle of the night, naturally not for filming the unreleased "Undead" series.

After the ruins of Honmyo Temple was smashed by Araki Zongsuke with a black Buddha cart, she was delirious. She escaped her life in the form of Fenyan at a critical moment, but she didn't even think about it...

Perhaps this is the place in her heart where she most wants to go.

"Junior Brother Zongjie... ah... I lost..."

At this moment, the fear of being squeezed out of the giant Buddha's power and being enveloped in the terrifying atmosphere of evil karma waiting for destruction, came to my mind again afterwards.

Without the "sudden explosion" of this piece of fur on her hand, I am afraid that the black Buddha who has just solved the "Incarnation of Nirvana" would completely defeat her in the next second.


A wisp of breeze burst out from between the pagodas, blowing across Kato Junko's pale and pretty face, sprinkling harsh singing and countless scarlet energy.


"No, I didn't lose in "Happy Dharma"..."

Being familiar with the countless scarlet energies, Kato Junko seemed to be rescued by an electric shock, and the cunning rabbit's chest moved forward...

Then, she held the dark red leather in her hand tightly, her eyes surging unwillingly, and struggling to prop up her body.

"I also want to... ignite more ‘faith’... to become stronger..."

As if feeling her unwillingness, the dark red leather turned inward and poured out several fire lights, spreading up her body surface...

"Yes, exactly……"

Strength moisturizes her dry body like a desert...

"Not enough, but more..."

Kato Junko smiled obsessively and cheerfully.

"...I will definitely defeat Junior Brother Zong Jie after I have enough ‘belief’ in my mind!"

Slowly propping up the surging body from the ground, Kato Junko's eyes became indifferent again under the intertwining of countless scarlet filaments.

"Then, come back here again and prove to Mr. Kukai that his original choice was wrong!"

Pink flames gush out from every pore of her white and greasy skin, and gather in the air on the surface of her body, gradually forming the outline of the "incarnation of bliss"...

"I heard..."

Abruptly, a low and hoarse voice sounded behind Kato Junko.

"...It looks like someone is calling my name?"

I don't know when, the space behind her shattered like a mirror with countless cracks, and then a tall figure broke out from it.

In the darkness, one could only see the man's strong upper body with burning tattoos, and a pair of golden and white eyes blooming, just like a life-desiring ghost crawling out of hell.

"How, how, how is it possible?!"

Feeling the meaning of the infinitely terrifying death behind him, Junko Kato slammed a violent spirit and set off a huge wave.

"You...how...maybe here?!"

Even if she didn't have to look back, she knew who came.

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