"Sorry, my guild leader, Zai Xia was rude just now! But, why are you here alone?"

That’s right, standing in front of the stone, this white-haired old man wearing a Taoist robe and a wooden sword, who seems to be going to the park for morning exercises, is his highest boss, the president of the Spirit Eliminator Association, a national treasure exemption from the level of "three". The spiritual man, Tokimoto Ichiro.

"Oh ha ha ha, I didn't sleep well when I was old, and there was such a big incident tonight, I just wanted to come here early and run in the morning by the way."

Tokimoto Ichiro smiled kindly, and patted Shikami's arm affectionately: "Thank you, Ishigami-kun, it's not easy for you."

"Guild Chairman Shiben has said that, compared with the spirit killers who use our lives to fight on the front line, we non-combatants who have only weak inspiration, no talent for cultivation, and only take charge of logistics affairs, it is nothing to work overtime. "

Looking at the respected and amiable old man in front of him, Ishigami-kun humbly bowed deeply to him, and secretly scanned around the laneway with guilty eyes.

"No, I mean, Ishigami-kun, not only did you complete the work of the association very well, but you are also busy passing on the information to the "Aum Shinrikyo". It is really not easy..."

In the next second, Shimoto Ichiro's tone was kind, like a morning greeting, but he petrified the stone that kept his ninety-degree bow directly in place.

The most fearful, the air is suddenly quiet.

"Chairman Shiben, you must have heard something wrong. The call just now was actually a joke with my friend."

After a few seconds, Ishigami straightened up in a panic, seeming to want to explain...

"There must be something in it..."

Then, he suddenly took out a slightly reflective object from the lining of the suit and touched it to Shimoto Ichiro's forehead.


It was a silver-white silenced pistol.

"President Shiben, I advise you not to do anything suspicious... After all, no matter how powerful a spirit remover is, he can't resist bullets at this distance."

Seeing the old man in front of him did not move from start to finish as if he was shocked, Shighang exhaled a suffocating breath with great concentration.

"Your'Hundred Wars Bronze Corpse' seems to be still near Taitung District. It can't come faster than a bullet, right?"

"From the time when the Exemption Examination was granted, the movement of the Association's spirit exemptors seemed to be clearly controlled by others. After squatting for so long, I didn't expect the inner ghost to be Ishigami-kun you..."

As if he was not surprised by the situation in front of him, Shimoto Ichiro ignored the black hole on his forehead and just stared at the opponent quietly: "I just want to know, why?"

"Hey, why...Of course, in exchange for the miracle that the ‘Aum Truth Society’ dropped, and gain the power to protect yourself!"

Hearing this question, I have always been humble and gentle on the stone, but at this time a self-deprecating grin appeared at the corner of my mouth: "If I could have a choice, I would rather not encounter these so-called'extraordinary events' and see the world as the most real, terrifying and desperate. Looks like!"

"That way, I can continue the ordinary life trajectory of'graduating from a prestigious university, becoming an elite in the workplace, getting married and having children, getting annuities when retiring, taking money from my wife and running away with a cowboy, and dying in a bubble bath shop at the age of 80'!"

It seems that these words have been suppressed in his heart for a long time, and his original white face has gradually become mad and distorted.

"But, already knowing the truth of the world, how can I continue to live pretending to be deaf and dumb after receiving the training?!"

"I naively thought that by joining the association, I would be able to gain the ability to fight against those things. However, the more serious I work, the more I truly realize that in the world of'transcendence', the insurmountability between people is insurmountable. , The gap called'talent'!"

The bitterness and helplessness accumulated over the years seems to have exploded at this moment.

"Hey, what's the use of telling you this...you those who are talented and superior spirit removers, how can you understand how hard and weak we are little people with only weak inspiration?"

"Once, among the founding members of the association, there was an ordinary person who was worse than you and had no weak inspiration..."

Seeing the completely distorted Ishigami-kun in front of him, Shimoto Ichiro sighed slightly.

"In the face of these unknown existences, he has not flinched. Instead, he has used his expertise to solve many problems time and time again."

"Not only that, but he also creatively proposed the idea of ​​making ‘spiritual removal items that can be used by ordinary people’...Hiroshi is now passing on his ideas."

"Sorry, President Shiben, I want to ask, where is the founding member in your mouth now, and is it alive or dead?"

Ishigami sneered disdainfully and interrupted the other party.

"This...I don't know..."

"That's not right, I'm just a small person who wants to protect myself, but I don't have the great feelings of yours."

Seeing Tokimoto Ichiro who silently shook his head, Ishigami laughed at himself, and his fingers on the trigger trembled slightly: "Since his identity has been exposed, I can only use your life as a'souvenir' in the return meeting. Anyway. In the past two years, I have also accumulated enough'sacred objects' to become the favored ones..."

With that said, he squeezed the trigger at his fingertips suddenly: "The final battle is about to begin. No one can survive the ‘God’s Wrath’. You are just one step ahead of the others!"

"To blame, blame this world that has been completely distorted and is about to collapse!"


There was a crisp trigger sound, but no bullets fired from the muzzle.

The most fearful, the air is suddenly quiet X2.

"When is this..."

For a moment, Ishigami-kun realized that the gun in his hand had been dismantled from the magazine.


Immediately afterwards, a thick, long and round peach wood sword continued to magnify in front of his eyes...

"Hey, although the old man is very old and not as strong as before, he is the only one who can practice the skill of changing the sky and changing flowers and trees day and night."

Withdrawing the wooden sword in his hand, Shimoto Ichiro pasted several pieces of talisman paper on Ishigami-kun, who was unconscious and with a large red mark on his face...

"At the beginning of Xiyun, the pavilion is sinking, and the rain is about to come and the wind will fill the building."

Looking back at the brighter sky above his head, Shimoto Ichiro’s wrinkled eyes were full of resolute meaning: "Haruto, Kino, and Keiji, I wasted my time for so many years. There are not many days, and I have not been able to find out the mastermind behind those things..."

"This time, no matter how many fierce beasts are hidden under the surface of the sea, even if I abandon this old bone, I have to dive down and take a look at the true face of ‘that organization’!"

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