"Tsk, stop joking with me, here, which one has no life on hand...This underground criminal office, can't you just kill anyone to get in?"

"Wait, you, you are..."

When he saw the criminally full face of the blond man, the "nipple brother" behind the fence suddenly let go of the other's hand like an electric shock, and fell onto the tatami.

"Araki Sosuke?!"

The unbearable past that happened in the small toilet on the mountainside of Toyama Park came to my heart again.

The two brothers, clearly used their lore 2P combo skills, but after this monster-like man counterattacked, they were "one shot into the soul". After regaining consciousness, they were blindfolded and handcuffed to the police car and sent directly into the car. this place.

"Huh? You two know me?"

Hearing someone name his own, the blond man with a drunk face glanced at the two with some doubts.

"Which way, I don't remember that there is a guy with this kind of calcium in Nuluo Fist and Phoenix..."

That's right, the man who appeared here with messy hair, a hangover look, and only a pair of underwear all over his body was Sosuke Araki.

"What...you kid, pretend to be stupid, right..."

"Since you have come in, you have to do a good job of calculating the previous accounts!"

The face of "Brother Nipples" immediately turned pale.

It is precisely because of the failure to assassinate this boy named Araki Sosuke that the two of them will be locked up here and lost the happy time of Ye Ye Shengge...

As a result, the other party actually said that he did not know him? !

"I'm sorry, Araki-kun, you don't care about them, please go here..."

"Asshole, don't harass our guests! 』

At the same time, the police officer walking in front noticed that someone was "left behind", and immediately turned around, took out a thick black stick, and involuntarily stabbed the "nipples brother" behind the fence...

"Wait...Araki...Uh ah ah ah ah..."


After being ruthlessly overwhelmed by the current, the "nipples brother" can only fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and watch the "underpants man" leave him with a vaguely gaze...

"Araki Sosuke?!"

Hearing this name, the men who were in the "own world" in the other cells all approached the fence like crazy.

"Please forgive me...I already knew I was wrong..."

"Let them let me go!"

"Please, put out the fire... My heart is burning all the time, I can't fall asleep at all!"

When Araki Sosuke passed by, they swayed like walking corpses, hitting the iron fence, crying and begging each other bitterly.

"Oh? Is there such an abnormal type that is closed here..."

Sosuke Araki did not stop because of them, but just followed the police officer behind him like visiting a zoo, curiously looking at the men in the cell...

"No, don't go!!!"

"Wait a minute, that's..."

For some reason, after passing by with Sosuke Araki, the manic men suddenly closed their mouths and slowly fell to the ground while rubbing the fence.

"As a result of the rules, I temporarily wronged Mr. Araki, you rest here, and the Deputy Section Chief Iwata will arrange for you to be investigated later..."

In the corridor, it became extremely quiet for a while, and only the agent's humble tone like a hotel waiter remained.

"Lunch, dinner, snacks and everything else you need, you can tell me and make arrangements for you right away..."

"Do you need three servings of wagyu sukiyaki, belly tuna sushi, and live conger eel rice bowl?" Wait for me to remember...what, TV, SWTICH, learning DVD, A book, vacuum flask, the latest issue of JUMP...Okay, well, I've written it all down, although there are a few of them that should be impossible... 』

Because, under the guidance of the police officers, toward the back of the cell at the end of the corridor, a Bodhisattva sitting on the skull lotus platform with glaring eyes, staring at them vividly and without anger.


Three hours later, Harajuku Underground Criminal Affairs Office, interrogation area.

"Sousuke Araki, 23 years old, major in sociology and ethics at Shibuya University of Economics..."

From the floor to the ceiling, the fully enclosed interrogation room, covered with runes, zhulian ropes, and talisman paper, was shining white by the table lamp on the table.

"The code name of the eliminator is'Senjing, the lonely fierce man', and the exemption level...wait..."

Two detectives in suits read aloud the information in their hands to the man in prison uniform across the table.


"Exemption from level three, isn't that the same as Fujiwara Takumi and Kobo presided over them? 』

"Is the association wrong? I clearly remember that I had read the information during the joint operation before, and it was Saka Mian Xu. 』

When they read the other's permission level, the two looked at each other suspiciously, and then went on with a calm face.

"Suspected of destroying other people's property..."

"Openly molested in public places..."


"...And, intentional killing!"

"What do you want to say about the above suspected crime?"

"Well, about the first two items, I think I can explain a little bit... but the murders and thefts later have nothing to do with me!"

Opposite the two detectives, Araki Sosuke, who was wearing prison uniforms, holding his chest with hands on his chest, crossing Erlang’s legs, and biting a cigarette in his mouth, seriously denied the accusations against him, adding: “By the way, the association’s information is correct. , My current exemption level is three..."

"...This is the ‘three’ that the old man Shimoto and I ‘joined’ confirmed last night, and the monthly basic subsidy is as high as 5 million yen!"

Sitting across from the two agents, he did not feel conscious of being "interrogated" and treated the cameras in all directions as air.

"Araki-kun, don't you know why you were revoked bail and taken into custody for investigation?"

"The one you mentioned just now..."

One of the agents couldn't help but patted the table lightly, and stopped Araki Sosuke's words, tears flickering faintly in his eyes.

"National Taoist teachers registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the consultant of the Royal Honorary Director, the founder and chairman of the Association of Eliminators, and the exemption level 3, code-named "Shimoto Shanren". Mr. Honichiro..."

"...At 8:34 this morning, I was found dead in my office. The cause of death was pierced in the back of the neck by a sharp weapon!"

"According to the fingerprints on the murder weapon, the curls on the scene, booger, footprints and other objective objects, as well as the surveillance records in the corridors of the association, the first criminal suspect was the only person who entered and exited the outdated president’s office one hour before the body was discovered. Of you!"

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